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Three Deadly Mistakes When Writing an Admissions Essay

When you are attempting to gain entry into a college or university you will have to write an admissions essay. This is an undertaking that should not be taken in stride. Your admissions essay has to convey to the admission board who is reviewing it why you would be an ideal candidate to attend their school and if your essay comes off the wrong way you can bet that the board will simply move on to the others.

While there a number of little mistakes that can be made when preparing your admissions essay, there are three in particular that are deadly and if you do not avoid them they will cost you. The three most lethal mistakes when writing your admissions essay are:

1. Not Proofreading: This is the biggest no, no when it comes to writing and this no, no is amplified when it comes to your admissions essay. If you are not willing to proofread your admission essay many times over then you may as well hand in a blank piece of paper. Those who review your essay will immediately begin to discredit you if your essay is littered with syntax, grammatical, or spelling errors. If you are not good at proofreading and editing then find someone who is. If you are wondering how many time your easy should be reviewed, the answer is as many times as it takes to make it perfect.

2. Trying too Hard to Impress: If you are attempting to impress the admissions board it will usually come out in your essay. Your essay should be written on what you know and then see you using your own personal experiences within the essay. If you are trying to cover some ground shattering events that you have no idea about you may come off as pretentious. Remember that the admissions committee is looking to find out about you so you have to be sure that your essay conveys that.

3. Plagiarizing: There is never an excuse to copy or plagiarize other’s work. Many students think that if they simply copy from another student's essay from the past that they will not get caught. This is not true and if you plagiarize you risk handing something in that is either off topic or that will be abundantly clear that it is not portraying you in a true light. Plagiarism at any level is despicable and if you truly care about your future then you will not use with your admissions essay to begin the practice of it.

If you are at the point that you are preparing your admissions essay then there is little doubt that you have worked hard up to this point. While it may be tempting to attempt to take short cuts or to do a little brown nosing with your admissions essay, that kind of behavior can prove disastrous. Make your admission essay convey the real you and be honest and forthright throughout. Just as with many things in life, honesty is the best policy when it comes to your admissions essay.

Jason Kay recommends finding sample personal statements at SamplePersonalStatement.org. Save money on professional personal statement editing by using an Essay Edge promo code.

Disclaimer Trusts

While there is a present lapse in the estate and generation-skipping transfer taxes, it’s likely that Congress will reinstate both taxes (perhaps even retroactively) some time during 2010. If not, on January 1, 2011, the estate tax exemption (which was $3.5 million in 2009) becomes $1 million, and the top estate tax rate (which was 45% in 2009) becomes 55%. Assuming the federal estate tax (FET) exemption is reinstated at $3.5 million or more, then for most people the FET has been repealed. According to the Tax Policy Center, only five of every 100,000 people who die have estates over $3.5 million.
For married couples with taxable estates, the common planning tool is for each spouse to establish a revocable living trust. Upon the death of the first spouse, an amount equal to his/her FET exemption is allocated to a Credit Shelter Trust (CST). Other terms for the Credit Shelter Trust are Bypass Trust, Family Trust and Residuary Trust. A CST allows the surviving spouse broad access to the assets in the CST without the assets being included in the spouse’s estate. Thus, the CST allows each spouse to leave his/her FET exemption to their children. Without a CST, the first spouse to die “wastes” his/her estate tax exemption.

The provisions that the spouse can enjoy from the CST during his/her lifetime (without causing the assets in the CST to be taxable in the surviving spouse’s estate) are:

1. The spouse can have all of the income of the CST. Treas. Reg. Sec. 25.2518-2(e)(5), Example 4. Alternatively, the trustee can “sprinkle” the income of the CST to children and grandchildren so as to shift that income to lower tax brackets, or can accumulate the income and add it to principal.

2. The spouse can receive principal distributions from the CST (see Paragraphs 5 and 6 below).

3. The spouse can have the power to withdraw the greater of $5,000 or 5% of the principal of the CST each year. IRC Section 2041(b)(2).

4. The spouse can have a testamentary limited power of appointment (LPA) over the assets in the CST. An LPA allows the spouse to “rewrite” the dispositive provisions of the CST. However, the LPA is usually drafted so that the LPA can only be exercised in favor of the grantor’s descendants and/or charities. The LPA cannot be exercised in favor of the spouse, his/her creditors, his/her estate, or the creditors of his/her estate. IRC Section 2041(b)(1).

5. The spouse can be the sole trustee of the CST, provided that distributions to the spouse are limited to an “ascertainable standard” (i.e., health, education, maintenance and support). IRC Section 2041(b)(1)(A).

6. Distributions to the spouse in excess of the ascertainable standard can be made from the CST if an independent co-trustee is named to serve with the spouse, but discretion on distributions to the spouse must be limited solely to the independent co-trustee.

7. The spouse can have the power to remove the co-trustee and appoint an individual or corporate successor co-trustee that is not related or subordinate to the spouse (within the meaning of IRC Section 672(c)). Rev. Rul. 95-58.

The deceased spouse’s estate, over and above the amount allocated to the CST, will pass estate tax free to the Marital Trust because of the unlimited marital deduction. When the surviving spouse dies, the assets in the Marital Trust (along with the assets in the spouse’s Living Trust) will be subject to estate taxes, but only after subtracting the surviving spouse’s FET exemption.

The two most common types of Marital Trusts are the General Power of Appointment (GPA) Trust and the Qualified Terminable Interest Property (QTIP) Trust. Both types of Marital Trusts must provide the surviving spouse with all of the income and may (but need not) provide the spouse with principal. The typical GPA Marital Trust allows the spouse to determine the ultimate beneficiaries of the Marital Trust upon his/her death, and usually allows the spouse to withdraw the principal of the Marital Trust during his/her lifetime without restriction. The QTIP Marital Trust, on the other hand, does not allow the spouse to determine the ultimate beneficiaries and usually restricts the spouse to principal as needed for health, education, maintenance and support. But, to add flexibility to a QTIP Marital Trust, the spouse may be given a $5,000/5% annual withdrawal power and/or a limited power of appointment over the QTIP Trust.

A CST has the following advantages: It utilizes both spouses’ FET exemptions, while giving the surviving spouse access to and control over the assets in the CST; it preserves assets for the couple’s descendants (in case the spouse remarries); and it protects the spouse and descendants from creditors.

But, there are disadvantages to a CST as well. The surviving spouse’s access to the assets in the CST, albeit broad, is (as noted above) restricted. Moreover, if the spouse withdraws more from the CST than permitted, he/she may be accountable to the ultimate beneficiaries of the CST (i.e., children and grandchildren). The CST also adds complexity to the spouse’s life in that separate records for the CST must be maintained and annual income tax returns (Form 1041) must be filed for the remainder of the spouse’s lifetime. And, if a co-trustee over the CST is used, the spouse will have to cooperate with that trustee.

For many couples with non-taxable estates, particularly those with children all from the same marriage, the disadvantages of a CST outweigh the advantages. Therefore, they would prefer to simply leave their estate to a GPA Marital Trust for the surviving spouse. But, if their estates were to increase and/or the FET exemption was reduced by future legislation, they still want the ability to use both spouses’ FET exemptions. It is possible to accomplish both objectives with a Disclaimer Trust.

Disclaimer Trusts became popular after the 2001 Tax Act was passed because of the increasing FET exemption and the uncertainty created by the Act. With a Disclaimer Trust, a married couple’s revocable living trusts leave the deceased spouse’s entire estate to a GPA Marital Trust. The CST is then funded only if the surviving spouse disclaims (refuses) part of the deceased spouse’s estate. This enables the spouse to decide how much to keep outright (to be taxed at the second death) and the amount to be allocated to the CST (where it is shielded from estate tax at the second death). In making an informed decision to disclaim and how much to disclaim, one must examine the size of the combined estate, the spouse’s age and health (which impacts the spouse’s needs for funds), whether minor children will be beneficiaries of the CST, the potential appreciation of the assets not disclaimed, and the status of the FET exemption.

For example, assume a married couple has combined assets of $4.5 million, which are evenly divided between their revocable living trusts. Each trust provides that 100% of the trust property is allocated to a GPA Marital Trust upon the death of the grantor-spouse. But, if the surviving spouse disclaims all or a portion of the decedent’s estate, the disclaimed portion passes to a CST. If, at the time of the first death, both husband and wife are in their seventies or eighties and the FET exemption is $3.5 million, it might make sense for the spouse to disclaim $1 million of the deceased spouse’s $2.25 million estate. This will leave the spouse with a $3.5 million taxable estate (i.e., $2.25 million in the spouse’s living trust and $1.25 million in the GPA Marital Trust), which will be completely sheltered from estate taxes by the spouse’s FET exemption.

But, if at the first death the surviving spouse is only in his/her forties or early fifties, the decision might be to forgo the disclaimer. The younger the spouse, the more likely the estate will not increase, but instead be consumed and decline in value. This would be particularly true if there are young children involved. Moreover, the spouse will have ample time to gift a portion of the combined estate to children and grandchildren (using his/her $13,000 annual gift tax exclusion) so that there may be no estate tax due upon the death of the surviving spouse.

For couples whose estates are below the estate tax exemption, a disclaimer trust still makes sense. It’s possible the estate could grow through appreciation, inheritances, and/or by acquiring life insurance on one or both spouses’ lives. It’s also possible the estate tax exemption will be reduced by Congress in the future. The disclaimer trust avoids saddling the surviving spouse with the time and expenses of administering a CST, unless funding a CST would result in an estate tax savings.

In order to be a “qualified” disclaimer for FET purposes, the disclaimer must meet the following five requirements set forth in Internal Revenue Code Section 2518(b):

1. It must be an irrevocable and unqualified refusal to accept an interest in property;

2. It must be in writing, signed by the spouse;

3. It must be received by the trustee within nine (9) months of the grantor-spouse’s death;

4. The spouse must not have accepted the disclaimed property or any of its benefits; and

5. As a result of the disclaimer, the interest must pass without any direction from the spouse.

Because IRC Section 2518 prohibits the surviving spouse from holding a power to direct the disposition of the disclaimed property, the spouse cannot be given a limited power of appointment over the CST (unless limited by an ascertainable standard). See Treas. Reg. Sec. 25-2518-2(e)(2) and Treas. Reg. Sec. 25-2518-2(e)(5), Example 5. Nor can the spouse (either as a beneficiary or as the sole trustee) have any discretion over the CST’s property. But, the spouse can serve as the sole trustee of the CST if the trust agreement contains mandatory distributions (i.e., no discretion on part of the trustee) or ascertainable standards for distributions of principal and income. Treas. Reg. Secs. 25-2518-2(e)(2) and 25-2518-2(e)(5), Examples 11 and 12.

There are also state law requirements for making a disclaimer. Failure by the surviving spouse to satisfy all of the federal requirements set forth above will result in the disclaimer being treated as a taxable gift from the spouse to the remainder beneficiaries of the CST (i.e., the children and grandchildren).

In summary, for a married couple whose combined estate may or may not exceed the FET exemption, a disclaimer trust will provide the couple with the greatest degree of flexibility. But, for couples with children from a prior marriage, a disclaimer trust will not guarantee that the children will receive an inheritance (as would be the case where the CST is funded automatically with the deceased spouse’s FET exemption). Even with a first marriage, the surviving spouse could remarry and leave the estate to the new spouse with a disclaimer trust. Finally, care must be taken immediately after the first spouse’s death (when the spouse may be unable to cope with making financial decisions) to protect the qualified disclaimer. Thus, the flexibility found is disclaimer trusts may not be right for every couple and, therefore, the couple should consult with an experienced estate planning attorney.


Julius Giarmarco, J.D., LL.M, chairs the Trusts and Estates Practice Group of Giarmarco, Mullins & Horton, P.C., in Troy, Michigan. For more articles on estate and business succession planning, please visit the author’s website, http://www.disinherit-irs.com, and click on “Advisor Resources”.

Heat Pump and Ground Source Heating Funding: Are You Eligible?

The traditional methods of heating a home are fast approaching a point where they are becoming non-viable. The world's supply of fossil fuels is dwindling, and the costs of heating and cooling a home are ever increasing. Smart forward thinking individuals are becoming more and more interested in renewable sources of power, heat, and light. Two of the most discussed and innovative technologies to date are Air Source Heat Pumps and Ground Source Heat Pumps. These two styles are heating are very important steps toward decreasing the carbon foot print of humanity as well as allowing for long term viability of a home and residence with renewable sources of heat that do not necessarily depend on dwindling fuel supplies.

A air source heat pump is a type of heating and cooling system that accomplishes its task by moving a chemical refrigerant through the pump's coils and compressors. This allows for a similar effect as a refrigerator on a much larger scale. An air source heat pump draws heat out of the air and funnels it into the home. There are a few drawbacks in extremely cold weather. However, the potency of the device can be improved by changing the type of refrigerant used. These units have an average coefficient of performance (COP) rating of three that can waver from a rating of four in a mild climate to a rating of one in a very cold one. The COP is determined by how much heat output is generated compared to the amount of electricity used. In the instance of a three rating the equipment generates three times as much heat as the amount of electricity being used.

A ground source heat pump, which is also known as geothermal heat pumps, work in a manner similar to the air source heat pumps. The difference in their function is that ground source heat pumps are installed in the ground and are proven to be much more efficient. These types of heat transfer pumps generally maintain a three and a half to four rating on the COP scale. Ground source heat pumps start out with a higher COP rating at the beginning of the heating and cooling system and gradually lower in efficiency as heat is transferred. however, they maintain their efficiency longer than air source heat pumps due to the generally stable temperature of the earth at around eight feet below ground level.

Installing either source of heating can be quite expensive. There are many sources of funding to aid the individual or commercial enterprise in outfitting or retrofitting their homes and offices with such renewable heating and cooling sources. There are several types of government sponsored funding in the United Kingdom that can be acquired by residential owners and commercial enterprises alike. These grants and funds are the Low Carbon Building Programme (LCBP), Carbon Emissions Reduction Target (CERT), Community Energy Savings Programme (CESP), Scottish Community & Household Renewable Initiative (SCHRI), and the upcoming Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI).

The LCBP has two phases. The first phase is designed for personal homes and residences, and house builders. This is a lower scale grant that can be acquired for a grant of up to twenty-five hundred pounds. The second phase is useful for commercial enterprises on a larger scale. Schools, charity organizations, corporate structures, and similar individuals receive monetary compensation for installing energy saving heat systems. This particular grant scheme will end on April 11th. It is set to be replaced by the RHI. Claims with the phase II version of this grant can be made available up to fifty percent of the cost of installation.

The CERT is a programme designed around compensation for retrofitting older homes and commercial properties. This is a programme slated primarily for home builders and renovators instead of private residence owners. This grant can be awarded for up to ninety percent of the actual cost of the installation depending upon the level of improved energy efficiency in comparison to the older system.

The CESP is a grant for not-for-profit organizations in the UK area that are for community-based. The amount of the grant varies between each organization but there are millions of pounds worth of funding in this grant at present for worthy charity organizations that qualify.

The SCHRI is an initiative programme available only in Scottland. This is a programme scheme equivalent to LCBP I and allows for thirty percent of the installation costs for installation of energy efficient equipment. There is a hard-cap of four thousand pounds that can be awarded in this grant.

The RHI is a grant programme many individuals are eagerly awaiting. In this scheme the owner of an energy efficient home can receive several hundred pounds per year for eighteen to twenty three years simply for installing an air or ground source heat pump. The incentive programme will completely pay for the average cost of installation in three and a half to sixteen years for most private residences or businesses depending upon which type of heating source is used. For large scale complexes and buildings the amount of money awarded can be nearly double the standard rate but the must use a ground source heat system and it will generally take roughly nineteen years to have it completely paid off.

Overall the funding and incentive grants are available to any individual or commercial enterprise that meets the energy efficiency standard as outlined in the individual grant. An approved installer of micro-technologies must be used to meet the requirements of each grant. With the available programmes most individual or commercial enterprises can afford to install a heat pump, whether it be an air source or ground source version.

Click here for more information about funding for ground source heat pumps

Benefit From Internet Banking in Many Ways

You can benefit from Internet banking in many ways. Certainly, there are the more obvious reasons, but also other ones that some people just don't think about. For many people who tend to be slightly lax about getting to the bank and making payments by the due date, or those who keep envelopes in their briefcases and never seemed to mail them, this is the best solution. Late payments will result in poor credit.

When your credit suffers, it will show on a credit report, which will have a negative effect on your life in some way. However, if you start using Internet banking, you'll be able to make all your payments by their due date, no matter what time of the day you choose to make them. Additionally, you can be pretty much anywhere in the world and still be able to make your payments.

However, one of the most incredible points is that anyone can set up their payments so that they are completely automated. That means that you only have to date for a particular bill to be paid on, and the system will see to it that it is done. This all results in easy and responsible banking.

It is in fact one of the most convenient ways to do any banking whatsoever. It has gained a lot of popularity or the last couple of decades because of its convenience. Unfortunately, many people fear becoming the victim of fraud by using online banking services. But, being an informed consumer, you shouldn't have any problems at all.

The bank will issue a card in your name, and you will be able to pick your own personal identification number, or PIN. This number must be kept completely confidential. That means that you should never give it to anyone. Additionally, it is important that you only supply information to your bank by typing in the URL of the bank. Never click on another link that will possibly redirect you to a webpage that is seeking out personal information. If you are informed and act responsibly, there is nothing to worry about.

Online banking will allow you to accomplish practically any task without having to leave your home. For example, besides Bill payments, you can order statements, ensure payments have been processed, you can also order checks and even transfer money from one account to another. But it doesn't end there! You can even apply for credit cards or even loans just as easily as you would by entering a branch.

Another positive point that comes with Internet banking is that it will save you money. With many banks, using a teller means paying a price for it. But, through your computer, you have many free transactions within your particular package. Some have unlimited amounts of transactions that can be performed while others charge very low fees.

Regardless of the amount of transactions you have to make monthly, Internet banking will help you along the way, providing you with the convenience and many benefits that are second to none.

Find out more about cibc online banking. You can also check out internet banking information.

Understanding the Types of Equity Capital Involved in a Commercial Real Estate Transaction

Sponsor Equity: This is the cash investment contributed by owners of a project.

Preferred Equity: Preferred equity is similar in structure to a mezzanine loan; however, many of the complexities involving mezzanine debt are avoided. Inter-creditor agreements with senior lenders are not required and, because this investment involves equity and not debt, prohibitions in the senior loan documents against secondary debt become irrelevant.

The returns and general investment time horizons required by preferred equity investors fall into the same range as that of mezzanine debt. These investments are generally structured so that after the payment of debt service the investor receives a coupon return of 8 % to10 %. From the remaining cash flow, the sponsor is paid the same coupon return as the investor before distributing the remainder between the parties based on a predetermined formula. Unlike traditional equity, which shares the upside of a transaction with no ceiling, preferred equity investments enable a sponsor to determine at inception what will be necessary to pay off a preferred equity partner in the future.

This structure is attractive to a sponsor who can contribute capital for 10% or more of a project cost and has an operating plan to increase net operating income over a three-to-five year period.

Institutional Joint Venture Equity: Institutional investors have a strong appetite for joint ventures with experienced owner-operators or developers. Most importantly, investors seek a strong operator with a track record of success in a particular market. Investors seek partners who can create value in a way they can’t on their own. Creation of value can come in many ways, including the identification of off-market transactions that are purchased at attractive prices, rehabilitation of an asset in need of work, more effective management of a property or ground up development of an asset.

Yield expectations among institutional equity investors vary based on several factors, including transaction risk, desired hold period, the amount of leverage, and the amount of co-investment by the sponsor. Generally, investors seek five-year internal rates of return between 15% and 18% on an un-leveraged basis. On a leveraged basis, returns generally range between 18% and 22%. In many instances, institutional equity partners seek to limit overall property leverage to between 50% and 60%, thus lowering the internal rate of return to the sponsor.

Institutional joint venture equity transactions generally are structured so that the institutional investor contributes between 80 percent and 90 percent of the required equity, with the sponsor investing the remainder. These joint ventures usually include buy/sell agreements that allow a sponsor to buy out the partner within a specified time period. Investor’s generally have approval rights over major decisions including financings, sales and annual budgets.

The capital stack is the total mix of capital invested in a project, including pure debt, hybrid debt, and equity. The higher the investment appears in the stack, the greater the risk for that investment. The lower the placement, the less the risk. As a consequence, higher stack positions expect greater returns on the capital invested because of the higher risk involved. The typical capital stack is arranged as follows:
1. Sponsor Equity
2. Preferred Equity
3. Mezzanine Debt
4. Senior Debt

Andy Bogdanoff is the Founder and Chairman of Remington Financial Group. Mr. Bogdanoff is an expert in commercial real estate and equity capital transactions with over 35 years experience.

Save Money Not Having Lunch With Co-Workers

If you are clipping and using grocery coupons to save on your grocery bills to stay within a budget each month, you know the importance of cutting your spending in other areas, too.

You are most certainly familiar with the routine. The clock on the wall in the office says noon and the usual group of coworkers decide where to have lunch. In many modern offices in cities and towns, where the driving time to the nearest eatery takes up a good portion of the lunch hour, not to mention adding wear and tear to the car and using up gas for the car.

It’s difficult to find a decent lunch for fewer than ten bucks including tip. You swallow your food, share a few laughs with coworkers and run back to the office wishing you could take a nap somewhere.

As you make your way back to your desk, you notice this gal putting away his brown paper bag. She seems calm, happy and ready to get back to work, some of which he apparently did while enjoying his lunch and thinking how delicious it was, the hassle she avoided by eating at she desk, and how much money she saved.

But is the money you save really worth the time and effect needed to prepare and bring your lunch to work each day? Let’s take a few minutes to do the math to see how much money you can save.

For example, let’s say you can fix your own lunch at a cost of about $3.50 a day. It’s probably much cheaper if you are buying in bulk and using grocery coupons. That works out to $17.50 for a five day work week.

And let’s say you spend $10.00 per lunch eating out five day a week, which comes to $50.00 each week, not counting wear and tear on the car and gas money.

The difference comes to $32.50 each week that you are spending on lunch with the gang. That works out to $1,625 a year. Is that money that you could use for something else more essential?

A great way to get started with brown bagging your lunch is to talk people you know who are already doing it. But here are some tips to get you rolling:

Prepare the lunch the night before so you’re not hurried in the morning. You don’t want to be stressed early in the morning over what you will be eating for lunch. Keep the menu simple but be creative and prepare something different everyday, and always think healthy. Simple sandwiches with whole gain breads are fine, but try to include some nuts, at least a serving of fruit or yogurt. Also, brown bag a treat for yourself that you can look forward to, maybe a health bar or your favorite snake.

Keep your brown bag lunches in mind when you are shopping for your groceries, which means planning ahead and buying in bulk. Instead of buying small individual packaged bags something which usually cost more, buy it in large packages and divide up smaller portions and put them in smaller re-sealable plastic bags.

If you don’t like sandwiches or you prefer home cooked meals, plan to cook larger than normal dinners and save some “left over” for lunch either for the next day or the whole week. Put the lunches in individual containers the night before so you can brown bag it and go the next morning.

Even with all the planning, you’re bound to be running late on some mornings or just don’t have time to prepare lunch the night before. There’s nothing wrong with occasionally eating out a can once in awhile. Leave a can of soup or vegetable chili at the office. Most offices have at least a small kitchen with toaster ovens or microwaves that you can use for heating up your soups.

Don’t forget to bring your drink. Don’t rely on the soda venting machines that are also in the office kitchens. You can stock up on a 12-pack of soda for as little as 10 cents a can. Of course, you can always just drink water, which is usually free provided by the office, with your lunch.

Depending on your work load, you may or may not want to have working lunches. That’s up to you. The time is your time and you can use it to catch up on personal emails or just take a break from work. You just may find that you are more relaxed, less hurried and more productive. Don’t be surprised if your coworkers come to you for tips on brown bagging their lunch.

There are lots of good points to brown bagging your lunch: You eat healthier, save time and money, and you’re more productive. Now you have a new task of figuring out where in your budget to allocate the money you saved.

If you are interest in learning how to save money buying your grocery items for your brown bag lunch by using grocery coupons, visit www.couponsforgroceriessite.com [”http://www.couponsforgroceriessite.com/”], where you will find ideas on where to find free grocery coupons to print from home.

Wordpress Hidden Link Injection Fix

The Wordpress Hidden Link Injection exploit has been the cause of concern for many users who use Wordpress on a daily basis. For those unfamiliar with the issue, the attack inserts links into the files of your active Wordpress theme mostly pointing to adult material elsewhere on the web. The lainks are completely hidden from view so you may never know about them and nor will your visitors. But the search engine spiders will certainly pick them up - and penalize you for it.

Seeing if your Wordpress install has been compromised is easy. Simply view the source of your homepage and look for any code that does not belong. Check near the top and near the bottom of the file as this is the place I've found the hidden links to mostly exist. They're also usually wrapped in HTML comments.

Some website 1
Some website 2
Some website n

If you see code like that, chances are, you are a victim of the Wordpress Hidden Link Injection exploit.

How are "they" doing this?
Apparently, there was a security hole in Wordpress versions 2.8.x that allowed outside users to hijack the /wp-admin/upload.php file and insert files on your server that could be used for all sorts of malicious purposes. One of those purposes is the hidden link injection. Wordpress 2.9 fixed this hole, however, simply upgrading is not enough. Outside users will no longer be able to hijack upload.php but the files that they have already inserted will still orchestrate the attack.

That's why simply removing the links from header.php or footer.php (the two places I've seen the links) is not enough. You'll notice that the links will simply reappear. We've got to treat the disease now, not just the symptom.

Fixing the problem
First and foremost, always keep your Wordpress install up-to-date! Updating could not be any easier. Simply click on the alert that appears at the top of your Dashboard and follow the instructions. It takes literally 10 seconds.

Next, change the admin Wordpress user's password. Also change your MySQL user's password.

Lastly, find the files that have been inserted by the exploit via upload.php. I have found two separate instances of these files, both located in the wp-includes folder. Check the permissions of each of the files in wp-includes and investigate any file that has 777 permission (that's your first clue that something is wrong). class-rss.php and feed-atom2.php are two files that I have seen cause issues. Cleverly named files. These two files are not native to the Wordpress codebase and can be safely removed. If you were to open either of these files and know a bit of PHP, you'll see that these files are certainly the culprit.

Going through these steps should safeguard your Wordpress installation against the hidden link injection exploit.

Stay vigilant
Just because we've fixed this does not guarantee that you'll be immune forever. Hackers are constantly looking for newer and better ways to tear stuff up. Wordpress has been exceptionally good at patching security issues, but someone somewhere has to be the guinea pig to get hit with an attack - and then report it to Wordpress.

One great plugin I've begun to use is Wordpress File Monitor. This plugin scans your Wordpress installation and reports if any files have been added, deleted, or changed. The plugin is customizable to run on a schedule that you set. You can also exclude directories from the plugin's reporting so that you're not alerted every time you upload a picture to insert into a post. I, however, recommend that you do not exclude directories as that directory may be the next location of the next exploit.

Brian Onorio is the President and CEO of O3 Strategies, a Raleigh web design and development group. O3 provides strategies that help small businesses nationwide successfully launch and maintain web presences and online brands.

Maximize Your Twitter Followers

Tweeters from worldwide need to learn how to become a greater tweeter in Twitter. How are you going to do this?

To begin with, you should learn how to ‘re-tweet’. It is possible to certainly transform your standing in Twitter when you re-tweet. When one of your followers posts an appealing post, you can re-tweet it. Should you choose this, most of your followers will even do the same. Just imagine all your followers re-tweeting. When they add your username to their updates, you will be exposed to numerous users. Be careful in re-tweeting when you might not be publishing interesting or helpful topics. Make sure that you re-tweet just the high quality ones. How can you re-tweet? You have to copy the first tweet and write the prefix RT with their name with the originator.

Many users use Twitter to publish tweets that no one is interested about. Who cares in what you ate for dinner or that which you did last night. Perhaps your closest friends will appreciate that but think about the rest of the social community? It might be better when you distribute informative tweets, no nonsense. In so doing, people will think of you in a different way. They are going to understand and feel that you care some way. If you’re addressing your tweets to 1 guy, try and indicate it so that others knows who you are referring to.

Send replies often. Discussing all day long is possible through Twitter. If you wish to talk, you’d better sign up to this social site. Followers like a person who knows how to listen. You might probably find yourself laughing at dumb tweets and you must restrain yourself. Twitter is an application that allows people to communicate; so matter just how interesting some tweets sound, try and appreciate them and reply courteously. Most of Twitter users need to be heard on the internet and when they find people who know how to listen, they are more focused on making friends.

In order to tweet better, you should be proactive. Locate some nice articles and very helpful info online; once you find one, post it. Some might re-tweet it or you can find other users that are curious about meeting you.

Its not necessary to talk about something at all times. Try and be careful in using your automated messages and updates because you could be tormenting others with boring info. You can also try using hashtags. The keywords and phrases are preceded by # and during the past months, hashtags are really hot.

Use the tool Twitpic to upload pictures to your user profile page. Try and upload as numerous pictures as you can but choose your pics well. Your pictures can tell a lot about you and other users will understand. With the images, your followers can become familiar with you better. According to expert tweeters, pictures can tell a lot about a person as compared to the posts to send.

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Understanding Autism Symptoms

As autism is a disorder of the nerves and their development, resulting in some form of impairment in the social and communicative skills of the individual, the autism symptoms of each child will be different. Autism symptoms are normally displayed by children in their first couple of years of growth and development, and require a strong observation to pick up on. However, with patience and good observation parents are able to detect the first signs and symptoms of autism.

Parents tend to be the first ones to notice autism symptoms, since they spend more time than others with the child. What is important is for parents to understand the symptoms in order to better identify the nature, and the reasoning behind these being acted out.

Early diagnosis of autism can help in early assistance and support being provided to the child, which can help in skills and abilities being improved over the years. This is essential if some form of communication and self-help needs to be instilled in the child with autism symptoms, as no cure exits.

Some of the symptoms that parents should be on the lookout include the following:

• If a child is showing a great deal of difficulty in learning language or oral communication. This is a common autism symptom, where the child is unable to babble or speak a single word, even at an age of 2 years

• If a child does not show any form of appropriate response to a gesture. This could be anything from making eye contact with the respective person, or showing a degree of resistance to being cuddled or picked up. The symptom here to look for is a child being out of tune to the world, and seeming to be in his own environment altogether

• Another symptom is where the individual shows a lack of understanding for another's feelings. So if a joke is being shared, or tears are being shed, there is the same response on both counts; the response normally being inattentiveness or a blank face

• For a child who is unable to play with other children or shows a lack of ability to be more cooperative with other children, shows some level of autism

• A child crying excessively or throwing tantrums without reason can also be considered as an autism symptom

By no way are the above stated to be hard and fast autism symptoms, as there could be other reasons for some of them. But all of them put together should give parents some understanding of seeking assistance from medical experts in regards to their child's individual behavior. The child's doctors will be able to further test and then determine if there are any signs of autism in the child.

All parents should keep in mind the above autism symptoms when caring for their child in the early years of development. By having an understanding of autism symptoms, the chance for early prognosis and initiation of support can prove quite beneficial in the later years of the individual.

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The Most Popular Types of Paintings

Paintings are just few of the media which can show the evolution of art over the past centuries. Many artworks were even made during the prehistoric times when cavemen painted animals and rituals on their cave walls. At present, other styles of painting are widely used like abstract, expressionism, landscape, and symbolism. The abstract technique of painting plays with color and form that it communicates a theme that is in a non-figurative way. Abstracts are originally connected to the futurist and cubist artworks of the 20th century. Creations like these present the viewers a simplified form of shapes and figures that they only give inherent qualities instead of the external appearance of the subject. Abstract creations can also be called as non-objective, non representational and non-figurative art. Some critics say that such creations can depict cultural phenomenon. Wassily Kandisky, one of the most known painters in the world specializing in painting abstracts said that, in abstract painting, an artist should possess high sensitivity and a sense of true poet to create a good abstract masterpiece.

Expressionism art, on the other hand, is a style in which a painter exaggerates or twists an image of reality in order to achieve an intense emotional effect. This technique is not only used in painting but also in other art forms like film, literature, music, and even architecture. The art of expressionism often portrays masterpieces whose main subject center most on torment and emotional anguish. Even though the name “expressionism” originally pertains to the artworks of the 20th century, it is not exclusive to this century alone. This form of art has always been connected to the paintings found in Germany during the early centuries so it was believed that expressionism was already a recognized art even before it became popular in other parts of the world.

The next style of painting is landscape whose name came from the Dutch word ‘landschap’. This word originally means ‘a part of a cultivated rich land with a picturesque view’, thus the idea of landscapes. Common landscape subjects are mountains, forests, rivers, and valley sceneries. This type of technique had been most popular even during the Roman times when breath-taking sceneries are often painted on the frescoes. During the 15th century in Europe, landscape painting was seen as a special field of expertise. Landscape art was also effectively used in mapping and documenting newly found lands during the early years of the 20th century.

The last type of painting technique is “symbolism”. This style of painting is one of the most popular artistic movements that originated from French and Belgian poetry during the 19th century. Symbolism art has always been described as a crossover of naturalism and realism art because of its ability in capturing reality even though it uses subjects that subtly symbolizes the message of an artwork. Symbolism is different from abstract art in such a way that the symbolism gives more solid connection to the subject and the message while abstract art plays with the subconscious mind of its viewers.

Rolf Harris Paintings David Shepherd Artwork [”http://www.articulatefineart.com/davidshepherd/index.htm”]

Online Dating Tips – Dos and Don’ts For Girls

Girls - if you’re just starting out with online dating then these tips should help you hit the ground running.

DO: Use a good quality, recent photograph

Posting a good profile picture is the most important thing you can do when starting off in online dating. Most people scan pictures before looking closer at a profile so making sure yours is a good photo of you, and not one which is blurry, unflattering or from twenty years ago will make sure your online profile is not lost among the masses in this crucial first hurdle.

DON’T: Write an autobiography

It’s sensible to assume that most people have a fairly short attention span when it comes to flicking through online dating profiles. If you want yours to be read, therefore, your profile shouldn’t come across as a long and laborious read. Instead, use bullet points or sound bites so visitors can tell they can easily get an idea of who you are.

DO: Show your unique qualities

Too many online dating profiles say all the same things, try and steer instead towards what makes you stand out from all the other dating profiles out there. Common terms to avoid include ‘fun-loving’, ‘good sense of humour’ and things like ‘I enjoy going to the cinema and eating good food’ – so does everyone else. Instead, try to shine by using a few lines of interesting or unusual facts about you which show your distinctive qualities.

DON’T: Settle for a text-only relationship

It might seem like fun at first, but a relationship based on written words alone is not usually what most women are looking for with online dating. If you find your man is hooked on messaging, texting and emailing then it’s time to get him out into the open and meet for real – otherwise it might all just be about feeding his ego. Aim to meet your online dating partners after around seven to ten days so you don’t end up wasting time and energy on unsuitable men.

DO: Hedge your bets

Try to avoid committing yourself to a single, drawn-out date with one man over a weekend and organising your life around it – it could turn out to be a bit of a disappointment. It’s better to organise a few short dates – usually it’s quite easy to tell if you might be interested within the first few minutes. There’s nothing wrong with, say, meeting one dating partner for Saturday lunch, one for drinks in the evening and a third for Sunday brunch. A first meeting shouldn’t be too serious.

DON’T: Inconvenience yourself early on

Beware of agreeing to a date all the way across town for a first meeting. On a first date it’s best to meet him somewhere near where you live or work so that it’s not a major inconvenience. Coffee dates at a nearby cafe during the day are good, because this way you can leave soon if it’s not going too well. If you think it's not working out then you can simply say something like: 'I don't really think there's a connection, but thanks so much for the coffee.' He'll respect your honesty and you won't have to worry about making him feel bad, as you might do by saying no after a longer date.

match.com is the UK’s best known dating site where someone meets their match every ten minutes. Start your love story at match.com.

Dating Advice: 10-Second Test For Love at First Sight?

How long do you need before you can tell the person you are dating thinks you are ‘the one’? A year? A month? Just a few weeks?

According to academic journal ‘Archives of Sexual Behavior’, we should be able to tell if the person we are dating is really, really into us in less than 10 seconds, at least if that person’s a man. Because if a man looks into a woman’s eyes for over 8.2 seconds, says the journal, they are smitten.

But while it seems the longer a man looks into the eyes of the woman he’s dating, the more interested he is, the same is apparently not true of the fairer sex...

The research:

Researchers used hidden cameras to track the eye movements of 115 students while they met and spoke to actors and actresses. They then asked the students to rate how attractive they found the person they were speaking with.

The results:

The study revealed a stark difference between the men and the women who were tested.

The men in the study held a woman’s gaze for an average of 8.2 seconds if they found them beautiful, going down to just 4.5 seconds on average if they did not find them particularly attractive.

Women, however, looked at their male counterparts for the same amount of time whether or not they found them attractive.

Why the difference?

The researchers concluded that while men use eye contact to look for fit and fertile mates, women are more wary of attracting unwanted attention since they can risk unwanted pregnancy and the potential to become a single mother.

What we think:

It’s all very well trying to measure how long the person we are dating is looking at us, but other environmental factors could be at work which might lead to a big misunderstanding if we take this research too seriously when dating.

The problem with this outcome...

While a non-stop gaze might be one way to tell if the man we are dating is in love, a continuous stare for more than eight seconds can come across as a little unnerving for a woman (count it out – eight seconds is actually a really long time to look into someone’s eyes).

And what about if you’re a woman who wants to show the man you’re dating that you’re interested? Evolution seems to have removed our ability to give naturally clear signals in case we might attract the wrong type of mate.

How to give the right cues if you like someone

Body language is a really good way to show how you feel, whether you are a man or a woman. A simple touch on the arm or, if you’re a man, a touch on the lower back to lead your lady through the door, for example, speaks volumes.

Small bits of physical contact give a strong signal to your dating partner that you feel comfortable in their presence and perfectly prepared to relate to them physically – a great start for a more informal kind of relationship.

Smiling is another great way to show you enjoy the company of your dating partner and it’s easy to forget to do this if you’re concentrating too hard on making a good impression with your words – in this situation, actions really do speak louder.

match.com is the UK’s best known dating site where someone meets their match every ten minutes. Start your love story at match.com.

Dating Advice: 4 Surprising Traits Women Will Love You For!

Dating can be confusing for men. Should you focus on showing you’re a nice guy or aim to come across as and macho and strong?

Dating guides might encourage you to impress her with grand romantic gestures and unbounded admiration, but we know what women really want when dating, and it might surprise you! Here are the top four surprising traits which impress women when dating.

1. No grand gestures (just the smaller ones will do)

When we think of romance it can often conjure up images of grand gestures which will sweep a woman off her feet. While a giant bouquet of roses or an unexpected weekend in Paris are not to be sniffed at, you cannot buy a woman’s affection - it is the smaller gestures which will lead to approval.

Holding a door open for the person you are dating (in the right circumstances) shows good manners without being over the top. Try to emphasise your respect without making too much of a fuss – she will notice the little things and you will be able to keep up this behaviour over time (while too many mini-breaks could leave you bankrupt!)

2. An element of challenge

A lot of very good men fall down unnecessarily here with dating. Women love to be looked after to some extent, but don’t really need to have their every whim catered to by a man who quite obviously adores them from day one.

While treating a woman well is one thing, being an absolute pushover is never all that attractive, and this is the reason many ‘nice guys’ aren’t the ones who are the luckiest when it comes to dating. There is an element of ‘the thrill of the chase’ for both sexes, so bear this in mind and try not to put the woman you are dating on a pedestal straight away – let her impress you, too!

3. A stubborn streak

The woman you are dating might give the impression she wants you to change, but let her wrap you around her little finger and you could discover, changes made, that she’s lost interest after all. This is because most women, deep down, are a lot happier knowing their partner is a strong man who can speak up for himself.

If she does ask you to change, be very wary of doing it. That is, unless it’s a change you wanted to make anyway (like stopping smoking! That’s always a good idea). Try to stay true to yourself, while looking after her needs where you can, and she’ll respect you more for it.

4. Being unavailable

This does not equate to not calling back – that’s just rude! But a certain amount of unavailability can make for a longer lasting relationship. She might think she wants you to be around all the time but a little time apart can do wonders to keep the spark going between you.

If you aim to keep up your usual activities, such as meeting your friends and family or spending time on your hobbies, this should give enough down-time to your relationship to keep it burning hot when you’re together.

match.com is the UK’s best known dating site, where someone meets their match every ten minutes. Start your love story at match.com.

How to Get Him Back in Your Arms Fast - Effective Tips to Get Your Ex Boyfrind Back

Whether you caused the breakup or it was a mutual agreement, you might be having some regrets and realize that he was the love of your life. If that is the case, then you should stop thinking of the past and concentrate on how to get him back in your arms fast. Here are some very effective tips to get your ex boyfriend back.

There is nothing you can do about what has already happened. But if you want to get your ex boyfriend back, there are some specific things you can do to shape the future. Certain things will turn your ex on and other things will turn him off. From being with him, you should be very familiar with his likes and dislikes. Having this knowledge can give you a big advantage over him, so use it to your best advantage.

The first thing you should do is to think back to when you first met the love of your life. What was it that attracted him to you then? Was it the fact that you were so carefree and self confident? Try to remember the things he said to you at that time. Maybe he liked the way you wore your hair, or a certain way you smiled. What ever attracted him to you then, will do the same again. If you can remember the things that attracted him at first, and become that woman again, you can get him back in your arms fast.

Go look into the mirror and see if you can picture the woman you were then. Look on the inside as well as the outside. Sometimes your personality changes more than your looks. You develop certain traits or characteristics without being aware of it. You might have become a nagger, and found fault at the least little thing. You might have become domineering, especially if your man was mild mannered. It is much easier to see outer changes than the inner ones and you can change a hairstyle much easer than a bad habit.

Whatever problems you find, you will have to fix in order to get your ex boyfriend back. You can get your looks back to the way they were when you first met your man quite easily. Go to a good salon and take a picture of the way you looked then and tell them you want to look that way again. The bad habits you might have developed will take longer to overcome. You can work on them, but just as it takes time to develop a habit, it takes time to get rid of it. With determination and patience you can do it.

To attract him and get him back in your arms again, you have to show him that you are again the woman he fell in love with. Get with your girlfriends and go to places he hangs out. Do not engage him in conversation, but make sure he gets a good look at you and then leave. He will think he is seeing things, and a flood of memories will envelop him. He will be transported in memory back to the time he first met you. The same wave of attraction will flow over him again, and he will realize that he still loves you and wants to be back in your arms again.

If this is the man for you, don't give up. There are proven methods to make him love you like never before. Bad mistakes can ruin your relationship for good. To avoid these fatal mistakes, you need proven steps to get your ex boyfriend back and keep him. What you should and shouldn't do can be found at this Helpful Site.

5 Easy Ways To Be More Romantic With Your Wife

Easy way to be more romantic number one: Write love notes. If you do a romantic cost-benefit analysis, love notes probably have the best return on investment of anything romantic you can do. Think about it all it takes is a few seconds and you can turn a pen and a yellow sticky note pad into romance. Write things like "you're beautiful", "I love you", "missing you", "I have a crush on you" or anything else you can think of on little notes and hide them in places your wife will find them when she least expects it. Place notes in places like her purse, her car, her makeup compact. As she finds these notes she will be reminded of you and will feel the romance. You may think it's cheesy but these little notes work.

Easy way to be romantic number two: Send flowers just because. Every now and then throw her a curveball by sending flowers just because. They don't have to be the biggest bouquet in the world, 15 or $20 will do, just hit her when she least expects it every now and then. If you do this two or three times a year, your wife will brag about how great you are and how wonderful her husband is.

Easy way to be romantic number three: Ask her out on a date. This is something so simple yet it is usually the first thing to fade away in any long-term relationship. If you've been together one-month or 100 years, you should still ask her out on a date every now and then. Make plans as if it was your first date, tell her when to be ready and possibly go wash the car or do something away from the home before the date so that you can "officially"pick her up at the scheduled time of your date. Again this may sound corny or cheesy but it will bring back those feelings she had when the relationship was new. So rather than just take your wife out to dinner next Friday, ask her if she would like to go on a date.

Easy way to be romantic number four: Take her to get her hair or nails done. This shows her that you are devoting some time just for her it may seem miserable to sit there for 45 minutes while she gets a manicure but it will show her you really care. If she asks why you're doing this, tell her it's because you love her.

Easy way to be romantic number five: Send flirty text messages. Just because you're married doesn't mean you can't flirt. So when you think of it send her a quick text message telling her how beautiful she is or how much you care about her.

You don't have to buy diamonds, you don't have to go on expensive vacations, sometimes all you need is a few notes, some free time and a little thoughtfulness and you too will be known as the world's most romantic husband.

Check out Heather's other web creations, elite pro fuzzy logic rice cooker and her newest website panasonic fuzzy logic rice cooker.

Overcoming Shyness Around Girls - Get to Finally Really Talk to Her!

If you are reading this, I am assuming that you are old enough to start dating. However, you might be experiencing a lot of hitches in your dating career due to the fact that you are a painfully shy person. There are tips in this article that will help you in overcoming shyness for good. I know it must seem real hard to get a conversation when you are around women - especially if you fancy her.

Here are some tips to help you the next time you are in that tight situation. Before we list them, here are some questions you should ask yourself to verify if you are a scaredy cat when it comes to talking to that lady:

* Do you suddenly feel like the world's worst idiot when you get a chance to talk to the girl?
* Are you scared of even approaching her?
* Does it seem as if all you are telling her sound like gibberish or worse, Swahili whereas everything every other guy seems so perfect you feel stupid?

If you want help in overcoming your shyness, you will need to do better. The reason for your fear is that girls seem utterly undecipherable to you, some cryptic mystery. However, if you know the truth about girls and the way they think, you might really be on the ball and be ready to give it one more try.

Boost your communication skills around ladies with the following easy-looking yet effective techniques:

* Be yourself. Girls are not all that crazy about the hulk Hogan muscles or Brad Pitt moody stare, no matter what people have been telling you. What you have to say counts, as long as you can be humorous - even a little - you can still command the attention of a lady. Even if you feel you are lacking in the looks department, but as long as you have got the substance, you can still attract the girls in droves!

* Be creatively funny! The best way to get the attention of a girl on first sight is to try for a bit of humor. Using a casual, off-hand witty remark could just be the key to opening up her heart. Believe me, this much is true!

* Fall in love with yourself first! It figures. If you cannot get yourself to like even you, then what makes you think someone else will? Learn to appreciate you for who you are, honing those points in your life that are really cool. Be careful with this, though, because you might eventually succeed in overcoming your shyness, only to end up being an arrogant prick!

* It's the year of the gentleman. Be one! Open doors for her. Pull up her seat. Take her order. It doesn't even require talking too much. How easy can it get?

If you consciously begin to apply these little nuggets, it would soon occur to you that it really is no big deal talking to a lady. In fact, it is real easy overcoming your shyness!

Moni Arora is a personal development trainer and internet marketing consultant. Discover how you too can Overcome Shyness quickly by visiting http://www.MasterShyness.com where you can sign up for free tips on how to overcome shyness.

Investigating Insomnia Cures

The road towards a journey of insomnia cures begins with a clear –cut understanding of what the condition entails. Firstly take note of the fact that the symptom of insomnia can be accompanied by various sleeps, psychiatric or medical disorders. This results in functional impairments.

Insomnia is a sleep disorder. There are various types of insomnia, transient insomnia, lasting days or weeks, acute insomnia, an inability to sleep for 3-6 months and chronic insomnia, lasting for years. The effects of chronic insomnia depend on the causes. There are various patterns of insomnia, onset insomnia, related to anxiety disorders making it difficult to fall asleep. The difficulty of falling off to sleep after awakening is termed nocturnal awakening, encompassing both terminal insomnia, which is an early morning awakening, and middle insomnia, which is waking up at night and not maintaining sleep.

Sleep rejuvenates the body. Unless the body is relaxed entirety it will not be an easy task to achieve insomnia cures. There are some basic guidelines for insomnia cures. Firstly avoid drinking of any stimulating drinks before bedtime including tea or coffee. Rather engage in a milk drink. After dinner smoking needs to be avoided. A healthy lifestyle filled with boundless physical activity will ensure constructive tired conditions. Easing your mind before bedtime with therapies such as yoga and meditation can calm the minds’ worries and tensions. Before seeking insomnia cures it is crucial to identify the causes, whether it is medical or psychological.

These are the methods towards insomnia cures:

Behavioral intervention: This entails the elimination of daytime naps, and avoiding bright light exposure at night. Do not use the bed for activities like reading or watching televisions and only for sleep or sexual activity. This is part of the therapy in stimulus control. Another stimulus control component is restricting sleep by maintaining a tight sleep schedule and only allowing sleep to take place at certain times for a certain time duration .A reframing technique is paradoxical intention. This technique is an effort to stay awake .This theory is related to the fact that too much emphasis or stress in trying to get sleep is relived resulting in sleep. Insomnia is related to lifestyle.

Cheerful people with positive outlooks are far less prone to the condition of insomnia than those that lead sedentary lifestyles. This condition interferes with human productivity as eternal fatigue descends on you, leaving you with far less energy to cope successfully with daily life deeds. Sleep hygiene include the timing of sleep, food intake, exercise, and sleep environment.

Cognitive behavior therapy (a psychotherapeutic approach used to solve problems of dysfunctional emotions), cognitions or behavior through a systematic, goal-oriented procedure) is far more effective in comparison to hypnotic medications to control insomnia. Improved sleeping habit cures insomnia. There are misconceptions revolving around the assumption of unrealistic sleep expectations of 8 hours each night, the misconception of the causes of insomnia, amplifies the after effects of insomnia and results in anxiety of controlling the sleep process.

Hypnotic medications are short-term insomnia cures with effects that do wear off after adaptation and tolerance. Cognitive behavioral therapy is sustainable and has long lasting effects; it demonstrates superiority in contrast to hypnotic pharmacological medication

Are you ready to discover the best ways to insomnia cures ? Visit http://insomniaremedyblog.com today for more information!

How To Sleep On A Plane

There is nothing worse than arriving at your destination whether it's for business or vacation and being exhausted and over tired. In some cases the sleep that you will get on a plane is the only sleep you may have for that day so it's very important to get as good of a rest in as possible on the plane as you can.

Possibly the most important step to getting some sleep on the plane is your choice in seats. Asile seats are great if you plan on staying awake the entire flight, but if you want to sleep Murphy's Law says that as soon as you start to nod off someone will ask you to get up so that they can get out of your row to go to the bathroom or walk around. If you want to sleep, a window seat is the way to go. Not only will you not have to get up for other people but you can rest your head against the window and feel more comfortable that you won't end up leaning against or drooling on the stranger next to you.

If at all possible avoid the last row of the airplane, often times these seats do not recline and they are so close to the bathroom that you are constantly being woken up by noisy people and yucky smells. Typically, the closer you can get to the front the quieter the plane will be on most planes the rear of the plane is extremely noisy due to engine placement. Exit rows give you more legroom, however they're often some of the first rows to fully booked up so the chances of you having an open seat next to you are pretty slim.

Sometimes honesty is the best policy as you go to check in for your flight tell the gate agent you would like to get some sleep and ask them if there is a row available where you can have a window seat and no one next to, it can't hurt to ask.

Another important factor in getting some rest on a plane is what you're wearing. Try to dress comfortably and be prepared for the plane to either be too cold or too warm wearing layers will help a great deal in finding that ideal temperature to be able to fall a sleep easily.

Drinking doesn't help. In numerous sleep studies doctors have found that consuming alcohol actually inhibits your ability to fall asleep properly and the quality is so poor that you literally don't get any rest at all so avoid those cocktails in the bar before the flight if at all possible.

Bring your iPod and have soothing music preselected that can play for a long period of time without you having to adjust the controls of your iPod. If you have trouble sleeping to music bring earplugs. If you don't have earplugs but you have your iPod and you don't want to listen to music, wear the headphones anyways, this will keep annoying people from bothering you with conversation during the flight.

If you can think of it bring one of those neck donut pillows as they will help you get more comfortable and save your neck during a two hour nap on the plane. As goofy as the luck they really do make a difference and can really help.

Check out Heather's other web creation, best savings account and her newest website online savings account.

Social Anxiety Symptoms to Heal and Cure?

The social anxiety symptoms people go through are quite many. Depending on the frequency and intensity, this problem can be very disturbing. When this happens many are those who go thick and thin to seek remedy.

In as much as there is no problem to make this search, there is also the larger importance of doing that with some amount of caution. This is due to the fact that the number of people claiming to provide the best of results is quite enormous. Many are those who are actually tempted into believing what they hear. The point rally is that some of them do not live up to their words. The ability to choose the best from the rest then becomes a daunting task.

If you should find yourself in such a situation, it may interest you to know that just some simple tricks could be all you need. The first thing is to do a background check to find the source of the provider. Usually, if they have considerable number of years in the service, there is the better chance of being served appropriately.

The fact here is that quite a number of people shy away from such people because of the cost involved. However, it may surprise you to know that the cost you would be required to pay is not always in accordance with the number of years of operation of the service provider. Again, there are some unpopular ones who would be in the best capacity to help in all that is needed about the kind of social anxiety symptoms you have.

If you are bent on seeking affordability, perhaps the easiest way to go is to compare prices. Definitely some of them are likely going to be cheaper than others. You are only reminded never to overlook the quality services you deserve. With the help of the big World Wide Web, this can be done with ease. It is increasingly becoming the rest point for many people when the need for information of this kind arises. Whiles these are good tips, the practice of visiting your doctor in times like this is equally encouraged.

Remember doctors have their specialties. In the period where he or she is unable to help, there would still be the benefit of being referred to the appropriate place for the help you need. Quite apart from that, you stand to get the best of explanation to reduce the fear you may be going through. This is because many people are likely going to misconstrue the signs as that of some other things. To this effect, trying to rely on your effort for remedy may be a wrong decision to make.

At any rate, it would be very important on your part to understand the situation you are going through. This means the practitioner should have enough attention for you in the treatment process. Enhancing the entire process of treatment of social anxiety symptoms would require the expertise of the provider and your corporation.

Social anxiety symptoms is one of the self help remedies we serve as reference source and serve as a coaching club. Check our website for anxiety attack tips and know immediate solutions.

In Need of Social Phobia Treatment? Read Me!

Social phobia treatment is sought today due to the number of incidence of the case. There are a whole lot of psychological problems people go through in their lives without even knowing it. At other times, others also attribute the feeling they experience as due to some other things.

Without the proper management, the situation can be very devastating especially if there is no treatment at the early stages. To be able to identify the situation may not be as simple as people would like to imagine. Although some people succeed in their treatment, it must be noted that expert attention may be the right move to make. This is because there are some issues that would demand the knowledge of the right person.

Having known this, you may still have to be in the know of the common indicators that would call your attention to seek appropriate remedy. In the first place, there are many books that talk much about the topic. It’s just a matter of looking for one and enjoying a read.

It is better to always choose good books in order not to be misled. In the event that methods of treatment are discussed, it would be right to understand it perfectly before trying to practice them. This is the more reason why you need to choose the one that explains concepts in simple terms devoid of any complex stuff. The other place you may have to fall on in this modern day has got to do with going online.

There is no question about the fact that it is the favorite of many people now. In the first place, it provides the platform where one can organize many ideas on social phobia treatment within a matter of clicks. Quite apart from this, there is also the possibility of choosing the one that appears more appealing to you.

Regardless of the author, it must be in your interest to consider those that are quite easy to practice when there is the need to do so. The good news here also lies in the fact that anybody with little or no knowledge in the internet usage can also enjoy the service. You only need to create a keyword of what you are looking for. You then have to enter it in the various search engines out there.

You would be amazed the bulk of info that would be available to you. Make sure enough time is involved to sort through. Anything you choose to follow should be practical, safe and simple to do. This is because; there are many instances where you would be doing it without any supervision. In that case, you need proper understanding before trying to implement it.

Another source of ideas could be your relatives. It is important to state that getting your family involved in the search for treatment is quite a good idea. In most cases, people try to keep their search for social phobia treatment away from their people and should not be encouraged.

Social phobia treatment is one of the self help remedies we serve as reference source and serve as a coaching club. Check our website for anxiety attack tips and know immediate solutions.

Seven Ways to Overcome Shyness - Start Using Them Now!

Most shy people try to console themselves with words like “I'm not shy. I'm just a quiet person.” How funny, because those two concepts - that of shyness and quietness - though they may seem similar, are from two different worlds. A quiet person has no problem mixing with crowds, but will only speak if they have something worth saying. Otherwise, they just shut up and listen. The shy person on the other hand, is bursting with the desire to speak, but is unable to because of the throat-clamping feeling of anxiety.

It's easy to overcome shyness! All you need to do is acknowledge that you are shy, and that you want to take steps to curing the defect. Here are seven tips for you to overcome shyness:

* Learn to love yourself. Appreciate that you are shy, but not retarded. Do not let the feeling that you are socially redundant because you are shy permeate into your mind. Your shyness is not a disadvantage therefore you should come to terms with it. This is the first step to banishing shyness.

* Seek out your discomfort. If you do not exercise your conversational activities, you might not lose of the feeling of shyness. Another step to overcome shyness is by deliberately seeking out social events to attend. The more you subject yourself to these events, the more you are forcing your hand - it might be stressful, but eventually it would be worth it.

* Don't run away from the situation. If you felt your last social conversation was a disaster and you have sworn never to have anything with it again, then you are running away from reality. I advice you instead to look at things differently and stay on course, it will definitely be worth it!

* Try to calm down. The thing with shy minds is that are constantly thinking: thinking up worst-case scenarios in any discussion event. As a result, with a mind so filled up with bogeys and visions of conversation disasters, it is not surprising that you become tongue tied. Take breathing exercises and empty your mind of these thoughts instead.

* Practice in mild settings: a family gathering may work the trick. Try to see how you can get along with members of the family - with whom you are more amiable - and by doing this you are building up for the grand scenario.

* Imagine a situation, and imagine what you could possibly do to feel more at ease. I have discovered that mental visualization tends to work the trick.

* Try to think more of others than all the ways you can mess up the situation. Listen to them and consider what they are saying. That way, you can get a hold on the conversation and you wont' have to stutter to respond to them.

These skills should be practiced, and you should bear in mind that it is not an overnight thing, as it will be slow, but surely you will snap out of your shyness.

Moni Arora is a personal development trainer and internet marketing consultant. Discover how you can Overcome Shyness as quickly as today by visiting http://www.MasterShyness.com where you can sign up for free tips on how to overcome shyness.

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