This is a primary topic
Content is not King
It seems that one of the phrases that webmasters use the most is that "Content is King". One site in particular states "Let's face it, information [Content] rules the Information Superhighway we call the Internet". The site that this quote was taken from had so many advertisements that it made the page hard to read and at times visitors had to scroll down 2 pages just to see the "information".
Here are a few issues that I have with the statement that "Content is King":
If there are no links to your site and no-one knows about it, no-one can visit your site.
If your site takes too long to load, no-one with dial up Internet or a mobile phone will visit it.
If your site is too hard to navigate, people will leave your site straight away.
How can "Text Based Content be king" when most people hate to read for long periods on the computer?
How can "Non-Text Based Content be king" when search engines can not see it?
Not all "Content could be King", as it needs to be worthwhile first.
Content is not King, but one of the 3 wise men.
The 3 wise men
There are 3 aspects that you need to cover for a website or any business venture. The 3 wise men (or aspects) are:
Morally correct Marketing
People need to know about your site (but not from bad press)
People need to be able to use your site.
Can blind people use your site (and click the advertisements if needed)
Can people with a lower literacy rate use your site?
Should people who can not read English be able to use your site?
What is your Web hosts uptime like?
What is your site for or providing
Just remember that if one of the 3 wise men (Marketing, Usability, Content) is not applied to your site... Its your loss
Judging a sites popularity
Popularity is very important for a site for many reasons.
Trust - The more that people have used and know people that have used a site, the more likely they are to trust that site.
Search engines - The more popular a site is, the more useful it will be to a web surfer and the more reasons for search engines to return the most popular sites
Life-span - The more popular a site is, the higher the possibility that it will continue for a few more years.
The question is "How do you judge a sites popularity?".
Links - For a few years, search engines ranked the popularity of a site on the number of other sites that are linking to it. The problem with this is that people are now engaging in reciprocal linking and link-spam that reduces the effectiveness of this.
Traffic - It is often though that the more visitors or traffic a site receives, the more popular it is. The problem with ranking a sites popularity on traffic is that pop-up advertising and other devious methods can take a user to a site on loading another site. This means that although a site may receive more visitors or traffic, it may not be popular in the true sense of the word:
- Widely liked or appreciated: a popular resort.
- Liked by acquaintances; sought after for company: "Beware of over-great pleasure in being popular or even beloved" (Margaret Fuller).
The best way to judge a site popularity at the moment is by using a search engine like Alexa, Google or Yahoo
Googles Sitemap Protocol
Google has made the latest step towards making the Internet into a semantic web with its release of its sitemap protocol.
"The Sitemap Protocol allows you to inform search engine crawlers about URLs on your Web sites that are available for crawling. A Sitemap consists of a list of URLs and may also contain additional information about those URLs, such as when they were last modified, how frequently they change, etc." - Google
Benefits to Google
One of the main benefits of the Sitemap Protocol is the possibility of allowing search engines such as Google to see the most recent URLs created or modified that are only available from behind a form. This so called "invisible net" is currently unavailable to most search engines and may contain information that is not available anywhere else on the Internet.
Another reason that Google is implementing its' Sitemap Protocol is to be able to find updated pages faster. This could mean that updated pages being indexed by Google the same day as their release, instead of a month latter in some cases. Although this could be achieved through Google crawling every page on site every day, this is nearly impossible and the Sitemap Protocol should be an alternative to this.
I can see that with the Sitemap Protocol, Google could have 2 types of crawls in the future:
- Full Crawl - The typical Google-bot crawl over the whole site looking at the links and doing the page rank thing
- Quick Update - Google gets the new updated pages but does not run all algorithms, thus saving processor time and bandwidth while being up to date.
Benefits to websites
The first possible benefit to websites is the saving of bandwidth. If Google crawled more often to achieve the save result as they would with theSitemap Protocol a lot of a websites bandwidth would be wasted.
The Google Sitemap Protocol seems to be of a benefit to larger sites than small sites. Google states that "Using this protocol does not guarantee that your Web pages will be included in search indexes. In addition, using this protocol may not influence the way your pages are ranked by a search engine.". The main benefit the Sitemaps to websites is the possibility of getting updated pages into Googles index quicker.
RSS Feed Replacement
Not just Google stands to benefit from Googles' Sitemap Protocol as there are many alternative uses for the Sitemap files. One possible application for the Sitemap files is an RSS Feed replacement. Many RSS feeds are now used to tell visitors with RSS readers that posts have been added to a forum or that articles have been added to a website. An RSS reader alternative could use the Sitemap files to find the latest updated files and use aspects of the updated page to provide a similar service to an RSS feed.
Like it or not, a website fails without incoming links
For a short while, I was taken in by a lot of the chatter on the net about content. People say that "content is king" and that if you create great content, people will come. Although part of this statement is correct, many sites now days are based on communities.
Virtual communities are popular because there are many people in them. If you are trying to create one, it does not matter how great your site is, it all depends on the number of people who come to your site each day.
Being found
When building a community, your community needs to be able to find you. Finding an site in Google is quite anonymous. Nobody has recommended the site to you and you do not expect much from it.
If your favorite website or blog points you to a website, you expect it to be good. Although it is still just a link to your site, a link in the form of a recommendation is much better than a link on a webpage.
There is so much emphasis placed on search engines now-days that people tend to forget that links also bring users. The more links you have coming to your site, the more visitors that will come.
Search engines
When search engines try to rank websites, the use the number of incoming links as an indication of how good the site is. The more links, the better the site.
So your site does need links, and without them, your competition will always be greater.
Your URLs still contain WWW?
If you look at any website URLs most will contain the acronym WWW. This stands for World Wide Web, though it often leaves me wondering Why? Why? Why?.
Writing out URLs
One thing I have learn't from watching people use computers is that most do not know the shortcuts. I am even willing to bet that less than half of computer users know the Control + C and Control + V shortcuts for copy and paste.
When most people write out a URL, they do not write out Instead they are more likely to write out
Although there is a convention to use WWW, in reality all it does is create a longer URL for your visitors to type out.
Shorter the better
The benefit of a short url is that it is easier to remember. People do not remember, they remember By keeping www off your urls, you have shorter, snappier URLs.
After you have decided to go with or without WWW, you need to redirect the other.
Some browsers will automatically add WWW to, but other will not. Your website should redirect: to
or to
Quick SEO Tips
Just a few tips to help get better rankings in search engines.
- Update often
- Search engines like MSN like websites that are fresh and have been changed.
- Register your domains for a long period
- Search engines like sites who have registered their domains for as long as possible and are looking like they will be around for the long term
- Update coming soon pages
- If your website is still in the making, have a few articles on your site rather than just a "coming soon" page.
- Keyword Meta Tags
- Keyword meta tags still seem to have a bit of magic left in them. Only include keywords that occur in your page though.
- Content
- Like everyone says, content does make the site.
- Buy good domains early
- when you get the hint of an idea, buy a great domain for your site and investment. If you develop the site in years to come, you will be glad you brought a good domain early.
- Focus on users more than search engines
- Search engines like sites that are accessible and have a user focus.
- Continual maintenance
- Keep maintaining the site until it is taken offline
- Be unique
- If there was one way to set up a perfect website, everyone would do it.
- It takes time
- If everyone could make perfect websites instantly, everyone would be doing it, but they are not.
Importance of forum signature links
When you write a post to a message board, bulletin board or forum, most good systems allow you to have a signature on your every one of your posts. You can write a question, or answer a question on the forum and your signature appears just below what you added to the conversation.
There is one thing different about links in your forum signatures that sets them apart from links on other sites. It is not:
- Directly related to how the search engine sees the link
- The size of the link
- The text of the link
or any other linking technique. It comes down to the fact that forum signature links are editable.
Editable forum links
Some of us have used forums a lot, with thousands of posts around the place, often on less than 5 forums. With good forums, the option to edit your forum signature is given and you can update the URL in your signature when you want. This give you a lot of search engine ranking power.
Setting up new site
When you are setting up a brand new site, you will have no links to your domain. By changing all your forum signatures to point to your new domain, you are giving your new site a lot of new publicity and it will help a lot.
Preventing Page not Found problems
If you decided to chance your site around, you might break link from other pages. Make sure you edit your forum signatures to reflect the changes.
NoFollow: Showing NoFollow links in Firefox
On some links, webmasters can say that the link should not be followed by a search engine. The problem is that these links look the same to the user as normal links.
Thanks to an idea from Matt Cutts, Firefox can be tweaked so that these links show up differently.
It involves editing the userContent.css file in the Firefox profile chrome directory (which I prefer to do by hand).
All that you really need to do is place:
text-decoration: line-through ! important;
into userContent.css in the chrome directory in your Firefox profile directory.
Search engines ranking with nofollow
The nofollow attribute (rel="nofollow") is used by webmasters to control what search engines crawl, and can reach. The Google Blog explains that
It is quite interesting how the post mentions that it "isn't a negative vote for the site where the comment was posted" and uses the word site, not page. They don't say that the words surrounding the link or the page the link is on has no negative vote or a less of a positive vote.
From my point of view, any page on a site that uses the nofollow attribute says that it is ether less authoritarian or may not be approved by the search engine.
Less authoritarian
If the links on a page contain the nofollow attribute, it tells the search engines that the information is likely to be submitted by someone other than the webmaster. It could be anyone, and my be
spam. This means that the words surrounding a nofollow attribute like are more likely to be created by a spammer or someone who is less connected with the site and therefore can not be as much of a
trusted source. Why would search engines want to link to content that is not from authoritarian sources? (over trusted sources)
Not approved by the search engine
A page that contains the nofollow attribute could also be seen by search engines as possibly linking to pages that are not approved or liked by search engines. If most of the links off a website contain the nofollow attribute, the search engine could have the "if it is not good enough to crawl, then it is not good enough to rank" frame of thinking.
What search engines imply and do can be different. In 2001, Inktomi let it slip that pages rank lower if the url is manually added. They did not say anywhere that the pages found by the crawler had an advantage, but they did not deny it ether. A news release stated in 2001 that:
Inktomi is indeed penalizing pages submitted via the free Add URL system, the company says. "The free Add URL is very much a magnet for spam and low quality pages, so we do intentionally give those pages a lower ranking," said Michael Palmer, chief technical officer of Inktomi's search services division. The change was made in the middle of last year, Inktomi says
StumbleUpon: A Web 2.0 mashup! is a website that directs you to a random website that was liked by other people with similar tastes to you. Rating these website you like, automatically shares them with like-minded people and helps you discover great websites your friends recommend. It is quite popular with more than 1 million people using it.
Many webmasters have found that StumbleUpon is a great source of traffic, but few people know how StumbleUpon discovers their site.
StumbleUpon and Digg relationship
After starting a new website, one of my pages got posted to Digg. Although Digg did not rate the page very highly, I noticed a reasonable increase in traffic to my website.
In my website statistics, there was another site right below Digg - StumbleUpon. As my site was new, there was only a limited number of sites that linked to me. This is what made the traffic from StumbleUpon so intriguing. That is when I figured that StumbleUpon must add the top and newest sites on Digg to its list of sites.
Meta Tags
Although the idea of Meta tags is growing old, they are still being used to help other sites decide what to put in a link to your site, and other information about your site.
Several meta tags where introduced by the popular search engines, Infoseek and AltaVista, to help there search engines index web pages, and now use meta tags as well as other aspects of the page to index pages.
Meta tags go in the head of your web page, in-between the HTML tags, <head> and </head>.
There are a number of different Meta tags that you can use, but the most important ones are the Description and the Keywords Meta tags as well as having a title for the web page.
The title of your web page should also be in the document head, which you want to make as descriptive as possible for the search engines to index.<title>Meta Tags Optimisation Tutorial</title>
This tag is used to give a short description of the contents of your web page, and is often used by search engines in the search results as a description of what your page contains. However, many search engines will only display the first 20 characters, so be as short and descriptive as possible.<meta name= "description" content="Tutorial on Meta Tags optimisation.">
To help get your web site up in the ratings you can supplement the title and description with a list of keywords, separated by commas, that some one might type into a search engine when looking for a site like yours. Most search engines will index the first 64 characters in this Meta tag.<meta name="keywords" content="meta tags, tutorial, training, HTML">
This is used to give the web page a rating for the appropriateness for kids. The ratings are, general, mature, restricted, and 14 years.<meta name="rating" content="general">
The rest of the tags are not necessary but I shall run through them anyway.
This is used to identify the author of the web page.<meta name="author" content="Bruce Corkhill">
This one identifies any copyright information there is for the web page.<meta name="copyright" content="2001, Web Wiz Guide">
The revisit-after meta tag is useful for sites where the content changes often and tells the search engine how often to revisit your site. The example below will tell the search engine to revisit your site ever 31 days.<meta name="revisit-after" content="31 Days">
This meta tag is used by responsible web masters to let the search engine know when the page expires and can be removed from the search engines directory. It can either be set to never, or a date in the format day, month, year, eg. 28 June 2002.<meta name="expires" content="never">
Tells the search engine who the page is meant for and can be set to; global, for everyone, local, for regional sites, and UI, for Internal Use.<meta name="distribution" content="global">
This Meta tag is used is used to tell the search engine whether you want the web page indexed or not. You only really need to use this Meta tag if you DON'T wont your web page indexed. The values for this tag are: -index(default) | Index the page |
noindex | Don't index the page |
nofollow | Don't index any pages hyper-linked to this page |
none | Same as "noindex, nofollow" |
<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">
Meta Tags Example
Below is an example of the head of a document containing Meta tags for search engines and a title for the web page:<head>
<title>Meta Tags For Search Engines</title>
<meta name="description" content="Tutorial
on Meta Tags optimisation.">
<meta name="keywords" content="meta tags,
tutorial, training, HTML">
<meta name="rating" content="general">
<meta name="copyright" content="2001, Web Wiz
<meta name="revisit-after" content="31 Days">
<meta name="expires" content="never">
<meta name="distribution" content="global">
<meta name="robots" content="index">
Site Maps
With 40 million websites in existence, and more than 3 billion web pages indexed by Google at the time of this writing (July 2003), it’s no wonder that more and more people are relying on search engines to find their way through the unruly world that the web has become.
Nowadays, it is crucial to get your pages indexed by the most important search engines. To maximize traffic to your site, you must make sure that all your internal pages are indexed, not just your main page (homepage).
Fortunately, you don’t need to submit each of your pages manually. The most efficient way is to create a Site Map (a list of links to all the pages in your site) and link to it directly from your homepage.
How Will A Site Map Help Me?
Search engines find pages by “crawling” the web. They go through the code of all the pages in their database (also called index), following links to other pages and adding them to the database (in fact, more pages are added this way than by manual submission).
However, search engines have trouble following links from pages buried too deep within the directory structure of a site. A Site Map solves this problem by giving the engines access to the links to all your pages once they follow the Site Map link in your homepage. For more effectiveness, place your Site Map in your root directory (where your index page is).
Site Maps: Not Just for Search Engines
While some web users will find their way through your site by following navigation links or by using the search box, others will turn to your Site Map. If you design your Site Map carefully, it will not only be useful to the search engines, but to your human visitors as well.
Here are some pointers:
- The Site Map should act pretty much like the table of contents of a book.
- The Site Map must clearly show all the sections of your site, and the information contained in each of those sections.
- Every item in your Site Map must be hyperlinked to its URL.
- If it’s not too long or cumbersome, use each page’s TITLE as the link text, since this tends to increase the relevance of your site. Otherwise, use the word or the short phrase that best describes the content of the page.
- Make sure that you place the link to your Site Map at a visible location in your homepage (users shouldn’t need a map to find your Site Map!).
- Don’t get creative: simply call the link “Site Map”.
- Make your Site Map a simple text link. If you use javascript the search engines will ignore it.
How can I check if my pages have been indexed?
Once you have created and uploaded your Site Map and placed a link to it in your homepage, submit both your homepage and your Site Map page to the search engines. You will then have to wait until the search engines do a web crawl. In the case of Google, the largest search engine, this happens approximately once a month.
To check if a page on your site has been picked-up and indexed by Google’s, go to and use the “allinurl” command in the search box:
Where “” is the URL of the page you want to check.
To get a list of all the pages in your domain that have been indexed by Google, you’ll have to use the “site” command, followed by your domain name plus a word (or group of words) that you know appear in all your pages (for example, a copyright statement or some footer text): commonword
If after typing this command you get a list of all your pages (or at least a significant number of pages that weren’t in the index before), this will be a strong indication that your Site Map has been successful.
Links to your website: How to get them
Links building is a primary job for developing link popularity. Link popularity is one of the vital measures taken in consideration by the search engines to rank your web pages. The number and the quality of links on your website would also play an important role for raising your page ranking. Some sites get as much as 200,000 visitors a month from links. Remember, this is free traffic. You can use various strategies such as article writing, software and tools to raise your link popularity.
Methods to get links
- Make your site worth linking to
- Before other webpages are going to link to you, the want to know that your website is going to be liked by their visitors. A simple way to ensure this is to offer something for free. Free software, services or information all work.
- Request larger sites to link to you
- Links from larger sites are worth more in terms of traffic and improving your ranking in the search engines. Adding your link to places like will do much more for your publicity than many links from smaller blogs.
- Write Press Releases
- Writing a compelling news-worthy press release about your site or related topic, can also result in multiple websites and news sources picking it up and linking to your site. This is a very effective way of obtaining numerous one-way links very quickly, but doesn't offer the long-term benefits that articles do.
- Submit Your Website To Directories
- This is a good way of getting one-way links to your site (if a reciprocal link is not required). There are numerous directories you can submit to, offering both free and paid submissions. When deciding on whether paid submissions are worth it, you should look at the page where your link is expected to appear and see if it has a reasonable page rank, and the number of other links that appear on that page, with the fewer the better.
- Dmoz
- Work on getting into the directory
- Exchange Links With Other Websites
- This process, known as reciprocal linking, is common place on the internet, and is something most webmasters do. However, while it's something you should do, it's important to note that search engines place more importance on one-way links than two-way or reciprocal links.
- Build A Network Of Websites And Interlink Them
- When building multiple websites it makes sense to interlink them, preferably from a home page link for maximum benefit. This can be very beneficial if each of your websites is on a different server, but be careful if they are hosted on the same server, as the search engines will think you're deliberately manipulating their results, and will most likely prevent you from achieving higher rankings.
- Write Articles
- This is a very powerful method of obtaining a lot of incoming one-way links to your site. By submitting your articles, which include the all important resource box with the link to your site, to multiple article directories you can pick up backlinks from not only these article directories but from other websites who pick up your articles and include them on their website or blog.
- Create A Blog
- Blogs are very easy to create with multiple websites offering free services, so there is no excuse for not creating a blog related to and linking to your main website. You could post anything - your thoughts, articles, or affiliate program reviews, for example, but make sure you include a link to your site in the links section, and at the end of each post if appropriate.
- Leave Comments On Blogs And Guestbooks
- You've got to be careful with this method that you don't abuse it and start spamming other people's blogs or guestbooks. Leave legitimate comments, and make it look like you actually have something to contribute. For example, just saying “Great Blog!” and then leaving your link is rightly considered to be spam, and will also damage your reputation in the long run.
- Post On Forums That Allow Sig Files
- Sig files are the line(s) that appear at the bottom of each message and act as a discreet way of advertising your site. You won't get a great deal of benefit in terms of page rank, as most forums do not have a high page rank for their threads, but you will build up a good number of links, and as forums generally tend to get spidered by the search engines regularly, they will follow the links to your site and subsequently spider your site on a regular basis.
- Write Testimonials
- By writing and submitting testimonials to websites that you have previously purchased products or services from, you can get high-quality links to your site, often from the home pages of the sites in question.
- Buy Links
- The final way to obtain incoming links is by simply buying them. This can have a dramatic effect on your page rank and subsequently your search engine rankings if you can get links from PR6+ sites, however the only problem with this is that most links for sale are often for a set period of time, usually a month, and so you have to keep buying them to maintain your higher page rank and rankings.
Writing a good forum signature
All the good forums allow their users to have a forums signature at the bottom of each of their post.
The way that forums signatures operate depends on the forum:
- Some forums have the no-follow attribute on links rendering them useless from a search engine ranking point of view
- Some forums only show forums signatures to logged in people meaning a smaller audience
Types of forum signatures
There are 4 types of forum signatures. Each one may work in certain forums and not in others.
Descriptive links
The descriptive links is your classic forum signature. It can have one or many links, and is it easy to identify what each link is about. If your links are on topic with the forum, this type will work well for you. The problem comes when your links are not related and as people can tell that they are not related. They have no reason to visit your links. An example of descriptive links is:
See syncrat for Music, News and sport
Personal links
The personal (or ego) links forum signature is different to the descriptive links forum signature as it focuses more you and not the links. Instead of your signature appearing as descriptive links like:
See syncrat for Music, News and sport
Your signature would instead appear like:
Webmaster of syncrat; Top website in some random awards
If you have a good website, a signature like this can give you more authority in a forum of the same topic. This can sometimes backfire if your website is not up to standard though.
The problem with this type of forum signature is that it has more focus on you, rather than your website. The result is that it is not too far from a mystery link.
Mystery link
When you are linking in your forum signature to a site that is not related to the current forum, mystery links can sometimes bring good results. A mystery link is where there is no indication of the type of site the link will end up on. It may take you to an online store, personal home page or porn page. One example of a mystery link is simply:
A mystery link should only be used if you are getting low click through or interest.
Graphical banner
Perhaps the most disliked forum signature is the graphical banner due to its typical size. Some banners are just an image and a link and others display statistics such as:
- The number of times the signature has been viewed
- Your current computers statistics
- How much of your CPU time you have donated
If you do have a graphical banner, make sure that is is not to high as this means that people have to scroll further to read the conversation.
Rules to remember
When designing a forum signature the are 3 rules to remember:- Spelling and Grammar
- A badly spelt signature just makes you look bad.
- Don't have anything too big
- Readers get annoyed when they have to keep scrolling due to large forum signatures.
- Don't have too many links
- Too many links not only makes you look like a spammer, but it also does not seem as professional as one simple link and a description.
XML Sitemaps: For speed indexing large sites
After reading a website claiming XML Sitemaps were the Most Overrated SEO Tactic Ever, I felt that XML sitemaps were getting a hard time. The article started off saying that the XML sitemaps never really solve any problem in the following paragraph.
XML Sitemaps Don’t Solve Problems
I’ve done SEO on sites as small as 4-5 pages. I’ve done SEO on sites with 15,000,000+ pages. I’ve never once recommended the site owner create an XML sitemap and submit it to the search engines. Sitemaps don’t really solve any problems where indexing and crawlability are concerned. Let’s use a typical 100-page site as an example:
The article carried on about using XML sitemaps on a 100 page site:
No Problems?
If you have a 100-page site, and the spiders are able to crawl all 100 pages, and all 100 pages are indexed, and life is good … maybe you’re thinking a sitemap is a good complement, or something to do “just to be safe.” Why? If life is that good, you don’t need an XML sitemap. Let the spiders keep doing what they’re doing; let them crawl through your pages, let them figure out which pages deserve more frequent crawling, and which don’t. Don’t get in their way, and don’t steer them off track with a sitemap.
I have to agree with the article that crawl-ability of pages is important. Though I have to disagree that XML sitemaps do not have a place in SEO. I felt that the article missed some vital information that would have described the situation better:
How often did Google crawl the XML sitemap?
How often was the XML sitemap updated?
Was every page in the XML sitemap?
To Google, site maps can be definitive. Meaning that the only urls that it lists are the ones in your site maps. This also means that a post will not exist to Google unless it is in your site map. Although Google will crawl your site as well, it will rely on the sitemap.
What really got me about the article though was that the author missed the point.
XML Sitemaps are for speed indexing
Google Webmaster Central says it takes on average 1096 milliseconds or 1 second on average to download an average page on my site.
For a 100 page site this will take 100 seconds or 1 Minute 40 Seconds. With the help of XML Sitemaps, Google can know about all new pages within 1 second of indexing (1 XML Sitemap file), but still need to index the new pages.
This does not make XML Sitemaps look very useful, but we notice the difference on large sites like the author mentioned.
For a 15,000,000 page site this will take 15,000,000 seconds or:
250,000 minutes
4167 hours
174 days
At this rate and assuming that Google can only download one page at a time, it will take just under half a year to download all the pages. With the help of XML Sitemaps, Google can know about all new pages within 5 minutes of indexing (301 XML Sitemap files), but still need to index the new pages.
Any one of the 15,000,000 pages could link to a new page. When you have users creating pages constantly, you can not rely on Google to crawl every page on your site. It is just not possible to crawl that size site and have every new page listed in Google in under an hour. Expecting Google to look for new pages linked from any one of 15,000,000+ pages quickly is stupid. Use XML Sitemaps to ensure speed indexing.
Why Onsite SEO Optimization Pays For Its-self
Getting to the top of Google, Yahoo and MSN is actually an incredibly difficult process involving a great deal of research, analytics and it can take anything from a few weeks to a few months to get there. Today as more and more companies look to get their site top ranked, more and more websites are neglecting the importance of Onsite SEO Optimization.
Onsite SEO Optimization is perhaps the most accessible form of search engine optimization(SEO) and because of this, it’s also the most neglected because most people think that it really is just a piece of cake. The reality is however, that good onsite SEO optimization involves more than just ensuring a sites markup is W3C compliant, it involves everything from creating sitemaps to minimizing site load time.
Historically, many search engines were pretty basic in their review of a site. They took a quick scan over content and that was about it. Today however things have changed as search engines begin to parse pages not just for content, but for accessibility, usability and to ensure that the site is actually valuable for users.
To this end, onsite SEO optimization has become vitally important. Ensuring that information is well-presented, well-linked and standards compliant is now a major priority as quite simply, if you can’t take the time to verify the onsite SEO optimization of your website, then the search engines won’t take the time to index your site.
Ensuring that every page is optimized for the search engines is a time consuming and laborious task however the results really do pay for themselves. Many search engines in fact give well-optimized sites extra features in the listings such as video pages, and additional links which do a great deal to catch a person’s eye.
Search engine professionals will tell you that the importance of a well-optimized webpage is the most crucial part of search engine optimization as without it, executing the remaining parts of a SEO campaign is nothing but a waste of budget.
Today there are many onsite SEO optimization companies out there offering a variety of different services. Many of them offer a free site review, which is essentially a quick scan executed by some retail software. If your business is reliant on its website, then it’s important to allocate a reasonable budget to its promotion. Onsite SEO optimization is a part of that promotion and cutting corners here can lead to major ramifications further down the road. Ultimately, it’s best err on the side of caution by choosing a company you can trust, who has an experienced portfolio and can prove themselves before you handover the money.
Today there are many onsite SEO optimization companies out there offering a variety of services. When you’re looking for some help, there are countless companies ready to lend a hand. While for the most part, most of them are reputable and can deal with any SEO issues you may have, there are a few rogues out there and it’s important to be ever cautious.
If you need some help with your SEO, then you can’t go far wrong by looking at our Onsite SEO Optimization. We also offer many other SEO services, as well as a great deal of free advice.
How to Analyse Web Site Traffic
To start with, you have to collect the information. When you have a web analytics tool added, it may already be doing the stuff for yourself. You need to include every aspect of your website that collect information. Such aspects include CGI logs, Web logs, forms, along with other types of information that your web site generates.The successfully collected information now must be transformed. Which is a massive task to review the log file manually. You are therefore needed to transform the available data into user-friendly data that may be manipulated at ease. You analytics tool will do this functionality also. When you have no web log formatted files, such as CGI; your analytic tool may not help.
With the collected and changed information, you can easily proceed along with your analysis today. This is arguably probably the most interesting a part of your website analysis campaign. You need to identify a trend in the traffic flow. Following points would assist you to do just the same.
Does your traffic flow raise at a specific time? Which websites get visited often? What number of pages does an average website visitor check out? How long does your website visitor stay at the site? Simply how much visitors are you able to tap into engines like google. Which pages act as exit points for your visitors? What exactly are your inbound links?
Turn Those Experience - When you've completed analysis on your blog, you should develop a plan of action depending on how you are going to increase your web page. For example, if you find a very popular entry web page that you were unaware of, you might consider adding more links to other documents on your blog from that page. Or when you note that many of your customers get to your home page and then leave, you realize you should hold some focus groups to determine what's wrong with that page and improve it.
Motivate Your Readers - Making modifications to your Homepage should be a continuing thing, along with your modifications should always be interesting both to you and to your viewers. When you probably know how you are going to change your web page depending on your Web analytics, then you should put your strategy into action.
Last but not least, Collect Your Data Once again - Web analytics can be an on-going procedure. When you've made a change, start tracking it inside your Web logs and find out your Web analytics again.
If you are interested in more information, the Author shares the Auto site. This article was written by the business marketer at Car Audio, he is using the techniques you learned in this article. The company is bigger stereo retailer in the Internet with his Autoradio sites.
How To Improve The Traffic For Your Website
To start with, you need to collect the data. When you have an internet analytics tool, it may well be collecting all of the logs for you. You must remember to include all of the areas of your blog that may be collecting the data. Such parts may include CGI logs, Web logs, forms (e mail requests), and any other info that your website may be generating.
The next phase is always to transform the collected information in to an understandable format that can be manipulated further. Reviewing the log file by hand should be a hectic task. A web site analytics tool would serve well here, making it easy to convert the collected information into understandable information. However, if several of your data is in the non-web log format like CGI, you will need to covert it yourself.
With all the gathered and changed information, you can easily proceed using your analysis now. This can be arguably one of the most interesting part of your net analysis strategy. You need to recognize a trend in the targeted traffic flow. Following factors would assist you to do just the same.
Can your traffic flow increase at a specific time? Which pages get visited the most? The number of internet pages does a typical visitor visit? The length of time does your visitor stay at the site? Simply how much traffic is it possible to draw from search engines. Which internet pages act as exit points for your website visitors? What are your incoming links?
You should now be setting bench marks on your own. With all the analysis done, you know the strong and weak points of your website. You can now plan your actions and execute them to reach newer standards. For instance, you can add more business links on the pages that are frequently visited by the people, and optimize the lesser visited ones for much more traffic flow. In short, you need to work in a direction to capitalize on the strong facets of your webblog and improve on the weaker factors.
You need to attract your visitors. When you know that you need to make modifications to your website, depending on your web analytics, you will need to make the changes in a way that visitors notice them. Unless people find out about the updates, there is not much use. For this, you would need to promote yuor web blog tactfully, highlighting the updated parts of your webblog.
The above procedure isn't a one time task, but you have to perform it constantly. The task is consequently a constant process, and needs you to spend time on it regularly.
If you are interested in more information, the Author shares the Auto site. This article was written by the business marketer at Car Audio, he is using the techniques you learned in this article. The company is bigger stereo retailer in the Internet with his Autoradio sites.
Do You Think That SEO Really Effects Your Business?
The importance of SEO is mainly needed for giving a good web presence. When it is done properly, SEO can fetch people to the website which is in fact looking for what are the offerings. SEO and SEM in common, can generally provide different purposes.
SEO mainly is the capability to maximize the audiences of any website by making certain that it appears in the search engine results. Making a website in the top searching list makes it a very popular one as most of the visitors don't ever go for low viewed or low ranked listed websites. Keywords or phrases are very important and should be included in your website. The website owners actually require considering how the people searches for their products or services, what keywords they are using to search, and what are the searches which may highlight their websites.
An effective way for ensuring traffic to the website is maximizing the number of links which actually attract users to it. The more the website name is displayed on the internet the additional traffic will be gained. The most excellent inbound links are actually those ones which come from the higher ranked sites. The visitors linking to the website are not actually something you can have full control over it, commonly it happen organically.
There are numerous things for considering while building the website for maximizing search engine rankings. Try to consider those words which a user may type in a search-engine for finding information like as yours. Search for those websites and analyze them which are at the peak of the list & see what the keywords they are using & how prominently they are using those.
SEO is very important as it can create huge sales in both the online & offline forms. It can generate leads also. The truth actually behind the preference of the importance of SEO is that the search engine traffic usually can make an organization's success. The targeted visitor of a web site provides publicity, exposure, and revenue like in no further form of the marketing. Investing for the SEO, by spending money for a professional to do it, or by spending time for doing it by you, it provides an outstanding rate of the return.
Quick Recap: Do you think that SEO Really Effects on Your Business? •Search Engine Optimization Marketing makes your website appear higher. •Gives a good web presence. •Search Engine Optimization Specialists mainly is the capability to maximize the audiences. •Create huge sales in both the online & offline forms.
Maximize Your Twitter Followers
To begin with, you should learn how to ‘re-tweet’. It is possible to certainly transform your standing in Twitter when you re-tweet. When one of your followers posts an appealing post, you can re-tweet it. Should you choose this, most of your followers will even do the same. Just imagine all your followers re-tweeting. When they add your username to their updates, you will be exposed to numerous users. Be careful in re-tweeting when you might not be publishing interesting or helpful topics. Make sure that you re-tweet just the high quality ones. How can you re-tweet? You have to copy the first tweet and write the prefix RT with their name with the originator.
Many users use Twitter to publish tweets that no one is interested about. Who cares in what you ate for dinner or that which you did last night. Perhaps your closest friends will appreciate that but think about the rest of the social community? It might be better when you distribute informative tweets, no nonsense. In so doing, people will think of you in a different way. They are going to understand and feel that you care some way. If you’re addressing your tweets to 1 guy, try and indicate it so that others knows who you are referring to.
Send replies often. Discussing all day long is possible through Twitter. If you wish to talk, you’d better sign up to this social site. Followers like a person who knows how to listen. You might probably find yourself laughing at dumb tweets and you must restrain yourself. Twitter is an application that allows people to communicate; so matter just how interesting some tweets sound, try and appreciate them and reply courteously. Most of Twitter users need to be heard on the internet and when they find people who know how to listen, they are more focused on making friends.
In order to tweet better, you should be proactive. Locate some nice articles and very helpful info online; once you find one, post it. Some might re-tweet it or you can find other users that are curious about meeting you.
Its not necessary to talk about something at all times. Try and be careful in using your automated messages and updates because you could be tormenting others with boring info. You can also try using hashtags. The keywords and phrases are preceded by # and during the past months, hashtags are really hot.
Use the tool Twitpic to upload pictures to your user profile page. Try and upload as numerous pictures as you can but choose your pics well. Your pictures can tell a lot about you and other users will understand. With the images, your followers can become familiar with you better. According to expert tweeters, pictures can tell a lot about a person as compared to the posts to send.
If you are interested in more information, the Author shares the Auto [] site. This article was written by the business marketer at Car Audio, he is using the techniques you learned in this article. The company is bigger stereo retailer in the Internet with his Adapter sites.
SEO Services and Custom Design Services From Techwood Consulting
Are the users of Internet business Atlanta delighted by their Atlanta SEO within their enterprises? Encouraging the welfare of the optimization companies, the Atlanta SEO seems to overcome the expectations regarding its importance on the advertising and web promoting domains; this is due to the large amount of employers requesting only SEO specialists, for there are lots of web programmers and web designers.
With its population of over five million people, Atlanta may easily cope with a foundation and number of specialists in search engine optimization, even if there are slight chances of disturbing other zones’ balance within business to business domain. No matter what kind of site we need to advertise, it is needed a good Atlanta SEO. Fulfilling the quest of doing a good optimization process, Atlanta SEO subscribes at a series of methods cherished by both the clients and the providing company. These procedures are maintained by any other companies and it include the Meta modifications (using the desired expressions taken from the customer), recording in the virtual libraries and other advertising means, promoting the words through the “pay per click” service and so on. Also, there are added administration and web maintaining features, all of these services being made within a clear and well explained contract. Usually, the results are to be seen in several weeks, the impossibility to meet the optimized expressions into the first page of a search engine being a well known fact. The requirements of a proper Atlanta SEO will have to be proportional to the clients’ possibilities; therefore, if the PC equipment in the customers’ enterprise would get broken while the site is being updated and promoted, some IT companies dealing with Atlanta SEO will have to provide the customers with the opportunity of watching the changes elsewhere.
No matter what kind of web design and/or content a site would have, the optimization would dissolve its importance in most of the times, because having a website and not promoting it is obvious that the potential clients wouldn’t find it.
Talking about Atlanta SEO, we must consider the diminished costs that a company would have after using it. Imagine the fact that publishing many drawers of visit-cards and spreading it to some people will be rather a disadvantage for you. The better would be if someone would advertise its WebPages with Atlanta SEO: the price is bigger, but the costs are lower and are gained back throughout the time. If you want to find a good quality/price ratio, do not leave the aesthetical and beauty spots of the electronic libraries interfere with your desires. You want to get the really good advertising/promo configuration. In the Atlanta SEO, like in the most of the SEO cultures, the professionals stand for a quality and the realistic warranty (as good as it can be done) for the search results. That’s why a good SEO specialist ought to be, in the same time, a good manager with powerful knowledge of marketing and predictability addicted. In most of the Atlanta SEO companies, the accent is placed on the long time results, assuring their clients with a rate-per-rate possibility of paying and with evidence of registering their sites (like captions, print-screens, etc.).
For a prospering business within the Internet, choose the Atlanta SEO services.
Atlanta SEO are very durable available at
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