Joining a band


After playing your chosen instrument for a few years, things can get a bit boring. It would be much more fun if you had a sweeping melody or counter melody enhancing the music. Such an effect can only be achieved if you were in an ensemble or band.

Now that you have decided that you want to be in a band, you have to decide what type of band to play in.

  • Are you looking to play in a rock, pop or jazz band?

  • Are you looking to play in an ensemble like a string quartet?

Once you know the type of band or ensemble you would like to play in, you have 2 options:

  1. Find an existing band

  2. Form your own band

Both options have their advantages and disadvantages.

Finding an existing band

This is a very good way for enthusiastic musicians to have some exposure to the playing in a band. Joining an existing band helps teach about the expectations, etiquette and social elements that go along with it. Bands are always looking for new members as people move on, get bored or have other commitments.

Even if you would like to set up your own band, joining an existing band can help you make contacts. These contacts can help you spread the word about your band latter on.

You have to keep in mind the limits of your playing skills when looking for a band. Some bands might expect a player with more experience and skills. There is no point in trying to play music that is technically beyond you.

Advantages of joining an existing band

Joining an existing band can bring big advantages. Most established bands have all the back end business side of things taken care of. They already have:

  • A manager

  • Clients

  • Regular gigs

  • Music selected

This just means that you will not have much to worry about and can just enjoy playing.

Disadvantages of joining an existing band

One of the disadvantages of looking for an existing band is that there are may bands out there with little experience. This is good, if you are new to playing, as band practice would be a glorified jam session. Musicians with a lot more experience will have trouble finding a band of their calibre.

A second disadvantages of joining an existing band is that the music selection and personalities might not suit you. If you are not going to enjoy it, you will not do a good job and it might put you off playing.

When you start playing, be prepared to learn all their songs in a short period of time. An established band will have regular gigs and you will be expected to pick up the music quickly in time for the next gig.

Do not expected to be able to be creative and add your own style straight away. The band will have its own sound and style that you will be expected to play. Most bands will allow a gradual change in style as you start to express yourself more, but will avoid a radical change.

Forming your own band

This means that you are going to have to find musicians to join a new band. All the musicians need to be able to get along and play similar music in a similar style. You are also going to have to make many decisions so that you can find the right musicians:

  • Do you want to play professionally or for fun?

  • What style music do you intend to play?

  • How hard will the music be?

  • What are some examples of the music?

  • How often will the band practice?

  • How much will the band cost or expect to pay?

  • How often will the band play at gigs?

  • Who will look for all the gigs?

  • What are the roles for the people in the band?

  • How many musicians do you need?

  • Where will the band be based?

Advantages of forming your own band

The biggest advantage of forming your own band is that you get to make all the decisions and you should be in control. You will get to:

  • Pick the musicians you get along with

  • Select the music

  • Run things your way

Disadvantages of forming your own band

Setting up your own band is no easy task. It will be hard to find musicians, there will never be enough money, and you will need to do a lot of running around getting things sorted.

When you find some musicians that would like to join, you need to audition them. This will allow you to get an idea of their technical skill and see if they suit the band.

After all the setting up of your band, you have to remember that it is the others band as well. You still need to consult them on decisions and let them have input.

Where to find a band or band members

Ether way, you are still going to have to do some looking. The following is a list of places you can use to help find musicians or to find an existing band.

  • Classifieds

  • Post notices in the local music stores

  • Spread the word with the musicians you know

  • Internet

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