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Win Back Her With These Critical Steps When You Approaching Her

If you lost your girlfriend because of some sort of problems that came about in the relationship then you can win back her by approaching her when she is in certain states of mind. These states of mind will make her more agreeable and she will be more willing to talk to you. You can win back her by knowing when to approach and what to say. If you do this the right way you could have your girlfriend back in no time. But I am sure you are curious to know more about how to do this the right way, well read on to learn more about how to win back her.

You can approach her when seems to be willing to talk to you. When she is willing to talk to you this means she is open to whatever you might have to say to her during the time. There are certain times when a girl is more willing to talk to you then other times, it is very important that you understand when these times are. Of course you will not want to railroad her thinking that you are tricking her into talking to you. You simply want her to be open to the idea of discussing your relationship, and then you can proceed.

You can try to win back her when the two of you are doing something casual together, assuming she is not already in a relationship with somebody else. If the two of you have been together for a long time then you will probably still spend time together. If you spend time together you can win back her by showing her that you can be the man she wants you to be, or the man that she originally fell in love with. Casual dating and spending time together can be a great pill to ease problematic relationships.

You can approach the subject of your relationship when you see that she wants to talk to you. This means she has probably been thinking about you and wants to talk to you. If a girl calls you in the middle of the night, or is she is calling you at all, then this is a sign that she is willing to talk to you about your relationship. This could be a good chance to try and win back her. You will want to be patient and listen to her before you speak, you can then gently and delicately guide it into a conversation about your relationship.

You can win her back by saying all the right things to her when you know she wants to hear them. You must make sure you are serious about what you say though otherwise she will know. A girl is going to be vulnerable at certain times, and it is during these times you can win back her. All you have to do is say all the things that she wants to hear, but you must also mean them. If you do not mean what you say then she will know it, but if you are truly serious about getting her back then meaning it should not be a problem.

You are probably asking yourself, can I get her back after a bad break up? The answer is YES. There are about 90% broken up relationship successfully making up together. Here is step-by-step info on how to win her back and discover a breakthrough system that works to make her crawl back to you within a few days.. Without wasting time, visit ; http://www.winbackher.com.

How to Make Your Ex Boyfriend Love You and Want You Forever - Expert Tips to Get Back Your Ex Back

When The man you love tells you he wants to end the relationship, you think he is gone forever. But if you love him, you should not let him go easily. This does not mean that you should chase him, crying and losing your self esteem. There are much better ways to make your ex boyfriend love you and want you forever. Here are expert tips to get your ex back.

When your boyfriend breakup with you, it is usually because he thinks he can do without your love. The best way to get him back is to show him that you can do without his love as well. This will be hard for you to do because every part of you is wanting to do just the opposite. Your instincts tell you to go to him and beg him to love you again. You will promise anything and lose all personal dignity in your quest to get your ex back. If you chase him and let him see you as needy and desperate, you will lose him forever.

Male psychology teaches you that men want what they cannot have. If you take something away from them, they will claw and fight to get it back. To make your ex boyfriend love and want you forever, you will have to give him the impression that you do not want him and that you are moving on without him. To do this, you must have no contact with him whatsoever. Simply go on with your life as if you had never met him.

Think back to the woman you were before you met and fell in love with your ex. You were carefree and self confident. You took great care to be looking as desirable as possible before you went anywhere. These are probably what attracted your ex boyfriend to you at the start. To get your ex back you have to be that woman again. This might require you to make some changes both outside and inside. Go look into a mirror and see how you have changed and then go to work on yourself. Think of changes in your personality and vow to get rid of any bad habits you have picked up. Changing your inner self will take some time and work, but it can be done.

The changes on the outside can be accomplished immediately. Go to a good salon and get a new hair style, manicure and a tan. Next go shopping for new clothes that will accent your new look. Now that you are looking sexy and desirable, it is show time. Get with your girlfriends and go out on the town. Make an appearance at the places he hangs out and let him get a good look at you. When you have his mouth open in surprise and his tongue hanging out with lust, disappear. Give him a few days to digest what he just saw and he will be calling. Do not be to anxious to take his calls, and when you do, make sure you have your emotions under control. If you can be cheerful and self confident when you talk to him you will be well on your way to get your ex back.

If this is the man for you, don't give up. There are proven methods to make him love you like never before. Bad mistakes can ruin your relationship for good. To avoid these fatal mistakes, you need proven steps to get your ex boyfriend back and keep him. What you should and shouldn't do can be found at this Helpful Site.

Let's Discuss Instant Speed Learning

I have tried over the course of my life, which now is in its fourth generation, to be a continuous learner. Over these many years I have learned that it pays benefits many times beyond the time and energy one often needs to apply to learning new knowledge and skills. That viewpoint is one with which my children and grandchildren have become quite aware, and now I’m passing it along to my great-grandchildren!

However, I’m also very much aware that each generation has presented more difficulty for me to successfully communicate that opinion and get the listeners to accept it. I point to the increased conveniences that each generation has had and enjoyed over the previous as the main reason for this. After all, when I reflect on the process of learning as I’ve grown up with it, it does involve a certain commitment of time and mental energy applied toward such tasks as research, reading, thinking, writing, memorizing, demonstrating understanding and competency, and so on. In other words, there is some “work” associated with learning. And as the conveniences that define, assist, automate and fulfill our daily lives increase and evolve, the gap that prevails between work and pleasure grows wider and wider.

So what does the preceding diatribe have to do with the notion of instant speed learning? Well, recently I had an encounter with Tony McKenzie, author and creator of innovative learning systems, including the “Instant Speed Learning” system being reviewed here, and I was able to obtain some insights I’d like to pass along here.

J. Nelson: What are some of your achievements in the field of learning, learning systems, etc.?

T. McKenzie: Well, I’m probably best known as the author of the book You Were Born Invincible and creator of the McKenzie Mastery Process, which is a personal transformation program.

JN: Tell me about your process leading to the development of “Instant Speed Learning.”

TM: Sure. During the past 20 years, I’ve studied and practiced virtually every single accelerated learning method available, ranging from techniques such as speed reading and mind mapping to photo reading and mnemonics.

Although I found many of these techniques useful in helping me learn at a much faster rate , they always seemed to fall short of what I actually wanted. In fact, throughout my many years of study and research, I’ve wondered if it were possible to develop the kind of photographic memory and learning abilities that you only see in espionage movies, that would literally allow you to “snap” information and retain it in your mind.

And so, I searched high and low, desperately looking for clues and sources that would lead me to the secret of how I could develop genius-level learning abilities. I searched every single bookstore, internet site and research study I could find that might provide me with the vital clues to unlocking the secret to having a phenomenal memory.

JN: And did you discover the great secret about your memory…

TM: Yes! Studies have shown that individuals regressed through the use of hypnosis find that they can recall the sights, sounds, smells and tastes locked within memories that are decades old. Professor Wilder Penfield, a Canadian surgeon, made an interesting discovery while performing a medical procedure on several of his epilepsy patients; it involved examining the brain tissue of his patients while they were under a local anesthetic.

He was amazed to find that when he touched certain individual cells, his patients would suddenly recall experiences from their past. The patients would later say they didn’t just recall the experience but relived it as if they were actually there, complete with tastes, smells, noises, colors and feelings. The clarity of the memories was the same regardless of whether they were a few hours or many years old.

Professor Penfield suggests that within the individual cells of the brain are the perfect memory of every event in our lives, and if we can find the right stimulus we can experience each one all over again
And a year ago I finally figured out how right he was!

JN: OK, just what was your breakthrough?

TM: Amazingly I discovered that I had been looking in all the wrong places for the answers to how to rapidly master information and retain it. Surprisingly, it wasn’t the specific learning systems, genetics or altered states that gifted memorizers had but rather their “belief” in and complete acceptance of their ability to almost instantly assimilate new information at phenomenal speeds that made the difference.

So in a moment of inspiration I posed a simple question; the answer to that question proved to be the turning point in my research and it led me to develop a solution by using a cutting-edge auto-conditioning subliminal program that literally rewires the mind to accept a new reality as the absolute truth!

JN: Wow! Well, why is this program so radically different from any other accelerated learning program on the market?

TM: In this powerful new learning system there are no link methods or mnemonic systems to learn nor do you have to master any new speed reading techniques. The unique aspect of this system is that it requires nothing more than a simple hand gesture and you can begin learning at genius levels of understanding with incredibly clear recall of the material after only being exposed to it once. This system is so simple to learn that even a child can use it and start applying it to school work almost immediately. You’ll be able to apply this system to virtually any learning situation you encounter; it requires no technology to implement and it will be with you for the rest of your life!

JN: Huh! Tell me about some of your research and case studies you conducted.

TM: Well, I can tell you that after carefully carrying out my first few tests of this program, I was stunned!
One particular test case was so good at recalling the information from a written piece of text I thought he was cheating, he was literally recalling word for word and he had a thorough understanding of what he had read, days and even weeks later.

In another example a participant had attended a meeting while using the ISL™ method and discovered when asked by a colleague that she could recite virtually every single topic covered in the meeting!

A fifteen-year-old teenager was amazed to discover that after reading a particular text he could literally see the words on the page and could even pick out specific parts of the text to focus on.

Similar results were demonstrated over and over again by people from all walks of life and as time passed their self-confidence increased immeasurably.

JN: This all seems too incredible, almost like a movie or TV script!

TM: Actually, several years ago I did become fascinated by a TV show called The Pretender. It followed the fortunes of a man called Jarod, a super genius with the ability to assume any identity and learn any skill.

I loved this show because each week Jarod would come to the aid of someone in need in the guise of a variety of professions, ranging from fireman, doctor, surgeon or photographer, to pilot, lawyer, or even a sex therapist.

What was interesting about each show was the fact that Jarod didn’t just pretend to be these characters, he literally became them from the inside out and did so by mastering the skills, knowledge and mindset of these professions, within days.

Although this show was presented as pure science fiction and dismissed as the fantasy of a TV script writer . . . I knew differently!

With the ISL™ system you can become one of the rare individuals with the ability to master virtually any information 1000 times faster than the average human being!

JN: Oh, come on, you can’t expect me to believe hype claims like that!

TM: Make no mistake, you’ll be able to master the ISL™ within 72 hours of purchasing this program, all from the comfort of your PC! Within minutes of downloading this unique training program you’ll be able to access a special audio program from within the eBook that will program your mind to respond to a specific physical signal and rapidly absorb new information like a sponge. There will be no 30-day wait for proof that this program works, you’ll be experiencing the results within the next three days!

JN: The possibilities after acquiring capabilities like that are fantastic!

TM: Being to easily remember facts, ideas and concepts can give you a tremendous edge in business. Just picture the dramatic impression you can make when you can quote specific facts, prices, client information, product details . . . with ease! Most of your business or work colleagues probably have the same skills and education as you, so acquiring the powerful ISL™ system will set you apart and put you in a unique position; it will allow you to develop a new level of confidence in your skills and abilities as your specific expertise grows exponentially. In the constantly changing business world, being able to adapt, change and learn new skills is an essential skill that cannot be ignored. Having a powerful memory is the key ingredient to being able to stay ahead in the constant battle for sales, clients and market position.

JN: Right! And how about students in schools everywhere?

TM: If you’re currently enrolled in college or university and finding it stressful, this program is the answer to your problems; with the ISL™ system you’ll be able to learn more while studying less and this can start within the next 72 hours. You’ll focus better, learn more while taking fewer notes, have better retention of lectures, books and study guides, and experience a dramatic improvement in your exam results and test scores. As a student you owe it to yourself and your academic future to get this program and boost your learning abilities today!

JN: What about learning a new language?

TM: Maybe you've already tried to learn a language in the past but gave up in vain; well with this program you’ll be able to learn a new language with ease within 30 days. Whether it’s for business or pleasure the ISL™ system makes language learning a breeze as it easily adapts itself to the in-depth memorization of audio language courses. But you don’t have to stop there, you can literally acquire a new language each month by simply following the simple technique outlined in the eBook. Just imagine being able to travel anywhere in the world and speak multiple languages with the minimum of effort!

Well, that essentially covers the information that I obtained from Tony Mckenzie about "Instant Speed Learning" . I hope it has been as enlightening for you as it was for me. If:

- reading more effortlessly and with much better understanding,

- having a better memory and sharper concentration,

- radically improving your productivity, and

- getting through information much faster…

are abilities you’d like to have, then I encourage you to learn more about "Instant Speed Learning" at JuJamVideoReview.com! I know that I have more reasonings available for when I engage in future conversations with family and friends on the topic!

James Nelson has accumulated almost 40 years of successful business experience, and much of it has been based on the maxim, "Do what you do do well, then find others who can do the rest best!" You can learn more about "Instant Speed Learning" at http://bit.ly/b1DU89. Mr. Nelson is currently President of JuJam Enterprises Incorporated where they focus on “Helping People Help Themselves.” Previously, together with his wife, Judy, he owned and operated Lakewood Lodge, a family recreation resort in northern Minnesota. Prior to that he completed 23 years in various sales and marketing management positions at AT&T. He earned a Bachelor of Science (Business) degree from the University of Minnesota with Distinction in 1975. Before attending college under the GI Bill, he served 10 years in the U.S. Navy.

How to Create an Information Product Quickly

When creating your own information product it is important to realize that you can do so very quickly. Making an information product is a lot easier after you have gathered all of the necessary information. But you can gather information on anything at all from all over the net is just a couple of hours. Online forums, article databases, and online libraries are a few really good places to go for you information needs.

Quickly creating your product will bring you success quickly. This is a great time to put the search engines to work for you, just do a search for your topic. All URLs which give you any valuable information that fits into your information product should be noted for later review. Later, complie the information in your own words.

Even though you create your product quickly, you must not neglect basic strategies like having a catchy title. When your reader reads your title, they should know how your product will serve them. Your title should have both keywords, and descriptive words. This will excite your readers and the search engines at the same time.

A proven way to get a reader to look into your sales proposition, is to create a good title that catches the eye. Once they have read your sales letter, your opportunity for a sale increases. But the order actually began with the title. You will be glad that you took your time and made a great title.

Having a catchy title is great, but remember to use your own angle on the topic. Your product needs an original approach. This will make your product much more saleable. In order to get an original angle, distill what others are already successfuly selling down to its core method, and fully direct your product from that. Looking at your competition as a resource for how to best them is a sure way to make a superior product.

Selling a lot of your product will be a lot easier if you give it a unique spin. Otherwise it will be one more drop of water in the sea. The more unique your product is, the more likely it is to sell. So, make your product as unique as possible in order to increase your bottom line.

With your angle bringing in specific customers for you, it can be a lot easier to get paid for your efforts. Perhaps you were first drawn to product creation by the thought of getting paid for it. If you are careful, you will be able to produce a product your customers will thank you for. When you do this, you will have a stronger relationship with your customers. After you have made a great product, you can use an affiliate network to make a lot more money.

Paypal is perhaps the absolute easiest way to ensure that you get paid. Either service will help you to create a 'pay now' button that you then just paste onto your own web page These payment processors will gladly help you redirect your paying customers to a particular website page, like your thank you page for instance if you want them to.

Remember that you can create your information product quickly, with a catchy title and your own angle. But even getting paid is second to being your own boss. Every last successful person have one thing in common. All of them have built a team that does the work for them. They delegate to other people what would be out of their own field, or just take them too much time. In short, they do not run around like an overworked toady doing everything themselves.

Being your own boss is definitely the way to go. When you are your own boss, all you have to do is make sure that everything is taken care of. You could delegate absolutely all of it. You only need to be sure that it gets done.

Next, come to visit LearnToMarket.com [”http://dwarfurl.com/a828b/”] to get a few invaluable free resources.  Also, check to see if you can still sign up to receive further updates and knowledge on many resources designed to have you making money even faster. Go now.

"Feel the Food" Before Starting a Mobile Concession Business

If you are considering starting a mobile concession stand selling burgers, hotdogs and philly sandwiches by the truck load, the first thing to seriously consider is not your budget, not the trailer and not the hours you will be working.

The first thing to consider is the food you will be selling.

Everything else flows from the food, so make sure you "feel the food" before making a business or emotional decision on everything else.

The major investment is obviously in the concession trailer, but the type of food you will be selling will govern the type of trailer you are going to need. The first thing to do is to research which types of trailer are most used for selling the food you will be dealing in – this will serve to narrow down the list of concession trailers to something that is manageable for you to realistically research in depth and contrast and compare.

The type of food you will be offering will also lead you to consider your storage and refrigeration requirements. If you are selling ice cream or frozen yogurts, you are going to need a lot of refrigeration capacity, but a lot less will be needed if you are selling burgers all day.

How much actual cooking will be required – if you are grilling hotdogs there and then, you may want extra grill space, but if you are making up subs, do you really need any grilling space at all – you may want extra food prep space instead.

One question is how the food will be served; it's a simple deal to hand over a burger in a bun, take the money, give change and smile at the next customer in the line, but do you want to offer something more for your customers, such as a place to sit down and take some time while they eat? Just because this is a concession operation does not mean you have to ditch adding value for customers, or employing strategies to help differentiate you from the rest of the competition.

You also need to consider the volume of food sales you are going to be moving; this will affect how many people you are going to need inside the concession trailer to assist with food prep and sales, and this in turn will affect the actual total storage, prep and selling space you are going to need in the trailer itself. Too small – you will lose sales and valuable business; too large and you waste valuable investment.

Consider how you will prepare the food and the timescales involved, between acquiring the basic ingredients for your food offering, and time to selling it. Particularly, will you be able to prep and store food off-site, or do you need to do this in the concession trailer? The more reliance you place on the concession trailer, the greater the need for a good layout, more storage, more prep space and more refrigeration.

It doesn't matter what the food offering is – the very first step in choosing the right concession trailer for your business is to think about the food you are dealing with.

Custom Concessions is a manufacturer and reputable leader of concession trailers. All their food concession trucks are custom built to order by highly skilled trained professionals.

Using Age Old Method to Get Free Radio Advertising

There are a number of great strategies to follow to secure free radio publicity and/or advertising. Many of these methods are simple yet accessible, and they are often overlooked by the people who may benefit from them the most.

One excellent way of getting free radio publicity and/or advertising is with bartering. Bartering is the trade of goods or services from one party to another without the transfer of payments. It has been around since the early days of civilization, before coins existed, and it is a highly effective way of getting what it desired.

Many businesses use bartering as on option when they do not have the funds to pay for something outright. Businesses such as these will offer something of theirs in return for something that another company has. Bartering is common in all media, including radio. It is a great choice for marketers looking for free advertising, especially when dealing with smaller, local radio stations. The stations must sell their advertising time before the deadline passes or the opportunity will be gone and there will be nothing to gain. Because of this, many broadcasters are eager to barter their unsold time.

The key to making this type of exchange work is to do a little bit of research by listening carefully to the station that is under consideration. Marketers must discern what the station might want. If it is something that the marketer has, then bartering has a real chance as a viable option. A call should be made or a letter should be written to the station outlining the offer.

The product or service exchanged for free advertising does not need to be anything complex or difficult. It can even be as simple as donating one’s time. Many radio stations invite guest hosts to join shows depending on the format. WXRP in New York has guest artists come in and host their show, and they choose what music to play based on their own unique preferences. This has become an extremely popular segment for WXRP.

A marketer could take their talents a step further and actually double the advertising for the effort by volunteering as a guest host for a show on a topic relating to the business. If someone who owns a local greenhouse is seeking publicity, it would be easy to host a show and take questions from callers on spring planting or gardening. Publicity would be gained for the greenhouse throughout the segment as well as through the advertising time received in the barter. It is a win-win situation.

If a marketer does not prefer to go on the air to host a show, there are other ways to barter. Perhaps a certain hotel chain wants free publicity and would like to barter with a radio station for air time. The hotel could offer free accommodations to the station in return for advertising time.

It is important to remember that radio station managers are essentially sales people. They will accept ideas that made sense and are presented well. Once it is clear what types of products or services the station needs, bartering can be a very effective way of gaining free advertising and/or publicity.

S. Ryan has been helping companies market there services for over 10 years. He primarily focuses on small/start up companies. Read his review of a new proven system for getting Free Radio Advertising & get 5 more FREE tips at:www.freeradioadvertising.org

18th Birthday Ideas With Some Memorable Gifts For Parties

If your son or daughter has turned 18, make sure that you should celebrate the birthday in such a grand manner so as to make birthday celebrations really unforgettable for the rest of their life. This is the stage when we are considered to be adults, and you should celebrate a birthday in such a way that successfully caters to the demands and at the same time it should also be unique. You can take them to any adventurous trip filled with excitements such as white water rafting, orbing, sky diving, bungee jumping, and several other adrenaline junkies. Try to fill them with thrilling experiences as boys and girls when they are about 18 years of age than certain changes in their likings are quite remarkable and based on that you should opt for the choice of gifts and celebrations.

For those who possess fascination for sports events then surprise them with tickets of any sports events, which will enthrall them with great joy and satisfaction. In order to make the birthday really special then you can take your son or daughter for shopping, which is considered as the traditional gift idea, though it will be quite impressive in the long run. Your prime motive should be to make them feel comfortable with your choice of gifts presented on their birthday. Apart from these you can surprise your son or daughter with cakes made in home, which has a special significance in order to express your love and concern for your children.

18th birthday ideas have to be filled with unique gift items and trendy dress material can be considered to be the prime selection as far as a special birthday gift is concerned. It is the stage when they are very much conscious about the recent style statements, and hence you can select various dress types like Lycra tops, fashionable tops, skinny jeans, denim shirts, jackets, colorful winter wear, etc. and among accessories you can select various products on beauty to enhance the looks, electronic gadgets, sports watch, designable shoes, jeweler, etc. You can take them to any grand hotel to serve them treat accompanied with lots of surprise events like printable invitations, serving them with cards, etc.

To celebrate 18th birthday, there are other unique gift items as well, which are generally concerned as the mostly served birthday gifts for your son or daughter. Flowers are considered to be the unique gift obtained from nature, and they are implied with feelings of cherished blessings and affection, which will make you expressive to your children and will make them aware about your love and concern for them as nothing can be as special as flowers to express feelings and concern.

You can select chocolate as unique birthday gifts as it is appreciated by people of all age group and sex. Surprise them by holding a party, which is supposed to be grand, acquaint with lots of fun and happenings. The ideas for your 18th birthday should be special in every way.

To celebrate your ascent into adulthood, you’ve already got some awesome 18th birthday ideas , how about sending out your 18th birthday invitations and getting the party started!


Shopping, it is something that the general public is very familiar with. We all love and cherish it. When shopping, we like to try things on and see if they would fit us. There are a couple steps to effective shopping. The first step is purpose. One must know what type of shopping they are willing to engage in. When shopping with no money at all, one is considered a window-shopper. Unless the person decided to shoplift, at their own discretion, it is sure that they will leave the shop the same way that they came in. When a person is shopping with no money, they must bring a pencil or a paper, or just be able to go ahead and find a way to store the items that they need mentally. Such people, use and see what they need and what the y want. Knowing to separate needs and wants is not only an essential skill in shopping, but also in life. People that have proficient mastery in this section will be able to go ahead and have success in shopping and in life because they are experienced and they demonstrate self control. People that have mastered these skills and are shopping with no money can move on to the next step. Once a person has seen what they need and want, they can go ahead and save towards it.

Once they have saved towards it they must scramble back to the store to make sure that their items are still intact. Also, many people must know how to take advantages if deals in order to be a great shopper. Being a great shopper isn’t all about the amount of money one has, the class that is in their clothes, or the amount of clothes that they have, but rather their keen eye. Having a keen eye means that one will be able to spot out great deals that are only temporary. Such people are able to maximize their purchasing power as they will be able to outfox their competitors when it comes to shopping. Also, shopping can be done in huge centers such as the mall in order to give everyone a larger perspective. Once people are presented with a lot of options, they will be able to choose accruing to their preference, not what they are limited to. It is important for shoppers to be aware of the supply and the demand. If a shopper has any knowledge at all that indicates that an item is about to be in great demand they must buy it immediately, whether the money is there. This will prevent any loss of money when the person buys the good when it has reached optimal demand. Also it is important for shoppers to lie off of unreasonable deals. These are deals that do not make economic sense; this is because many people feel as if they have to get an item when it comes out. Shopping can be hard, but one has to be smart about it.

Are you looking for the best deals on unique gifts for him? Visit http://www.shopheaven.com today for more information!


Bad Credit Checking Accounts With Guaranteed Approval - How to Get Approved

Having bad credit is self-perpetuating: the worse your credit score, the harder it can be to get out of debt, start paying your bills on time and turn your financial life around. Regardless of your credit score, one of the most important building blocks of having a normal, healthy financial life is to have your own checking account.

If you have tried one or more times to get approved for a new checking account but have been rejected, you may believe that your credit score has something to do with your situation: it doesn't.

The Anatomy of a Bank Account Rejection

In reality, getting your checking account application rejected has nothing to do with your credit, or FICO, score. Rather, the sole purpose in life of your credit score is to determine whether you are eligible for auto, mortgage, or personal loans and what interest you qualify for.

The Real Culprit: Chex Systems

The real culprit in your acceptance or rejection into a new checking account is something called Chex Systems. This is a risk assessment database that banks use to share information with each other about customers or ex-customers whom they deem to be a banking credit risk. Your name can get reported to Chex Systems for any number of reasons, including:

a. You still owe a previous bank with which you did business money for their covering one of your past charges that resulted in an overdraft.

b. You committed some sort of bank fraud - or something that could be easily mistaken for bank fraud.

c. You committed or are suspected to have committed check fraud at some point in the past.

d. For some other reason, some bank out there thinks you represent a risk.

Your Backdoor: Second Chance Checking

Fortunately, if your name has been reported to Chex Systems, you do have another option: opening a second chance checking bank account. These checking accounts are identical in every way to a "regular" checking account, except for the fact that they the bank does not refer to Chex Systems during the application process. Bottom line: even if your name is on Chex Systems, it will not matter at all in terms of whether you will be approved for a new account.

If you want to find bad credit checking accounts with guaranteed approval, read on.

Finding Bad Credit Checking Accounts

To get a bad credit checking account, you need to:

1. Get out a piece of paper and create a list of at least 5-10 second chance checking banks.

2. Review their websites to determine which one looks like a fit for you.

3. Apply, but don't worry about being declined - even if you have a poor FICO score and/or if your name appears on Chex Systems.

Bad credit checking is actually within reach for most people. Now that you know that your past rejections by banks has nothing at all to do with your credit score, you have a better understanding of how to get an account. Find a second chance checking bank and you are guaranteed approval.

Get immediate access to a complete list of second chance checking banks in your area at: http://www.Checking-for-Everybody.info.

Understanding Why a Laptop Repair is Great Option

In order to tell if a Laptop Repair is Great Option to do it is important to know what is wrong with it first. Taking it to a repair service center is now more readily available since there are more of them turning up everywhere. Laptops have now the ability to replace parts without using the manufactures part as a replacement. The laptops today have interchangeable devices and can switch between manufacturers to get a part for your laptop.

Most of the replacement parts are on longer proprietary to the manufacturer and parts can be purchased from all other developers for most laptops. It used to take a while to get a laptop repaired but since parts from other manufacturers can be used replacement parts are available the same day.

There are still times when the laptop must be sent in to be repaired and the service center can help do that as well. Repairs are not limited to just hardware but software is a factor in repairing laptops that will make it look like a defective part when it really has to do with a software file that is not functioning as designed.

Problems to the OS or Operating System can be a low cost repair if the software in only needing to be reinstalled. A good backup is very important as all time and especially when reinstalling or replacing software operating systems. I the OS is not functioning properly then the software portion of the OS will need to be repaired by using a repair program or replaced altogether with a clean OS disk.

Hard drive problems are simple to repair by replacing the hard drive with a new one with little effort on the repairer part. Getting a good backup is very important and using that backup to reinstall software will save a lot of time. If another hard drive is available to the laptop, moving files to it can help when a drive is going to be replaced and the files need to be reinstalled onto the new drive.

Backup data can be reinstalled before or after the new drive is ready for use. As a secondary drive it can have the date installed onto it or as the primary it can be installed an ready to run after reboot. Either way a skilled technician can make a good decision for you and perform the task to completion. Formatting of a drive can be done through Windows if hat is your operating system or by a format program designed to give you options on drive size, partition size and other selections you need to go over before running.

The OS or operating system you use on your laptop is important to any software you will install. Knowing what to do during a repair is vital to the performance of the laptop. Guessing as to what file table to load or size and active partition to select could cost you time and money if you have to take it to someone else after you attempt to repair it.

The main logic board or the motherboard is a very vital part of the laptop and if this device fail than you will need to replace it usually with the same logic board from the same manufacturer. Doing so may drive the cost of repairs more than you are wanting to pay. Some parts cost too much and buying a new model laptop may be a smarter idea in the long run. Check what the repairs cost before deciding to just fix it, there are a lot of easy repairs and laptop repair a great option can be if you just take a bit to research the cost.

Our team of technology experts offers professional laptop repair Hamilton at competitive prices and with quality service. We are dedicated to delivering computer service, technical support, and computer repair Montreal solutions to fulfill your digital needs.

How to Minimize Shopping Cart Abandonment

Think of any store you visited in the last month and consider how that store owner would feel if more than 75% of customers took a shopping cart, pushed it around the store, placing some goods in it and then, when they approach the till to pay for their purchases they suddenly decide that in fact, they are only pushing some goods around and are not going to pay for them.

They leave the cart in the aisle and walk out of the store.

3 out of 4 customers!

This is the very same situation which the majority of ecommerce website owners face – more than three-quarters of their customers abandon the shopping cart before or during the payment process.

Minimizing shopping cart abandonment can dramatically improve your revenues and ecommerce performance, so before we look at what needs to be done, let's look at why people abandon shopping carts in the first place.

Main Reasons for Shopping Cart Abandonment

The principal reasons for shopping cart abandonment are:

-slow payment processing systems;

-no preferred payment option is available;

-“hidden” costs and fees appear in the final order, especially high shipping costs;

-the prevalence of “comparison” shoppers;

-Lack of online customer support.

Action to Take

Addressing shopping cart abandonment is important, no matter how well the system is perceived to work.

The key areas to address are:

Transparency in Pricing and Fees

Always be upfront with costs, especially shipping costs – it pays to display the shipping price with the price of the goods where possible (use a smaller font size to display the cost below the main price tag). Watch out for high shipping charges because these can break the deal with the potential customer, especially those who have come in from a price comparison website which may not provide an all-inclusive price.

You also need to bear in mind what your major competition is doing – Amazon for instance, offer free shipping, so remember you need to compete on total cost and avoid “shocking” your potential buyer.

Ensure the Payment Process is Simple & Fast

Only ask for that information which is relevant to processing the transaction – do not let your marketing desire creep in here with for instance, an offer to take a customer survey before the customer hits the authorize button.

Make sure the payment process is fast – if the customer is waiting for minutes for authorization and confirmation, your site is too slow. It is simple for the customer to hit the back button or worse, navigate to another website to make the purchase.

Offer a Wide Variety of Payment Options

Promote a wide variety of payment mechanisms on your website and be sure to include credit cards, debit cards, e-transfers (eg Paypal) and where these are not available for the customer, offer a mailing service where they can pay by check .

It is extremely frustrating for a customer to get to the payment form only to find you won't accept the credit card they have in their hand now. They are more likely to move off your site to another retailer than go find their wallet to use another card!

Allow Price Comparison on Your Website

Where possible, provide customers with the ability to compare prices from your major competitors on your own website – this will prevent them from navigating away from your site to do the comparison themselves. This will also allow you to control the presentation of pricing information, so you can introduce reasons aside from cost, why the customer should be purchasing from you.

Quality wordpress ecommerce plugin and wordpress plugin tips can be found at PhPurchase.com

SEO Services and Custom Design Services From Techwood Consulting

Encounter with Atlanta SEO

Are the users of Internet business Atlanta delighted by their Atlanta SEO within their enterprises? Encouraging the welfare of the optimization companies, the Atlanta SEO seems to overcome the expectations regarding its importance on the advertising and web promoting domains; this is due to the large amount of employers requesting only SEO specialists, for there are lots of web programmers and web designers.

With its population of over five million people, Atlanta may easily cope with a foundation and number of specialists in search engine optimization, even if there are slight chances of disturbing other zones’ balance within business to business domain. No matter what kind of site we need to advertise, it is needed a good Atlanta SEO. Fulfilling the quest of doing a good optimization process, Atlanta SEO subscribes at a series of methods cherished by both the clients and the providing company. These procedures are maintained by any other companies and it include the Meta modifications (using the desired expressions taken from the customer), recording in the virtual libraries and other advertising means, promoting the words through the “pay per click” service and so on. Also, there are added administration and web maintaining features, all of these services being made within a clear and well explained contract. Usually, the results are to be seen in several weeks, the impossibility to meet the optimized expressions into the first page of a search engine being a well known fact. The requirements of a proper Atlanta SEO will have to be proportional to the clients’ possibilities; therefore, if the PC equipment in the customers’ enterprise would get broken while the site is being updated and promoted, some IT companies dealing with Atlanta SEO will have to provide the customers with the opportunity of watching the changes elsewhere.

No matter what kind of web design and/or content a site would have, the optimization would dissolve its importance in most of the times, because having a website and not promoting it is obvious that the potential clients wouldn’t find it.

Talking about Atlanta SEO, we must consider the diminished costs that a company would have after using it. Imagine the fact that publishing many drawers of visit-cards and spreading it to some people will be rather a disadvantage for you. The better would be if someone would advertise its WebPages with Atlanta SEO: the price is bigger, but the costs are lower and are gained back throughout the time. If you want to find a good quality/price ratio, do not leave the aesthetical and beauty spots of the electronic libraries interfere with your desires. You want to get the really good advertising/promo configuration. In the Atlanta SEO, like in the most of the SEO cultures, the professionals stand for a quality and the realistic warranty (as good as it can be done) for the search results. That’s why a good SEO specialist ought to be, in the same time, a good manager with powerful knowledge of marketing and predictability addicted. In most of the Atlanta SEO companies, the accent is placed on the long time results, assuring their clients with a rate-per-rate possibility of paying and with evidence of registering their sites (like captions, print-screens, etc.).

For a prospering business within the Internet, choose the Atlanta SEO services.

Atlanta SEO are very durable available at http://www.techwoodseo.com

Don't Be Undateable

You think she is the girl of your dreams and at first she looks at you like you are her prince, but by the end of the date, she never wants to see you again.

Was it something you did/said/wore? Yes, yes, yes, say the authors of a new book: “Undateable: 311 Things Guys Do That Guarantee They Won't Be Dating or Having Sex.”

According to authors Anne Coyle and Ellen Rakieten, there are hundreds of turn offs that guys probably don’t even realize they are doing.

One example the authors give is a man walking in and his date sees that he sports hair plugs. The woman tells herself she can move past that.

But then, the man opens his mouth and uses endless sports metaphors. He also wears (horror) pleated front pants, has a cell phone clipped to his belt and drinks Long Island Iced Teas. But then comes the coup de grace --- he gets up and tells the woman that he has to go take a “dump.”

This is the perfect example of an undateable guy, say Coyle and Rakieten.

“We interviewed hundreds of smart, funny, normal women from all walks of life and asked them for their lists of Undateables, the things that turned a guy from a MAYBE into a NO WAY,” wrote Coyle and Rakieten. “Some answers were more obvious (readjusting the "family jewels" over drinks), while others were randomly brilliant (owning a cat), and some we never saw coming (using the phrase "my lover").

“This is stuff that guys don’t know because nobody tells them,” Rakieten said on Good Morning America in March.
On Good Morning America, the authors went looking for offenders at the ESPN Zone in Times Square.
They found a guy wearing a baseball cap backward – big no-no. Is having messy hair better? He asked the authors and they both replied, “YES!”

The second guy took off his Nike sweatshirt and the women groaned. He had on a bright red tee shirt with a giant MnM character face on it.

“You’re adorable, and really, truly is this what you want to say to the world?” they said. “I’m an MnM?”

The women asked the third guy if he wore a blue tooth on his ear like that all the time.

“Every day,” he answered and got a big thumb down.

Then the women found two guys they said knew how to do it right: they had FLAT FRONT pants on and nice shoes.

“So what’s the lesson learned?” asked the Good Morning America host. “Every frog can become a prince if they just have a little help.”

So what are some other Undateable things to avoid?
 A man should never go shirtless unless he’s at the beach, in the shower or in bed.
 A man’s underwear or boxers should never hang out of his pants
 DO NOT, under any circumstances, wear that combination of too short jeans and too long shorts called Jorts.
 NEVER wear white socks without athletic sneakers and NEVER wear socks with sandals.

Bill has been studying How to Pick Up Women for the last 5 years in NYC and is a pick up artist who can help you learn to do the same. The original article can be found here: Don’t Be Undateable.

Dealing With Breakup - What to Do After a Painful Breakup

Dealing with breakup can be painful. So things didn’t work out and she dumped you. After a long time of thinking that you’re on top of the world, she shoots you down the way they do in old Westerns and runs off with your horse. You’re appalled, heartbroken; there’s a nagging pain in your chest that doctors can’t cure.

Being left by someone whom you care deeply about is never easy. However, it also doesn’t change the fact that despite everything that has happened, you still want her back.

At this point, you’re going to have to assess the whole situation from a different vantage point—not from the eyes of a lover who is so smitten, he doesn’t see clearly.

See her for who she is
Some guys are too overwhelmed by desire that they don’t see straight. They overlook certain realities about the women they are with. Who is she as a person? What are the things that she likes/dislikes? What’s that secret thing about her that only you know? Why did you fall in love with her? What qualities does she have that drive you crazy?

Understand your relationship for what it was
A common mistake for people undergoing a break-up is that after the fight, they are so wrapped up in their loss, they remember the relationship differently. Suddenly, everything was perfect and you don’t know why you split up in the first place. You glean through the signs even when they are staring you at the face. Ask yourself some of the basic questions: Did you talk often? Had frequent fights? How often were you intimate? How was she to you? Remember her body language then and what they indicated. Was she displeased? Happy? Frustrated?

Consider each other’s shortcomings
Think about what each of you did to make things end.

Remember why you broke up
It’s not enough that you want instant gratification by getting back together with your ex like nothing happened. You have to face facts—including the painful ones. This is useful to you, especially if you’re trying to win her back.

After all this and you’re still sure that you absolutely can’t live without her, take the first crucial step in getting her back.

Start living your life without her
Pick up the pieces of your shattered heart and move on. Focus on yourself for a bit. Fix what needs fixing, and leave what isn’t broken. Work on your issues and get on the road to self-improvement. Grow up. Put an end to bad habits. Start good ones. Take a more positive outlook in life. Be kinder. Stay friends with her, but don’t stalk her. Refrain from the tendency to call her frequently and get yourself busy on more productive activities. Don’t act like a fawning idiot by gawking at her all the time. Act like she’s just one of the guys. Whatever you do, do not be too obvious about wanting her back. Rather, show her how you’ve come a long way from who you were when you guys were together. Make her feel like she’s missing out on a lot.

Remember, if you want her to want you, you have to be worth wanting. Be someone she regrets leaving.

Click Here for step-by-step instructions on dealing with breakup. Find out exactly what to say and what to do as you cope with your break up. Winning a Girlfriend Back

Win a Girl Back - 4 Surefire Tips to Get Her Back

Want to win a girl back? Don’t worry if she’s ignoring you. At the fundamental level, men and women are the same—they want to love and be loved. Often, it does not happen the way it does in the movies. However, what romantic movies and books don’t tell you when they talk about love and such things is that having a soul mate can only get you so far, and that relationships are constant work. You have to do your bit to make it happen. It’s not just about love at first sight (although that happens), nor is it about just knowing you’re destined for each other. It has to be something substantial and sustainable like a real partnership, and a true connection.

If this is your first break-up, nothing’s final. Sometimes, harsh decisions are made in the heat of anger. It’s a normal thing that every worthwhile relationship goes through. Those sorts of break-ups are like a baptism of fire. They are necessary and inevitable. They don’t weaken but make you stronger as a couple.

If you’re a guy and you’re desperately missing your ex, but she’s ignoring you, take heart. You can still get her back. Unless you’ve done something horrible like maliciously running over her pet dog, or cheating on her with her sister, there’s still chance for reconciliation. Besides, there are valid reasons why she’s ignoring you.

What people going through break-ups forget is that this thing is not only happening to them. Their exes may be feeling sad about the whole thing, too. If she is ignoring you, it is because she is trying to protect herself from more hurt. She may feel vulnerable around you.

Tip #1: Give her space
Women don’t want to be forced into being ready. When the time is right, she will come to you. This means, do not give her frequent, almost stalker-like phone calls asking her about inane things like what she ate, and who she was with that day. That sort of thing will work against you and make her feel that she’s being badgered by someone annoying. You don’t want a bad impression like that to stick because that would definitely ruin your chances of getting her back.

Tip #2: Let her wonder about you
Women are analytical creatures. They like to nitpick about every little thing about the past. They want to understand things in such a way that it’s almost obsessive. Keep in touch once every two weeks, but do not let her know what you’ve been up to during the times you guys are apart. Let her miss you.

Tip #3: Stay friends
You don’t want her to remember you with a cringe. That would only serve to alienate her further. When you see her, be friendly but treat her like one of the guys. Don’t be like you were before. Don’t show her that you’re interested. Laugh at her jokes, but don’t linger around her. At that point, she’ll miss all the sweet things you used to do for her.

Tip #4: Be the rock of Gibraltar
Women need someone whom they can rely on. It’s not because they are weak. They need someone to hold their hand every now and then because they are human. Even guys feel that. Everyone wants a sense of security and stability. You can be that for her. That's how you win a girl back

Click Here for step-by-step instructions on how to win her heart back. Find out exactly what to say and what to do to get her back even if your situation seems hopeless! Winning a Girlfriend Back

3 Magical Ways to Get Your Husband Back

Beauty is the most misjudged reason that takes responsibility for being the culprit behind several affairs that exist in this world right now! A Woman in general has a misconception that only beauty is the crucial cause for her husband to run behind an anonymous woman. Partially true, I would say! But what makes this partially right? Men crave for admiration and when it is showcased at the highest degree they go after it blindfolded.

Can you guess what would be the crucial reality, which has made beauty a partially true option behind men involving in affairs? For those who guessed here comes applause! For those who failed I pity your ignorance of certain subtleties pertinent to your marriage life. Yes ADMIRATION is the buzzword! Now you realize that this is the word you heard people talk about and you have only heard them talk! That’s it! Think whether have you admired your husband for several trivial things that he did?

It might seem trivial from your standpoint but what did your husband find that thing as? Did he value it so much? Then he should have got disappointed when you didn’t really admire him for that thing, right? Several questions like this may encircle your mind now! Don’t panic! We can find answers to all these questions soon! After all, you should try your level best to find answers for these questions if you have a real intention to get your ex back!

I have clearly emphasized the value husbands dedicate to admiration over beauty since they want to taste what their marriage life doesn’t bring to them. They are clear in identifying what their marriage life is devoid of and where to search for it! You as a counter argument may say that the ones involved in affairs are behind lust, sexual craving and physical orientation!

I wouldn’t negate your vindication as it has got substance. But where does the intention to develop lust for another woman begin? I admit certain husbands are behind sex but only a few of the population who have affairs! So where do the remaining count fall under? They come under the category of people who have developed more interest in other woman due to the fact that they get admired and esteemed much more than what they experience at home!

Therefore, having understood that admiration is the ultimate reason behind husbands deserting the wives, you must find a way out of the current distress you are in should you need your husband back! I suggest that you follow the pointers I have provided you in the paragraph given below if you need to regain your ex!

* Admire your husband more than ever! Make him understand that he deserves admiration and it was you who had erred by not respecting him at situations he needed to be awed. By admitting you were careless in admiring him you might get a twofold benefit.

** He would start admiring you for your candidness!
** In turn the love he has for you gets doubled! As in my book of relationship-maths admiration = love!

* Make him understand that your failure to admire him doesn’t mean that you are not happy with him! Tell your husband you need him whatever be the case!

* Finally make opportunities to express your admiration for him. Be frank whenever necessary and don’t inhibit yourself! Love gets divine only when expressed and not when deduced! Because once your love id deduced rather than expressed the person who deduces loses it’s original taste!

I believe you would slot in these pointers into your daily life to gain your husband back as soon as possible because you have got less time to admire but more patch-up work to be done!

Daniel is a recongised guru on relationships after being through his own martial issues. For more advice and information on how to get your husband back check out this site for more information about getting your husband back

Who is Texting My Girlfriend - Get the Tool to Find Out Right Here!

Would you like to know who is texting my girlfriend? Are you curious who your girlfriend is constantly receiving text messages from? Is she always on her phone talking to someone? Does she receive texts at odd hours of the night when she really shouldn't be talking to anyone? Is she secretive about the text messages that she receives and will never tell you who it is? When you ask her who she is talking to does she always reply with "no one?" Does your girlfriend's excessive use of her cell phone frighten you to the point where you would like to know who is texting my girlfriend?

Would you like to know who is texting my girlfriend without ever actually needing to physically have her phone? Do you want to be able to read her messages whenever you want no matter where she is or what she is doing? Would you like to be able to finally read your girlfriend's deleted messages so you know every single text that she receives?

Any boyfriend would like to know who is texting my girlfriend and become suspicious when their girlfriend is always on her phone. If your girlfriend ignores you when she is trying to text someone and you would like to know who that person that is so important is then continue reading. Texting is used by everyone in today's world allowing for anyone to have the opportunity to text your girlfriend.

Most boyfriends try to take matters into their own hands when they try to find who is texting my girlfriend. The most common thing that any boyfriend does is try looking through their girlfriend's phone. When their girlfriend is in the shower or is out shopping and has left her phone then they try to take her phone and go through her messages. However there are many problems with this. You first risk the chance of getting caught by your girlfriend and causing a whole new problem. You also risk the chance of your girlfriend deleting all of her text messages that showed her talking to someone she shouldn't be talking to so you wasted your time.

Sometimes boyfriends even go as far as taking the phone right out of their girlfriend's hands while they are in the middle of texting. However this could also cause a big problem. If your girlfriend really wasn't texting someone that she shouldn't be then she will think that you don't trust her and an argument will break out. There has to be a better way than this.

The best way to see who is texting my girlfriend is through the use of cell phone spying software. This amazing software enables you to see who your girlfriend is not only receiving messages from but also sending messages to. Even if your girlfriend deletes all of her texts you will still be able to see them so she can't hide who she is talking to. All of this information is accessible on the comfort of your computer where you don't have to risk getting caught.

Visit us NOW and find out the truth to your question who is texting my girlfriend. Get the number 1 cell phone spying software, Right Here!

What is Confidence?

I’ve never taken anything but straw polls on the matter, but ask any woman what she wants in a man, and “confidence” is sure to be one of the top three or four character traits. So it’s worth spending some time asking ourselves what it is and how to discover it inside of yourself in order to get women. Our Unbreakable program really drives into the heart of it, but I think we can do the subject matter some service here without spending 30 pages on it.

Let’s start with a definition. To me, confidence is a feeling you have that drives bold actions towards things you want. It is having some faith in yourself that when you speak up, people will listen, and when you go for something, you’ll get it when you want women, you will get women. It’s trusting yourself, but beyond that, it’s a force that drives action.

When you make the approach, or go for the kiss, or invite her back to yours, it’s because you trust that she’s going to like you and want to go along with it and you will arouse women. And if she doesn’t, confidence is having the faith in your skills to overcome her protestations. And if she rejects you, confidence is having the feeling that you’re still an awesome guy and can still attract women.

Confidence builds on a lot of things. Knowing that you have skills gives you confidence. Knowing that you have more important things in your life – a solid foundation – gives you confidence. Knowing what you want and being clear about it gives you confidence. So does having a sense of entitlement.

Ahh, and that’s the rub, right there.

Confidence doesn’t actually have to be based on any great soul search – it can merely come from feeling like the world owes you twenty times over, then going out and collecting that debt. Some people are just born and/or raised that way.

Now, what usually happens in life is that we keep on going after what we want, until a roadblock is thrown in front of us. If we manage to avoid that roadblock, or blast right through it, we build some confidence and continue to attract women. But if it stops us, diverts us, or worst of all – if we crash into it and body parts go flying – we have to have a serious think about both the direction we were headed, and how quickly we could get there.

Let’s consider this in practice. When a third grade boy goes to hold a girl’s hand and, after she casually slaps him away once, she then accepts his romantic little overture, something clicks inside this little boy’s head and reinforces the notion that he can get away with such behavior and still get women. By fifth grade, he’s planting kisses on the cheeks of any girl he can convince to join him under the jungle gym, and he’s full-on smooching (no tongue, of course) six months later. Players are made, not born… and this player just happened to get a head start on the rest of us. He encountered a small roadblock in third grade, drove right through it, and every subsequent time that he’s seen a similar looking roadblock, he knows what to do and how to attract women.

You can probably imagine the flipside of this story. The boy who got held up by that roadblock convinced himself that women didn’t like him, and continued to tell himself that story well into his early adult years and cannot get women. Then one day, he realizes that he’s not very confident around women, can’t get women and finds himself reading this book.

Lack of confidence doesn’t always have such obscure causes, though. Sometimes we gather a fairly large head of steam, then run into a roadblock sizeable enough to compel us into a Come to Jesus moment. Again, we can use a story to illustrate – Christian has volunteered one from his life.

In the late winter / early spring of 2006, life was humming along nicely for him. He had a great circle of friends, was the CEO of a promising beverage startup, and was dating a really hot model. But within a three-week period, everything turned around – his company failed to clear a critical regulatory hurdle, leading to a battle with his partner that caused him to lose his stake in the company, and left him nearly six figures in debt. His girlfriend left him, and took with her big parts of their mutual social circle. And his best friend stopped hanging out with him… and started spending a lot of time with his now ex-girlfriend.

I’ve had my share of humdingers, but nothing this acute in such short a timeframe. And it perfectly illustrates the point; Christian was a cocky mofo in the months leading up to this experience. But the subsequent months were spent reflecting upon what had happened, and more importantly, what mistakes he’d made that led to such circumstances. Had he failed to surround himself with the right people? Had he been careless in managing his business? Had he seen warning signs and ignored them?

Christian is a bit more confident these days – you can be assured of that – but it comes from knowing himself a better and trusting himself more.

One common thread in any story about confidence – whether it be those illustrated above, or those from any other confident person you’ll talk to, is the following: their confidence came from clearing the roadblocks and still knowing they can attract women. That’s always how it is. You can prepare to clear the roadblocks if you see them ahead, or you can scout for alternate routes, or you can be lucky enough to have great reflexes so that you’re able to adopt on the fly. But at the end of the day, true confidence comes from getting past them and getting closer to your goals and knowing you can still get women.

The metaphor here should be obvious. Becoming confident with women ultimately requires that you become successful with women and know how to attract women. There’s no shortcut or instant, Matrix-style brain download that can compete with real experience and real success. The neural pathways in your brain have a way of wiring themselves through experiences that no amount of cogitating and preparatory thinking can achieve. In that way, it’s a sort of weird Catch-22. So how do you get around it?

Of course, there are lots of things that can boost your confidence with women prior to achieving of all-out pimpdom. Success in any other part of your life has spillover effects into your pursuit of the feminine. Dressing better, making cooler friends, getting in shape, learning a new skill or hobby… those all help, and we’ll be getting into them in a bit. Even hypnosis CDs and other such self-help programs can contribute. But if you spend too much time dwelling on the periphery of the issue of confidence with women, without dealing with it directly, you’re just postponing the inevitable.

How to break the logjam? Well, it’s kind of weird… but you just start doing the things you need to do. The things we’ll cover later in this book. And even some things we don’t cover. You just go do it, and all of a sudden, good stuff starts happening. You feel better about yourself for going after it. You stop having those regretful nights of “what if I’d talked to her?” or “what if I’d escalated?”. Whether you succeed or fail, you know you went for it. Then you regroup, figure out how to overcome the next roadblock, and go back out there.

You just keep doing. You get out there and you do some more, until those roadblocks aren’t stopping you anymore. It’s frustrating sometimes, and depending on how well you learn and how devoted you are, it could take a little bit of time or a lot. But the confidence from being a man who does, who takes action, is a force to be reckoned with.

And what is action’s opposite? Analysis, and paralysis. Your time as a single man is precious and to be enjoyed; waste it at your own peril, and eventual regret. English poet Andrew Marvell, attempting to seduce a young lady, and having no unlimited nationwide text plan available in the 17th century, put it thusly in rhymed verse:

Had we but world enough and time,
This coyness, lady, were no crime.
The grave’s a fine and private place,
But none, I think, do there embrace.

Your days on this terra firma are limited, and the longer that you postpone your pursuit of the feminine, the closer you are to that fine and private place.

Action is all that matters. Repeated, disciplined action and eventual success breeds confidence like nothing else.

Nick Sparks is one New York City's top personal development and dating advice coaches, specializing in teaching guys how to pick up women. The original article can be found here: The Power To Attract.

How to Make Video Slide Shows the Premiere Part of Your Photography Business

Being in business means always looking for the newest trends that affect our business and create new products or services that meet that demand for our customers. It is the same for those of you who are in the photography business. Even photography hobbyists can take advantage of this trend to make a little extra money. Who knows, it may turn into a full-blown business for you. It's a great feeling when your hobby can pay for itself. For just under $150 you can start this business.

People who have families that are very close have one thing in common. They take a lot of pictures at functions and events that celebrate the milestones in their lives. Digital photography has made it easier for them to collect pictures because the cost of photography has come down since the film photography days. In most cases they can take thousands of pictures for the cost of one memory card. Consequently they have more pictures than they can print from the files they have collected on their cards or the hard drives of their computers. They may even have thousands of printed pictures in boxes taking up room in their closets. Many people decide that they should put them into collections such as scrapbooks or video slideshows. Scrapbooking is a growing hobby that takes time and many of your customers may think they're not capable of such a big creative undertaking. Many of them would like to make a slideshow with music but balk at the cost. With other things asking for their attention they just might not have the time for doing it either.

That's where you come in. People are wanting slideshows of weddings, bar mitzvahs, and photo montages of their loved ones for their funerals. The demand is there.

You can take all their pictures and put them on DVD with photo slideshow software you can get for your computer. There are many different slide show softwares available to suit your budget or proficiency. Beginners can find simple programs for under 150 dollars to get started. More sophisticated programs will allow you to save your files in many different formats and have more professional-like control features.

So what are the advantages that your customers see if they let you do it for them instead of doing it themselves? It gives them time to do other things. You can do it faster because you have the skills and knowledge to do it professionally. It saves them time because they don't have to learn new software. It's convenient for them. You can do a whole video slide show project in a day or two and they get a package that is easy to show their friends and family. Instead of rooting through the closets for their pictures or heavy scrapbooks all they have to do is share their new family slideshow through the television.

Help your customers or your friends keep their memories alive by creating a photo slideshow they will treasure for the rest of their lives.

Find more ways to make money with your digital camera at http://www.photocashpro.com

How to Use Commas and Semicolons

Commas and semi-colon may often confuse us all the time. A lot of people always found themselves complaining about it as it affects their writing greatly. It is not that good if you commit a lot of writing mistakes especially for the part of commas and semi-colons.

You may have difficulties of using them and that’s because they have a little bit the same uses when they are applied in sentence writing. Even if you are going to use a word processor that automatically detects any grammatical and spelling errors, once you place a lot of commas in your phrases and words within your sentence, there are instance where instead of using commas for that phrase, you’ve got to use semi-colons and we are not aware about that.

To think that we also wonder why we need to use semi-colons in one of our phrases instead of commas? Say, what’s the difference between them. Or in other words, how and when are we going to use these kinds of punctuation marks in our sentences. Any ideas? It is really important to know the basics and study a lot of stuffs regarding these issues.

That’s why we need to read for more information, remember it always and apply it into our actual writing task. That’s pretty much tiring for most beginners but that’s the only way to do it. If you need to correct your mistakes, then learn from it. Know the ways and techniques. Identify your problem first and then you are now heading to the right track.

Still struggling with the use of commas and semicolons? Some people really just never catch on, even after reading through the guidelines over and over. If you count yourself among those who continually have a hard time with these two punctuations, here’s an idea:

Stop memorizing the rules.

Yep, just quit on it. If it hasn’t stuck after five or six times of trying (and hoping to catch mistakes with a writing correction software), it might be prudent to try something else. Rather than give it one more go doing the same thing over, how about you try getting these punctuations right by getting a feel for them?

Let’s say you’ve written a paragraph and are now trying to figure out proper placement for commas and semicolons. Read it aloud in a conversational tone, noting where you would normally pause if you were narrating it to an audience. Those pauses indicate where the punctuations should appear.

• If it’s a short pause, you probably need to add a comma.
• If it’s a long pause, but not quite a full stop (as a period will require), you probably need a semicolon; just make sure that the clause following the semicolon is a statement that can stand on its own.
• If you wrote down a comma in a section where it wouldn’t make sense to pause when you’re reading it aloud, remove it; the punctuation only makes the sentence difficult to read.

See how innovative Writing Correction Software instantly can boost your English writing and watch how NLP technology can help you to write perfect emails, essays, reports and letters. More Info.

Three Deadly Mistakes When Writing an Admissions Essay

When you are attempting to gain entry into a college or university you will have to write an admissions essay. This is an undertaking that should not be taken in stride. Your admissions essay has to convey to the admission board who is reviewing it why you would be an ideal candidate to attend their school and if your essay comes off the wrong way you can bet that the board will simply move on to the others.

While there a number of little mistakes that can be made when preparing your admissions essay, there are three in particular that are deadly and if you do not avoid them they will cost you. The three most lethal mistakes when writing your admissions essay are:

1. Not Proofreading: This is the biggest no, no when it comes to writing and this no, no is amplified when it comes to your admissions essay. If you are not willing to proofread your admission essay many times over then you may as well hand in a blank piece of paper. Those who review your essay will immediately begin to discredit you if your essay is littered with syntax, grammatical, or spelling errors. If you are not good at proofreading and editing then find someone who is. If you are wondering how many time your easy should be reviewed, the answer is as many times as it takes to make it perfect.

2. Trying too Hard to Impress: If you are attempting to impress the admissions board it will usually come out in your essay. Your essay should be written on what you know and then see you using your own personal experiences within the essay. If you are trying to cover some ground shattering events that you have no idea about you may come off as pretentious. Remember that the admissions committee is looking to find out about you so you have to be sure that your essay conveys that.

3. Plagiarizing: There is never an excuse to copy or plagiarize other’s work. Many students think that if they simply copy from another student's essay from the past that they will not get caught. This is not true and if you plagiarize you risk handing something in that is either off topic or that will be abundantly clear that it is not portraying you in a true light. Plagiarism at any level is despicable and if you truly care about your future then you will not use with your admissions essay to begin the practice of it.

If you are at the point that you are preparing your admissions essay then there is little doubt that you have worked hard up to this point. While it may be tempting to attempt to take short cuts or to do a little brown nosing with your admissions essay, that kind of behavior can prove disastrous. Make your admission essay convey the real you and be honest and forthright throughout. Just as with many things in life, honesty is the best policy when it comes to your admissions essay.

Jason Kay recommends finding sample personal statements at SamplePersonalStatement.org. Save money on professional personal statement editing by using an Essay Edge promo code.

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