Women and shoe fetishes


I have a lot of shoes in my wardrobe. We are not just talking about 5 or 6 pair, there are more than 25 pairs in there. So what is it about us women that makes us so interested in shoes. Is it because we like to be comfortable or is there a deeper reason to our shoes than that?

It is not trainers, slippers or running shoes that seem to satisfy our shoe fetish, but anything with a heel and enough style that it could be called a piece of art. That heel really is a must, a shoe is boring without a heel.

The first thing that I can tell you is that women's shoes are not designed for comfort. There is no way that having your foot in such an awkward position can be comfortable. The heels that a woman wears can not even help walking in any way. They prevent running and have the potential to cause a catastrophic fall if the user was to be quite drunk.

Fashion is strongly influenced by sex and a woman's shoes are no different. As men view our legs in a sexual way, we use high heels to improve the appearance of our legs. Some of the other effects that a women's shoes can have are:

  • Drawing attention to a well shaped ankle using strappy shoes and sandals

  • Making our legs appear longer

  • Add more of a sexy sway to our hips

  • Improve the shape of our buttocks

Where us women like to show off by dressing up, including wearing high heels, men on the other hand show off by taking risks and exerting themselves. The more athletic and risk taking men tend to be more of a “catch”

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