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Seven Ways to Overcome Shyness - Start Using Them Now!

Most shy people try to console themselves with words like “I'm not shy. I'm just a quiet person.” How funny, because those two concepts - that of shyness and quietness - though they may seem similar, are from two different worlds. A quiet person has no problem mixing with crowds, but will only speak if they have something worth saying. Otherwise, they just shut up and listen. The shy person on the other hand, is bursting with the desire to speak, but is unable to because of the throat-clamping feeling of anxiety.

It's easy to overcome shyness! All you need to do is acknowledge that you are shy, and that you want to take steps to curing the defect. Here are seven tips for you to overcome shyness:

* Learn to love yourself. Appreciate that you are shy, but not retarded. Do not let the feeling that you are socially redundant because you are shy permeate into your mind. Your shyness is not a disadvantage therefore you should come to terms with it. This is the first step to banishing shyness.

* Seek out your discomfort. If you do not exercise your conversational activities, you might not lose of the feeling of shyness. Another step to overcome shyness is by deliberately seeking out social events to attend. The more you subject yourself to these events, the more you are forcing your hand - it might be stressful, but eventually it would be worth it.

* Don't run away from the situation. If you felt your last social conversation was a disaster and you have sworn never to have anything with it again, then you are running away from reality. I advice you instead to look at things differently and stay on course, it will definitely be worth it!

* Try to calm down. The thing with shy minds is that are constantly thinking: thinking up worst-case scenarios in any discussion event. As a result, with a mind so filled up with bogeys and visions of conversation disasters, it is not surprising that you become tongue tied. Take breathing exercises and empty your mind of these thoughts instead.

* Practice in mild settings: a family gathering may work the trick. Try to see how you can get along with members of the family - with whom you are more amiable - and by doing this you are building up for the grand scenario.

* Imagine a situation, and imagine what you could possibly do to feel more at ease. I have discovered that mental visualization tends to work the trick.

* Try to think more of others than all the ways you can mess up the situation. Listen to them and consider what they are saying. That way, you can get a hold on the conversation and you wont' have to stutter to respond to them.

These skills should be practiced, and you should bear in mind that it is not an overnight thing, as it will be slow, but surely you will snap out of your shyness.

Moni Arora is a personal development trainer and internet marketing consultant. Discover how you can Overcome Shyness as quickly as today by visiting where you can sign up for free tips on how to overcome shyness.

In Need of Social Phobia Treatment? Read Me!

Social phobia treatment is sought today due to the number of incidence of the case. There are a whole lot of psychological problems people go through in their lives without even knowing it. At other times, others also attribute the feeling they experience as due to some other things.

Without the proper management, the situation can be very devastating especially if there is no treatment at the early stages. To be able to identify the situation may not be as simple as people would like to imagine. Although some people succeed in their treatment, it must be noted that expert attention may be the right move to make. This is because there are some issues that would demand the knowledge of the right person.

Having known this, you may still have to be in the know of the common indicators that would call your attention to seek appropriate remedy. In the first place, there are many books that talk much about the topic. It’s just a matter of looking for one and enjoying a read.

It is better to always choose good books in order not to be misled. In the event that methods of treatment are discussed, it would be right to understand it perfectly before trying to practice them. This is the more reason why you need to choose the one that explains concepts in simple terms devoid of any complex stuff. The other place you may have to fall on in this modern day has got to do with going online.

There is no question about the fact that it is the favorite of many people now. In the first place, it provides the platform where one can organize many ideas on social phobia treatment within a matter of clicks. Quite apart from this, there is also the possibility of choosing the one that appears more appealing to you.

Regardless of the author, it must be in your interest to consider those that are quite easy to practice when there is the need to do so. The good news here also lies in the fact that anybody with little or no knowledge in the internet usage can also enjoy the service. You only need to create a keyword of what you are looking for. You then have to enter it in the various search engines out there.

You would be amazed the bulk of info that would be available to you. Make sure enough time is involved to sort through. Anything you choose to follow should be practical, safe and simple to do. This is because; there are many instances where you would be doing it without any supervision. In that case, you need proper understanding before trying to implement it.

Another source of ideas could be your relatives. It is important to state that getting your family involved in the search for treatment is quite a good idea. In most cases, people try to keep their search for social phobia treatment away from their people and should not be encouraged.

Social phobia treatment is one of the self help remedies we serve as reference source and serve as a coaching club. Check our website for anxiety attack tips and know immediate solutions.

Social Anxiety Symptoms to Heal and Cure?

The social anxiety symptoms people go through are quite many. Depending on the frequency and intensity, this problem can be very disturbing. When this happens many are those who go thick and thin to seek remedy.

In as much as there is no problem to make this search, there is also the larger importance of doing that with some amount of caution. This is due to the fact that the number of people claiming to provide the best of results is quite enormous. Many are those who are actually tempted into believing what they hear. The point rally is that some of them do not live up to their words. The ability to choose the best from the rest then becomes a daunting task.

If you should find yourself in such a situation, it may interest you to know that just some simple tricks could be all you need. The first thing is to do a background check to find the source of the provider. Usually, if they have considerable number of years in the service, there is the better chance of being served appropriately.

The fact here is that quite a number of people shy away from such people because of the cost involved. However, it may surprise you to know that the cost you would be required to pay is not always in accordance with the number of years of operation of the service provider. Again, there are some unpopular ones who would be in the best capacity to help in all that is needed about the kind of social anxiety symptoms you have.

If you are bent on seeking affordability, perhaps the easiest way to go is to compare prices. Definitely some of them are likely going to be cheaper than others. You are only reminded never to overlook the quality services you deserve. With the help of the big World Wide Web, this can be done with ease. It is increasingly becoming the rest point for many people when the need for information of this kind arises. Whiles these are good tips, the practice of visiting your doctor in times like this is equally encouraged.

Remember doctors have their specialties. In the period where he or she is unable to help, there would still be the benefit of being referred to the appropriate place for the help you need. Quite apart from that, you stand to get the best of explanation to reduce the fear you may be going through. This is because many people are likely going to misconstrue the signs as that of some other things. To this effect, trying to rely on your effort for remedy may be a wrong decision to make.

At any rate, it would be very important on your part to understand the situation you are going through. This means the practitioner should have enough attention for you in the treatment process. Enhancing the entire process of treatment of social anxiety symptoms would require the expertise of the provider and your corporation.

Social anxiety symptoms is one of the self help remedies we serve as reference source and serve as a coaching club. Check our website for anxiety attack tips and know immediate solutions.

What is Confidence?

I’ve never taken anything but straw polls on the matter, but ask any woman what she wants in a man, and “confidence” is sure to be one of the top three or four character traits. So it’s worth spending some time asking ourselves what it is and how to discover it inside of yourself in order to get women. Our Unbreakable program really drives into the heart of it, but I think we can do the subject matter some service here without spending 30 pages on it.

Let’s start with a definition. To me, confidence is a feeling you have that drives bold actions towards things you want. It is having some faith in yourself that when you speak up, people will listen, and when you go for something, you’ll get it when you want women, you will get women. It’s trusting yourself, but beyond that, it’s a force that drives action.

When you make the approach, or go for the kiss, or invite her back to yours, it’s because you trust that she’s going to like you and want to go along with it and you will arouse women. And if she doesn’t, confidence is having the faith in your skills to overcome her protestations. And if she rejects you, confidence is having the feeling that you’re still an awesome guy and can still attract women.

Confidence builds on a lot of things. Knowing that you have skills gives you confidence. Knowing that you have more important things in your life – a solid foundation – gives you confidence. Knowing what you want and being clear about it gives you confidence. So does having a sense of entitlement.

Ahh, and that’s the rub, right there.

Confidence doesn’t actually have to be based on any great soul search – it can merely come from feeling like the world owes you twenty times over, then going out and collecting that debt. Some people are just born and/or raised that way.

Now, what usually happens in life is that we keep on going after what we want, until a roadblock is thrown in front of us. If we manage to avoid that roadblock, or blast right through it, we build some confidence and continue to attract women. But if it stops us, diverts us, or worst of all – if we crash into it and body parts go flying – we have to have a serious think about both the direction we were headed, and how quickly we could get there.

Let’s consider this in practice. When a third grade boy goes to hold a girl’s hand and, after she casually slaps him away once, she then accepts his romantic little overture, something clicks inside this little boy’s head and reinforces the notion that he can get away with such behavior and still get women. By fifth grade, he’s planting kisses on the cheeks of any girl he can convince to join him under the jungle gym, and he’s full-on smooching (no tongue, of course) six months later. Players are made, not born… and this player just happened to get a head start on the rest of us. He encountered a small roadblock in third grade, drove right through it, and every subsequent time that he’s seen a similar looking roadblock, he knows what to do and how to attract women.

You can probably imagine the flipside of this story. The boy who got held up by that roadblock convinced himself that women didn’t like him, and continued to tell himself that story well into his early adult years and cannot get women. Then one day, he realizes that he’s not very confident around women, can’t get women and finds himself reading this book.

Lack of confidence doesn’t always have such obscure causes, though. Sometimes we gather a fairly large head of steam, then run into a roadblock sizeable enough to compel us into a Come to Jesus moment. Again, we can use a story to illustrate – Christian has volunteered one from his life.

In the late winter / early spring of 2006, life was humming along nicely for him. He had a great circle of friends, was the CEO of a promising beverage startup, and was dating a really hot model. But within a three-week period, everything turned around – his company failed to clear a critical regulatory hurdle, leading to a battle with his partner that caused him to lose his stake in the company, and left him nearly six figures in debt. His girlfriend left him, and took with her big parts of their mutual social circle. And his best friend stopped hanging out with him… and started spending a lot of time with his now ex-girlfriend.

I’ve had my share of humdingers, but nothing this acute in such short a timeframe. And it perfectly illustrates the point; Christian was a cocky mofo in the months leading up to this experience. But the subsequent months were spent reflecting upon what had happened, and more importantly, what mistakes he’d made that led to such circumstances. Had he failed to surround himself with the right people? Had he been careless in managing his business? Had he seen warning signs and ignored them?

Christian is a bit more confident these days – you can be assured of that – but it comes from knowing himself a better and trusting himself more.

One common thread in any story about confidence – whether it be those illustrated above, or those from any other confident person you’ll talk to, is the following: their confidence came from clearing the roadblocks and still knowing they can attract women. That’s always how it is. You can prepare to clear the roadblocks if you see them ahead, or you can scout for alternate routes, or you can be lucky enough to have great reflexes so that you’re able to adopt on the fly. But at the end of the day, true confidence comes from getting past them and getting closer to your goals and knowing you can still get women.

The metaphor here should be obvious. Becoming confident with women ultimately requires that you become successful with women and know how to attract women. There’s no shortcut or instant, Matrix-style brain download that can compete with real experience and real success. The neural pathways in your brain have a way of wiring themselves through experiences that no amount of cogitating and preparatory thinking can achieve. In that way, it’s a sort of weird Catch-22. So how do you get around it?

Of course, there are lots of things that can boost your confidence with women prior to achieving of all-out pimpdom. Success in any other part of your life has spillover effects into your pursuit of the feminine. Dressing better, making cooler friends, getting in shape, learning a new skill or hobby… those all help, and we’ll be getting into them in a bit. Even hypnosis CDs and other such self-help programs can contribute. But if you spend too much time dwelling on the periphery of the issue of confidence with women, without dealing with it directly, you’re just postponing the inevitable.

How to break the logjam? Well, it’s kind of weird… but you just start doing the things you need to do. The things we’ll cover later in this book. And even some things we don’t cover. You just go do it, and all of a sudden, good stuff starts happening. You feel better about yourself for going after it. You stop having those regretful nights of “what if I’d talked to her?” or “what if I’d escalated?”. Whether you succeed or fail, you know you went for it. Then you regroup, figure out how to overcome the next roadblock, and go back out there.

You just keep doing. You get out there and you do some more, until those roadblocks aren’t stopping you anymore. It’s frustrating sometimes, and depending on how well you learn and how devoted you are, it could take a little bit of time or a lot. But the confidence from being a man who does, who takes action, is a force to be reckoned with.

And what is action’s opposite? Analysis, and paralysis. Your time as a single man is precious and to be enjoyed; waste it at your own peril, and eventual regret. English poet Andrew Marvell, attempting to seduce a young lady, and having no unlimited nationwide text plan available in the 17th century, put it thusly in rhymed verse:

Had we but world enough and time,
This coyness, lady, were no crime.
The grave’s a fine and private place,
But none, I think, do there embrace.

Your days on this terra firma are limited, and the longer that you postpone your pursuit of the feminine, the closer you are to that fine and private place.

Action is all that matters. Repeated, disciplined action and eventual success breeds confidence like nothing else.

Nick Sparks is one New York City's top personal development and dating advice coaches, specializing in teaching guys how to pick up women. The original article can be found here: The Power To Attract.

Let's Discuss Instant Speed Learning

I have tried over the course of my life, which now is in its fourth generation, to be a continuous learner. Over these many years I have learned that it pays benefits many times beyond the time and energy one often needs to apply to learning new knowledge and skills. That viewpoint is one with which my children and grandchildren have become quite aware, and now I’m passing it along to my great-grandchildren!

However, I’m also very much aware that each generation has presented more difficulty for me to successfully communicate that opinion and get the listeners to accept it. I point to the increased conveniences that each generation has had and enjoyed over the previous as the main reason for this. After all, when I reflect on the process of learning as I’ve grown up with it, it does involve a certain commitment of time and mental energy applied toward such tasks as research, reading, thinking, writing, memorizing, demonstrating understanding and competency, and so on. In other words, there is some “work” associated with learning. And as the conveniences that define, assist, automate and fulfill our daily lives increase and evolve, the gap that prevails between work and pleasure grows wider and wider.

So what does the preceding diatribe have to do with the notion of instant speed learning? Well, recently I had an encounter with Tony McKenzie, author and creator of innovative learning systems, including the “Instant Speed Learning” system being reviewed here, and I was able to obtain some insights I’d like to pass along here.

J. Nelson: What are some of your achievements in the field of learning, learning systems, etc.?

T. McKenzie: Well, I’m probably best known as the author of the book You Were Born Invincible and creator of the McKenzie Mastery Process, which is a personal transformation program.

JN: Tell me about your process leading to the development of “Instant Speed Learning.”

TM: Sure. During the past 20 years, I’ve studied and practiced virtually every single accelerated learning method available, ranging from techniques such as speed reading and mind mapping to photo reading and mnemonics.

Although I found many of these techniques useful in helping me learn at a much faster rate , they always seemed to fall short of what I actually wanted. In fact, throughout my many years of study and research, I’ve wondered if it were possible to develop the kind of photographic memory and learning abilities that you only see in espionage movies, that would literally allow you to “snap” information and retain it in your mind.

And so, I searched high and low, desperately looking for clues and sources that would lead me to the secret of how I could develop genius-level learning abilities. I searched every single bookstore, internet site and research study I could find that might provide me with the vital clues to unlocking the secret to having a phenomenal memory.

JN: And did you discover the great secret about your memory…

TM: Yes! Studies have shown that individuals regressed through the use of hypnosis find that they can recall the sights, sounds, smells and tastes locked within memories that are decades old. Professor Wilder Penfield, a Canadian surgeon, made an interesting discovery while performing a medical procedure on several of his epilepsy patients; it involved examining the brain tissue of his patients while they were under a local anesthetic.

He was amazed to find that when he touched certain individual cells, his patients would suddenly recall experiences from their past. The patients would later say they didn’t just recall the experience but relived it as if they were actually there, complete with tastes, smells, noises, colors and feelings. The clarity of the memories was the same regardless of whether they were a few hours or many years old.

Professor Penfield suggests that within the individual cells of the brain are the perfect memory of every event in our lives, and if we can find the right stimulus we can experience each one all over again
And a year ago I finally figured out how right he was!

JN: OK, just what was your breakthrough?

TM: Amazingly I discovered that I had been looking in all the wrong places for the answers to how to rapidly master information and retain it. Surprisingly, it wasn’t the specific learning systems, genetics or altered states that gifted memorizers had but rather their “belief” in and complete acceptance of their ability to almost instantly assimilate new information at phenomenal speeds that made the difference.

So in a moment of inspiration I posed a simple question; the answer to that question proved to be the turning point in my research and it led me to develop a solution by using a cutting-edge auto-conditioning subliminal program that literally rewires the mind to accept a new reality as the absolute truth!

JN: Wow! Well, why is this program so radically different from any other accelerated learning program on the market?

TM: In this powerful new learning system there are no link methods or mnemonic systems to learn nor do you have to master any new speed reading techniques. The unique aspect of this system is that it requires nothing more than a simple hand gesture and you can begin learning at genius levels of understanding with incredibly clear recall of the material after only being exposed to it once. This system is so simple to learn that even a child can use it and start applying it to school work almost immediately. You’ll be able to apply this system to virtually any learning situation you encounter; it requires no technology to implement and it will be with you for the rest of your life!

JN: Huh! Tell me about some of your research and case studies you conducted.

TM: Well, I can tell you that after carefully carrying out my first few tests of this program, I was stunned!
One particular test case was so good at recalling the information from a written piece of text I thought he was cheating, he was literally recalling word for word and he had a thorough understanding of what he had read, days and even weeks later.

In another example a participant had attended a meeting while using the ISL™ method and discovered when asked by a colleague that she could recite virtually every single topic covered in the meeting!

A fifteen-year-old teenager was amazed to discover that after reading a particular text he could literally see the words on the page and could even pick out specific parts of the text to focus on.

Similar results were demonstrated over and over again by people from all walks of life and as time passed their self-confidence increased immeasurably.

JN: This all seems too incredible, almost like a movie or TV script!

TM: Actually, several years ago I did become fascinated by a TV show called The Pretender. It followed the fortunes of a man called Jarod, a super genius with the ability to assume any identity and learn any skill.

I loved this show because each week Jarod would come to the aid of someone in need in the guise of a variety of professions, ranging from fireman, doctor, surgeon or photographer, to pilot, lawyer, or even a sex therapist.

What was interesting about each show was the fact that Jarod didn’t just pretend to be these characters, he literally became them from the inside out and did so by mastering the skills, knowledge and mindset of these professions, within days.

Although this show was presented as pure science fiction and dismissed as the fantasy of a TV script writer . . . I knew differently!

With the ISL™ system you can become one of the rare individuals with the ability to master virtually any information 1000 times faster than the average human being!

JN: Oh, come on, you can’t expect me to believe hype claims like that!

TM: Make no mistake, you’ll be able to master the ISL™ within 72 hours of purchasing this program, all from the comfort of your PC! Within minutes of downloading this unique training program you’ll be able to access a special audio program from within the eBook that will program your mind to respond to a specific physical signal and rapidly absorb new information like a sponge. There will be no 30-day wait for proof that this program works, you’ll be experiencing the results within the next three days!

JN: The possibilities after acquiring capabilities like that are fantastic!

TM: Being to easily remember facts, ideas and concepts can give you a tremendous edge in business. Just picture the dramatic impression you can make when you can quote specific facts, prices, client information, product details . . . with ease! Most of your business or work colleagues probably have the same skills and education as you, so acquiring the powerful ISL™ system will set you apart and put you in a unique position; it will allow you to develop a new level of confidence in your skills and abilities as your specific expertise grows exponentially. In the constantly changing business world, being able to adapt, change and learn new skills is an essential skill that cannot be ignored. Having a powerful memory is the key ingredient to being able to stay ahead in the constant battle for sales, clients and market position.

JN: Right! And how about students in schools everywhere?

TM: If you’re currently enrolled in college or university and finding it stressful, this program is the answer to your problems; with the ISL™ system you’ll be able to learn more while studying less and this can start within the next 72 hours. You’ll focus better, learn more while taking fewer notes, have better retention of lectures, books and study guides, and experience a dramatic improvement in your exam results and test scores. As a student you owe it to yourself and your academic future to get this program and boost your learning abilities today!

JN: What about learning a new language?

TM: Maybe you've already tried to learn a language in the past but gave up in vain; well with this program you’ll be able to learn a new language with ease within 30 days. Whether it’s for business or pleasure the ISL™ system makes language learning a breeze as it easily adapts itself to the in-depth memorization of audio language courses. But you don’t have to stop there, you can literally acquire a new language each month by simply following the simple technique outlined in the eBook. Just imagine being able to travel anywhere in the world and speak multiple languages with the minimum of effort!

Well, that essentially covers the information that I obtained from Tony Mckenzie about "Instant Speed Learning" . I hope it has been as enlightening for you as it was for me. If:

- reading more effortlessly and with much better understanding,

- having a better memory and sharper concentration,

- radically improving your productivity, and

- getting through information much faster…

are abilities you’d like to have, then I encourage you to learn more about "Instant Speed Learning" at! I know that I have more reasonings available for when I engage in future conversations with family and friends on the topic!

James Nelson has accumulated almost 40 years of successful business experience, and much of it has been based on the maxim, "Do what you do do well, then find others who can do the rest best!" You can learn more about "Instant Speed Learning" at Mr. Nelson is currently President of JuJam Enterprises Incorporated where they focus on “Helping People Help Themselves.” Previously, together with his wife, Judy, he owned and operated Lakewood Lodge, a family recreation resort in northern Minnesota. Prior to that he completed 23 years in various sales and marketing management positions at AT&T. He earned a Bachelor of Science (Business) degree from the University of Minnesota with Distinction in 1975. Before attending college under the GI Bill, he served 10 years in the U.S. Navy.

Some Positive Thinking Techniques


Positive Thinking is a thought process that enables you to obtain desired results with the right actions. It is an act that allows you to embrace affirmative thoughts, thus guiding your deeds or actions in a willful manner. Your feelings, your speech and your actions express themselves to convert your thoughts into results.


While we use this expression 'Positive Thinking' quite often, we hardly take a moment to understand the use of it for our benefit. Without understanding the right meaning or definition, we will not be able to identify whether the “thinking” is positive or negative.


It appears to be very easy in conversing this term, or even recommending to others this worthy suggestion of thinking positive, but the practicality of putting it to use needs endless determination. The options rest with you to switch on or off the kind of thought process you are guided through. A very determined and consistent effort is essential to work on it.


Being positive opens your minds door to thoughts and ideas which enables your growth and success. It guides and motivates you to work towards obtaining favourable results, thus creating joy and happiness in your life.


Let us consider some steps towards positive thinking


  1. Begin by being sure of your goals and passionately wanting to achieve it. Unless you like what you want to do, no amount of motivation will make you think in the right direction.



  1. Move around with successful people. Be seen with them. Even if you have to spend something extra, it is worth being in restaurants or coffee shops where the successful people move about.



  1. Read motivational stories and article contributions from successful people. Attend lectures on such subjects.



  1. Give compliments liberally and accept compliments graciously.



  1. Accept responsibility for your actions. If negativity creeps into your mind, learn to mentally crumple them and fling it outside your window. Subconsciously see it flying off far into the distant unknown.


It is also very important to pay attention to your self talk as this will strengthen or weaken your subconscious mind. Keep fighting with your negative thoughts and shift your mind to more worthy and success oriented habits. Always keep anticipating success, good results, joy, happiness and good health. Make positive thinking, a way of life.


In the words of Abraham Lincoln, We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”


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