Frequently Asked Questions
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Sure. Just ensure that you have unbiased content on your website. Then contribute to an existing thread with your URL as the source.
Generally no. The nofollow attribute is only used on content that has not yet been approved by our moderators.
Google tends to index all moderated pages on this site within 6 hours. This is not controlled by us, so results may vary.
Back-links imply that the objective of the link is SEO reasons. We do not do that. We prefer to provide value-added links. Value-added links are links that add value to our readers. Just contribute to a thread and include links to the relevant pages.
That is not our focus. Syncrat focuses on providing great content and providing users with what they are looking for. Any increase in search engine ranking is just a pleasant side effect.
It would be more effective and efficient for you to create an informative thread about it. Use the thread or contributions to tell people about your site, what it does and why it is different. If any text link purchase agreement was reached, the links would still have the nofollow
Most definitely. Over 90% of the posts on Syncrat are contributed by our visitors. You will just need to create you guest post using a new thread and adding multiple contributions to it.
Sure, just make sure to find or start a new thread on the relevant topic. Keep the topic and contributions unbiased and based on facts.