Finding Jobs in NZ

Job Sites

There are many jobs sites around for finding New Zealand jobs.

  • seek.co.nz
    • The largest and best job sites for New Zealand
  • netcheck.co.nz
    • Seems to be the second largest job website for New Zealand

Situations Vacant

If the job sites do not give many results, try the situations vacant section in the newspaper. Some companies seem to avoid the Internet, or go the lowest cost method first. Remember that a phone call is more personal than an email.

Emailing Companies

When you can not seem to find a job advertisement that suits your skills, you can always approach companies and ask if they have any positions available. Although you do not always get a reply straight way, it is just another way to get them to know you. Months latter they might look for someone with your skills, and you might come to mind.

Personal Contacts

In the end it really is not what you know, but who you know. When talking to people, say that you are looking for a job. It is amazing how you can pick up jobs through people you have just met and introduced yourself to.

by 1.1K

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