Advantages of bonds
Have you ever heard co-workers talking around the water cooler about a hot tip on a bond? We didn't think so. Tracking bonds can be about as thrilling as watching a chess match, whereas watching stocks can have some investors as excited as NFL fans during the Superbowl. But don't let the hype (or lack thereof) mislead you. Both stocks and bonds have their pros and cons, and in this article we will explain the advantages of bonds and why you might want to include them in your portfolio.
A Safe Haven For Your Money
Those just entering the investment scene are usually able to grasp the concepts underlying stocks and bonds. Essentially, the difference can be summed up in one phrase: debt versus equity. That is, bonds represent debt, and stocks represent equity ownership. (If you are unfamiliar with the differences between these two securities or need a quick refresher on the subject, check out the stock and bond tutorials.)
This difference brings us to the first main advantage of bonds: in general, investing in debt is safer than investing in equity. The reason for this is the priority that debtholders have over shareholders. If a company goes bankrupt, debtholders are ahead of shareholders in the line to get paid. In a worst-case scenario such as bankruptcy, the creditors (debtholders) usually get at least some of their money back, while shareholders often lose their entire investment.
In terms of safety, bonds from the U.S. government (Treasury
bonds) are considered "risk-free". (There are no stocks that are
considered as such.) If capital preservation - which is a fancy term
for "never losing any money" - is your primary goal, then a bond from a
stable government is your best investment. But keep in mind that
although bonds are safer as a general rule, that doesn't mean they are
all completely safe. Very risky bonds are known as junk bonds. (Learn
more by reading Junk Bonds: Everything You Need To Know.)
Slow and Steady - Predictable Returns
If history is any indication, stocks will outperform bonds in the long run. However, bonds outperform stocks at certain times in the economic cycle. It's not unusual for stocks to lose 10% or more in a year, so when bonds comprise a portion of your portfolio, they can help smooth out the bumps when a recession comes around.
There are always conditions in which we need security and
predictability. Retirees, for instance, often rely on the predictable
income generated by bonds. If your portfolio consisted solely of
stocks, it would be quite disappointing to retire two years into a bear
market! By owning bonds, retirees are able to predict with a greater
degree of certainty how much income they'll have in their golden years.
An investor who still has many years until retirement has plenty of
time to make up for any losses from periods of decline in equities.
Better Than The Bank…
Sometimes bonds are just the only decent option. The interest rates on bonds are typically greater than the rates paid by banks on savings accounts. As a result, if you are saving and you don't need the money in the short term, bonds will give you the greatest return without posing too much risk.
College savings are a good example of funds you want to
increase through investment, while also protecting them from risk.
Parking your money in the bank is a start, but it's not going to give
you any return. With bonds, aspiring college students (or their
parents) can predict their investment earnings and determine the amount
they'll have to contribute to accumulate their tuition nest egg by the
time college rolls around.
How Much Should You Put Towards Bonds?
There really is no easy answer to this question. Quite often
you'll hear an old rule that says investors should formulate their
allocation by subtracting their age from 100. The resulting figure
indicates the percentage of a person's assets that should be invested
in stocks, with the rest spread between bonds and cash. According to
this rule, a 20 year old should have 80% in stocks and 20% in cash and
bonds, while someone who is 65 should have 35% of assets in stocks and
65% in bonds and cash. That being said, guidelines are just guidelines.
Determining the asset allocation of your portfolio involves many
factors including your investing timeline, risk tolerance, future
goals, perception of the market and income. Unfortunately, exploring
the various factors affecting risk is beyond the scope of this article.
Hopefully, this article has cleared up some misconceptions about bonds and demonstrated when they are appropriate. The bottom line is that bonds are a safe and conservative investment. They provide a predictable stream of income when stocks perform poorly, and they are great vehicles for saving when you don't want to put your money at risk.
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