How to Structure Your Articles

Assigned to write feature article? Although feature articles are way too different from writing news stories, there are always writing guidelines that a writer should observed and must strictly follow. The main goal is to write an effective article so that your audience will surely like and read your writings. You need to focus on how you are going to structure your article. Structuring your article provides a manageable way of writing your ideas down.

With the correct manner of structuring your articles, your readers will understand and can be hooked up easily with the topic that you are writing.

When composing a feature article, there are always a multitude of ways that you can arrange your presentation. Depending on the subject and the type of piece, some of these approaches will communicate your subject better than others.

Of course, you can always go the other way around, choosing to compose the material without a set structure. As with anything put together haphazardly, your eventual result will probably be just as random.

To make your writing task work well according to what you want it to be, try using some writing strategies that will help you to write a meaningful and well-presented article. There are three main structural approaches to presenting an article. Time-tested and applicable to many situations, each of these should prove a viable way to manage your writing. Learn how to make these following approaches as your helping tool in writing:

Inverted pyramid. This is the usual structure employed on news pieces, going from the most important to the least important items. It needs to lead with a summary of the story, giving the user a brief overview of what the story is about.

This structure is the most common writing strategy especially in any news and current events. Your readers can easily spot the main purpose of your writing in a direct to the point manner. So they will find it easy to read onwards and understand what your topic is all about.

Chronological order. This structure follows the sequence of events according to the story’s timeline. How-to features and event descriptions are best presented n this manner.

To make this structure work, try writing an outline first. Write about the things that you will include in your article. Guided with your list of information in a chronological order, you will now find it easy to organize your ideas well in a chronological order.

Essay format. Everyone’s favorite, this is the same structure that you do when you put together most varieties of writing assignments for school. The format is characterized by a standard layout, involving an introduction, a middle and a conclusion.

Some writing opportunities, of course, are best handled with a combination of the above structures. As such, don’t be afraid to use hybrid versions when the situation calls for them. Regardless of what format you go with, make sure to turn up the best piece you can with the help of a powerful writing software.

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