Historical background of AI
1950 - A.M. Turing published "Computing Machinery and Intelligence"
(1950). -
The paper also introduces the Turing test. This is where one out of two
participants is replaced by a computer and observer tries to work out which is
the computer. If the computer can not be picked, then for all intent and
purposes, it is intelligent.
1958 - John McCarthy (MIT) invented the Lisp language. Lisp (standing for
list programming) uses predicate logic and recursion rather than common looping.
1964 – A MIT student, Richard Greenblatt builds MacHack. MacHack was a
knowledge-based chess playing computer that achieved a C class chess ranking.
1973 - Alain Colmerauer developed Prolog. Prolog (standing for
programming in logic) focuses on the logic rather than the process of solving
the problem.
1973 – A group at Edinburgh University created Freddy. A robot that was
able to put together a toy wooded car and boat in about 16 hours.
1979 – A medical diagnostic program based on knowledge call INTERNIST was
created by Jack Myers and Harry Pople.
1979 – Hans Moravec creates the Sandford cart. The cart could navigate a
chair-filled room.
1997 – The world chess grand master was beaten by Deep Blue, a chess
playing computer.
1997 – Web crawlers (or spiders) and AI based data mining programs become
widely used on the Internet.
2000 – Robotic ‘Smart’ pets become available to the general public.
2000 - A Carnegie Mellon University robot ‘Nomad’, explores Antarctica in the hope of finding meteorite samples.