Money Saving Tips
- By more thoughtful gifts
- Shop for birthdays and holidays only on sales through out the year (before the event)
- Take a home-packed lunch to work
- Avoid buying expensive food just to save time
- Pay off all debits as soon as possible
- Avoid expensive nights out
- Avoid expensive entertainment like movies
- Have home cooked meals
- Visit your library instead of buying books
- Avoid using petrol at all. (There is this thing called biking)
- Use coupons
- Shop on sales
- Spend less money than you earn
- Plan your finances
- Do not allow credit cards to start gathering interest
- Stop purchasing frivolous, impulse items
- Do not purchase non-essential items
- Find cheaper insurance
- Don't buy something just because it is on sale
- Go into town knowing what you are going to buy
- Buy generic, or non-name brand merchandise if quality is not important
- Drive used cars
- Do not buy the latest and greatest items
- Stop smoking
- Become a self sufficient hermit (might not apply)
- Hold garage sales
- Use public transport
- Buy used items
- Eat more veggies and less meat
- Never spend windfalls
- Never spend money that you are given.
- Haggle and barter to get prices down
- Do not buy from mail order catalogs or TV
- Avoid fees
- Clean your own car, clothes, house etc
- Fix the neighbors' car if she will paint your bathroom
- Live as if you never got a pay rise
- Have low cost pets
- Look around for cheaper prices
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