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Most Important Body Language Signal

There are many body language signals that can make a significant difference to your success with girls:

  • The way you walk

  • The way you stand

  • Your gestures

There is one body language signal that is most important when picking up girls and leaving a lasting impression. It is one of the first things that people notice and the one they will remember the most. It is your smile.

The amazing thing about a smile is the large effect it can make. A normal guy can suddenly become likeable by putting on a smile. Mr normal guy can also become sexier just by smiling. As an example, just try to think of the last time you saw a model without a smile.

The idea that a smile can win over a heart is not new. It is commonly practised and performed by actors, politicians and even the smooth talking salesman who talked you into your last big purchase.

A smile improves your chances with girls by telling them "I am happy, being around me will make you happy". A smile is the biggest girl magnet.


Confidence, posture and the first impression

Ask any woman - the first thing they look for in a man is confidence. It turns them on. It's worthwhile to fake it even if he doesn't quite feel it, so he can create that positive first impression with good posture. But he has to strike the right balance.

Looking confident doesn't mean strutting around - confidence shows up as a comfortably erect posture without trying too hard. Women know the difference between being over-confident and easy confidence. They can intuitively pick the right ones - so practice being at ease or she will think you are a tease!

Men who are confident look into the women's eyes when they talk to them while those that are not will seem shifty eyed. Confident guys are relaxed, their hands are at the sides or on the table - they don't keep touching themselves or something. They speak clearly and are not too loud or too soft, and generally seem to be clear-headed.

The cocky guy usually talks about himself - and you can be sure that no woman likes that. Confident men have pleasant expressions on their face while the guy who is not, seems to have silly mannerisms. You'll find that confident men are focused in their thoughts and action - while the ones that are not don't even seem to think they need one!

So guys, make sure that you try and appear confident if you want to make that crucial first impression. Think about things that make you confidence and you will make it a way of life, and make it come naturally.

Other Things You Can Do To Appear Attractive To Her

Appear groomed - dress with care. This makes you feel secure and increases your confidence. There's nothing worse than being sloppy and then feeling inferior. It's terrible to attract a woman's attention by looking awful instead of by looking great. To her, a sloppy guy means a guy who doesn't care about himself, so obviously he's not going to care about someone else. So take care of that hair, and the rest of you.

Don't appear nervous. And try not to smoke before or while meeting her. You may think it makes you look confident, but it doesn't. And I don't know any woman who loves bad breath, yet!

Talking nonstop is irritating. It makes you look nervous and not in control of yourself. Instead, ask interesting questions, encouraging her to talk, too. It makes a great impression when you area good listener. And you appear more interesting to her when she realizes she's done most of the talking.

Confidence has to show from within. So think along those lines, only then will it show in your actions. Your facial expressions will show it, and so will your posture. You will not slouch. Instead you will stand erect and ready for anything, with pleasure. Self-talk helps. Tell yourself you look fabulous today and feel good about yourself. And it is easier to do, when you actually do look good, which is where the grooming comes in.

It's what the experts call 'programming for success'. When you make it a habit, it comes spontaneously.


Web Hosting: My DreamHost Experience

I seem to have taken a step up in the world by moving my webhosting and domains from GoDaddy to DreamHost . This is an outline of what this move has taught me. As I run a small, but growing website this looks at the share web-hosting in particular.

Biased Reviews

When I first started to look at hosting with DreamHost I was impressed with the numbers of good reviews that it seemed to have. Only now do I realise that all of these reviews were biased.

All customers of DreamHost are able to become affiliates of DreamHost. What this means is that when current DreamHost customers link to DreamHost they will use an affiliate link. When someone clicks this link and signs up, DreamHost pays them between $1 and $97. The more positive a review is, the more likely people are to sign up and the more money the reviewer gets.

The affiliates (existing customers) can also offer you promo codes that you can use to get discounts or free things. These promo codes are also known as coupon codes or discount codes. The more the code gives you, the less the affiliate gets paid. To make things easier for you, I have provided the best promo code for each type of freebie.

DreamHost Promo Codes
Code Description
DHCHEAPEST Provides the maximum discount possible

Provides the maximum number of free domains possible (5 extra domains)

DHMAXIPS Provides the maximum number of free IPs possible (3 extra IPs)

System Resource Limits

People like to compare web-hosts based on:

  • Disk space
  • Data Transfer (Traffic/Bandwidth)
  • Price

With all the cheap web-hosts around there is not much difference in these areas any more.

  • They all offer unlimited disk space, as long as it is within "Fair Use",
  • They all offer unlimited data transfer-, as long as it is within "Fair Use",
  • They all are only $1 or $2 apart in price.

What people do not tend to warn you is that shared web-hosts like to keep your system resource usage to a minimum to maximise the number of websites hosted on each server. Such limits are:

  • Web connection limits
  • Database connection limits
  • CPU time limits
  • RAM / Memory limits

You are bound to hit one of these limits before disk space or data transfer becomes a problem and price does not have any relation to system resource limits.

GoDaddy has a large caching proxy server that will cache anything it can. This introduces another layer of complexity and another thing that can go wrong. On my GoDaddy site I was getting intermittent 500 Internal Server Errors that I finally attributed to a lack of support for the Last-Modified header.

With DreamHost I found that there are many limits. PHP had a memory limit of 100 MB, and a script would stop working if it needed more. There was also a CPU time limit that will stop and background processes that has been running too long. DreamHost also does not like to tell people this limit.

Depending on what you use to run your site will determine how much your site can handle before you hit the limits. Although many scripts like WordPress may be written to go gentle on resources, it is often 3rd party plug-ins that cause issues. A lot of ex-DreamHost customer reviews that I have read complain about issues relating to system and resource limits. People will throw more money at getting a host with more resources and not consider that it is likely their website / script that has the problem.

You many be now thinking that more system resources is better, but it is not that cut and dry. If every website on the same web-server gets higher system resource limits, that does not mean that there is more system resources to go around. It just means that when other websites have a lot of traffic it is going to cause problems on your site as well.

Static HTML cache

As I prefer to stay on a cheap web-host, I have written my website to be as easy on resources as possible. All static content is written to HTML files. These files are all updated when a page is changed. Static HTML files is the closest thing to a sure-fire way of curing any system resource limit problems.

No web-host is perfect

No web-host is perfect, no matter the price. A good web-host informs you of any problems and reduces the risk of them occurring. When comparing web-hosts, you may look at:

  • Speed, but this will come with lower system resources,
  • Uptime, but this will come at the expense of new software versions or the rate at which versions are updated,
  • Cost, but at the expense of everything else.

I find that DreamHost is balanced on all of these which I quite like.

Software Versions

The main problem I have with DreamHost at the moment is that they are not the best at running the latest version of software. They are currently running a very old version of subversion and are not running PHP 5.3. At the time of writing PHP 5.3 has been released for 2 months, but DreamHost says they are waiting for 3rd Party PHP libraries to be updated.

Try them out

The best thing that I can suggest is to try DreamHost out.


Signs of lying

You many not realise it, but people are telling you lies every day. These lies range from small fibs to deliberate attempts to deceive you. Only when you know what to look for will you realise the extent that some people lie and the people that do not lie.

The following list are clues that someone may be lying to you. Please note that even though someone may show many of these signs, there is still a chance that they are telling the truth.

Tense body language
Honest people tend to have a more relaxed posture what they are speaking. If someone is not good at lying, they might have tense body language.
Less eye contact
It is easier to tell a lie if you do not look into a person's eyes.
Story is inconsistent
It is common for lies to be made up on the spot. This means that their story may not add up and make total sense. If they tell you a different story each time, there is something they are not telling you.
Unlikely story
Unlikely things do happen, but they are just that; Unlikely. If someone's story sounds too good to be true, chances are that they are lying.
Lapses in recall
Honest people are not always good storytellers or have a good memory. The most honest person may still stammer, stutter and repeat themselves. This can still be an early warning. If parts are missing from a story or they stammer, stutter or repeat themselves, they may be lying.
People do not lie unless they have a reason to. Try to think why a person may lie. The more motivation a person has to lie the greater the chances they are lying.
Overstated friendliness/laughing
This is to make you more friendly towards them so that there is more chance that you believe them.

How to grow your net worth

Money, it is something that we can not live without. Although having a lot of money does not mean you will be happy, it does mean that you have one less problem to worry about. There are many problems in life that can be fixed with money. Problems with cars, TVs and houses can all be fixed with money. How can you grow you net worth so that you have money to spend on what you consider important?

Spend less than you earn
Although this is a simple idea, there are many people who struggle with this. It is also the most important step to growing your net worth. When you spend more than you earn, your finances are effectively going backwards. Spending too much will eat into your saving and push you further into debt. Once you can spend less than you earn you can work on growing your net worth further.
Increase your income
This is something that we would all like and it is easy when you set your mind to it. The first way to do this is to work harder, make sure that you are the rising star among your co-workers. If this is not possible, think about studying to get more qualifications. Qualifications are proof that you can do the job and are often a doorway to higher pay. If both of these are not an option, try just simply asking for a pay rise. I have met many people who have never been given a pay rise as they have never asked for one.
Save and invest your savings wisely
Once you have a small nest egg in the bank account you want to work on growing that nest egg. If you have not invested money before I would advise you to look at doing night classes to learn about reading the financial sections of annual reports. This will help as I am sure you have heard the saying “If it sounds too good to be true, It is”. Pick sound and reliable investments that have the top ratings.
Get out of debt
Unless you are buying your first house or borrowing money to study, being in debt is stupid. It is setting you up to suffer in the long term. When you are in debt you will often be paying for things many times over.
Cut down on expenses
If you really want to get your savings going, this is one of the best methods. Stop buying the things that you do not need. Do you really need a brand new car, to buy all that junk food or to drink so much?
Never gamble
If there is a sure way to make sure that your net worth is not going to grow, it is to gamble. Instead of gambling save your money. You will be surprised with just how much you have been spending. Many people could have been rich if they saved their money but spent it all (ironically) trying to win themselves rich.

Effects of rating downgrades on the stock market

One of the visitors to this website raised the question "Is the stock market affected when Standard and Poors downgrades a rating?"

The simple answer to this is Yes, but it can vary to some degree.

What is a credit rating?

A credit rating evaluates the credit risk of an individual, corporation or country. It tells lenders the probability of a borrower being able to pay back money. For corporations, this credit rating tells investors how risky it is to invest in a corporation.

Corporations and businesses can thrive because of debt. Debt is used to fund growth, buy other companies and make major investments. By using debt, companies are no longer limited to the amount of money they have but rather the amount of money that they can borrow.

A credit rating takes into account all the income and outstanding debt of a company. A high or good credit rating means that a company is likely to pay back all of their debts and loans. A low or bad credit rating means that the company is not as likely to pay back all their debts and loans.

How does a credit rating affect the stock market?

A credit rating helps investors to know the risk that they are taking. More return should be expected on higher risk investments to help out way the risk.

When a credit rating is lowered it is telling investors:

  • Less money is available to the company

  • A possible lower return

  • More risk

  • Not worth as much

The opposite applies when the credit rating is raised:

  • More money is available to the company

  • A higher possible return

  • Less risk

  • Worth more

These items have a direct effect on the stock market price.


Invest in bonds or shares?

Many beginner investors always start asking this question and it is good to know the difference. Bonds and shares are quite different when compared by their risk, returns and payouts.

What are bonds?

Bonds are a form of debt, where the owner of the bond is the lender. A bond is a contractual loan that is made between institutions and investors. In return for the financing though the bond, the institution pays a premium for the borrowing. This is premium is known as a coupon.

When the bond matures, the bonds face value is returned to investors. This payback and coupon payments can only occur if the borrowing institution has sufficient cash flow.

What are shares?

Shares (or stock) signifies ownership of a company and are brought on share markets (or stock exchange). They allow investors to profit from the companies growth and revenue. As a company performs well and profit increases, the share price of a company rises, increasing the value of an investors holdings. There are no promises or guarantees on the return of the initial amount of investment.

Are bonds or shares better?

This depends on the amount of risk and the rate of returns you are expecting.

Shares have:

  • Higher returns

  • Higher risk

  • No guaranteed return

  • Part company ownership

  • Unlimited return from rising share price

Bonds have:

  • Lower returns

  • Less risk

  • Periodic Payment structure

  • Set time frame

  • Set rate of return

  • Company guarantees return

Although shares have a higher risk, most investors find a combination of shares and bonds to be a good bet. This allows investors to diversify their investments, giving some safety through bonds while leaving the opportunity open for higher returns from shares.


7 reasons to invest

No doubt, investing your hard-earned money is a risky business. Sure, there are investments that look like they don't carry huge risk of failure, but these won't get you huge amounts of dough. Remember -- huge risk comes with huge returns. And if you're properly informed as to the basic terms and principles of investing, chances are you'll lead yourself into financial security.

That said, why should you invest? Here are a couple of good reasons:

  1. Have your money make more money for you -- and you won't have to lift a finger. Sounds great? Of course it is. It's just that some people can't afford to keep away their money, and spend them a short time after they earn it. Learn to save and invest some.
  2. Beat inflation. If you wisely invest your money in places or products that give a return that surpasses the rate of inflation, your future finances are in good hands. Many experts agree that over the long term, investing in the stock market will give you returns that beat inflation.
  3. You have a business? Investments are crucial to any business, whether small or big. Lessons in investment are also lessons in owning and maintaining a business -- learning the risks involved, choosing the risks to take, and keeping an eye out for lucrative opportunities. So investing doesn't just help you grow your capital and expand your business; it also teaches you how to become a successful businessman.
  4. You have a family? Raising a family is hard, especially with all the costs you have to face day in and day out -- the house mortgage, the family car, appliances, and so on. The initial effort of investing part of your monthly salary can yield large sums of money later on. You can use these returns to pay the bills or buy something for your family -- even a vacation!
  5. You’re in school, or paying for someone who’s in school? Education is one of the most profitable investments you can make. Tuition fees can shoot up through the years, so it's wise to be ready to support someone’s studies in the long-term. Investing in a good educational plan is a good move.
  6. Assure yourself of a good future. Even if you're still young, it's better to think ahead than be sorry. Have enough money when you retire by making long-term investments. You'll be surprised to see how much you'll earn through the years, or even the decades.
  7. Investing isn't that hard to do. You don’t even need to hire a professional to manage your finances -- you can do it yourself! First thing you need to do is get over the intimidation factor. Then, familiarize yourself with all the jargon and procedures, and study the various places where to invest your money.

There are many more reasons why you should invest, and you'll get to learn more about them when you take the first steps and start exploring your investment



Rhythm is defined by Noah Webster's 1828 dictionary as the variety in the movement as to quickness or slowness, or length and shortness of the notes; or rather the proportion which the parts of the motion have to each other.

We use rhythm continually in our daily lives through speech, writing, music and other forms of entertainment. Most commonly rhythm is associated with music. In western music rhythm is maintained in a time signature that is usually universally accepted. When learning a new instrument students can set an electronic or manual metronome to the rhythm of the time signature to keep time as they play. In respect to music, rhythm shows up in multiple ways within a song including:

  • Syncopated rhythms

  • Polyrhythm

  • Divisive rhythm

  • Additive rhythm

  • Interlocking

In addition to time signature, rhythm is also measured using a term called tempo in Western music. Tempo is usually measured in 'beats per minute where 60bpm means a speed of one beat per second. A rhythmic unit is a durational pattern which occupies a period of time equivalent to a pulse or pulses on an underlying metric level, as opposed to a rhythmic gesture, which does not. Together time signature, tempo and rhythmic unit help us to measure rhythm in various types of music.

Some genres of music make different use of rhythm than others, for example most Western music is based on divisive rhythm while non-Western music uses more additive rhythm. African music makes heavy use of polyrhythm. Indian music uses complex cycles and Balinese often uses complex interlocking rhythms. A lot of Western classical music is fairly rhythmically simple staying in a simple meter. On the contrary, the widespread use of irrational rhythms in New Complexity began to surface in the 20th century. Composers like Igor Stravinsky, Philip Glass, Steve Reich and modernists like Olivier Messiaen used increased complexity. They used odd meters and techniques such as phasing and additive rhythm.

The vast understanding of rhythm comes from a diligent study known as prosody. This process consists of a focused study of rhythm, stress and pitch in speech. There are three categories of prosodic rules which create rhythmic successions. These categories are additive; open-ended and repetitive (same repeated duration), cumulative; closure or relaxation (short-long), or counter cumulative; openness or tension (long-short).


Baroque and early jazz compared

Baroque and Early Jazz are two styles of music that one would not normally compare. With nearly 200 years separating them, the two styles' numerous similarities have been concealed due to a secular-sacred distinction. Dixieland or Early Jazz, originated from New Orleans in the early 20th Century. Born from mix of the preceding military, ragtime and blues styles, Jazz's purpose was primarily to provide entertainment in bars. Conversely, the Baroque Period spanned from 1600 to 1750. Composers worked chiefly to serve the regal and ecclesiastical authorities, producing music for dances and church services.

From the 1920's, with the help of Louis Armstrong, Jazz began to incorporate many baroque characteristics into its diverse and rhythmic compositions. This Baroque Revival can be clearly observed in a detailed examination of Mack the Knife and the Brandenberg Concertos. Despite such differences as contrasting instruments, addition of voice and contrasting level of formality; these two landmark compositions highlight the many parallels in melody, harmonic language, accompaniment and form.      

Differences between the two styles are easily distinguished. Where Baroque had its basis firmly in strings, Jazz drew upon mainly brass and woodwind instruments. In fact many of these Jazz instruments such as saxophone, clarinet and trombone were not even developed until many years after the Baroque era. Also, the ornamental and formal nature of Baroque music is vastly different from the laid back and more simplistic Jazz style. This contrast is partially due to the large difference is ensemble size: a Baroque orchestra being significantly larger than a Dixieland band.

Despite the difference in the number of musicians, the arrangement of instruments within both periods has many commonalities. Both styles employ the use of two distinct musical groups, one which features and another which acts as harmonic and rhythmic accompaniment. In the case of the Baroque period the two sections were the concertino, the small group of virtuosic soloists and the ripieno (the tutti orchestra). In Jazz, the soloist group was called the Front Line. This usually included the clarinet, trumpet and trombone. Jazz's ripieno equivalent was the aptly named Rhythm Section. This group included the drum kit, banjo, upright bass and piano. Both Baroque and Jazz styles frequently relied on a strict form for their compositions. In Mack the Knife there are five 32 bar choruses; each with the same melodic movement and in the first movement of the second Brandenberg Concerto, ritornello form is used. This structured form uses contrasting sections of virtuosic solos and chorus-like snippets played by the full orchestra.

Another similarity is the use of improvisation. Although not obvious, the concertino uses improvisation in the episodes of movements in ritornello form.  In the Brandenberg Concertos grace notes and ornaments were often used by the concertino and the harpsichord to perpetuate the sound and generate interest. A Dixieland band also uses improvisation, however instead of individual improvisation, Collective Improvisation was applied. This form was achievable due to their smaller size of 5 to 8 musicians. Often a whole chorus was dedicated to this form and was known as Dixieland Break. In both instances, this improvisation was able to occur in a cohesive manner due to the use of an outlined chord symbols. The chords indicated by the symbols are improvised on by the harpsichord in a baroque orchestra and the piano in a jazz band. The chord progression (notated in the Baroque period as Figured Bass) is repeated many times and directs the melody. Both Mack the Knife and the Brandenberg Concertos show evidence of this similarity.

Despite their many and vast disparities, the Baroque and Jazz styles (and in particular Mack the Knife and Bach's Brandenberg Concerto) share various and significant similarities. In particular it is the commonalities of melody, harmonic language, accompaniment and form which created what we now know as the Baroque Revival.


Joining a band

After playing your chosen instrument for a few years, things can get a bit boring. It would be much more fun if you had a sweeping melody or counter melody enhancing the music. Such an effect can only be achieved if you were in an ensemble or band.

Now that you have decided that you want to be in a band, you have to decide what type of band to play in.

  • Are you looking to play in a rock, pop or jazz band?

  • Are you looking to play in an ensemble like a string quartet?

Once you know the type of band or ensemble you would like to play in, you have 2 options:

  1. Find an existing band

  2. Form your own band

Both options have their advantages and disadvantages.

Finding an existing band

This is a very good way for enthusiastic musicians to have some exposure to the playing in a band. Joining an existing band helps teach about the expectations, etiquette and social elements that go along with it. Bands are always looking for new members as people move on, get bored or have other commitments.

Even if you would like to set up your own band, joining an existing band can help you make contacts. These contacts can help you spread the word about your band latter on.

You have to keep in mind the limits of your playing skills when looking for a band. Some bands might expect a player with more experience and skills. There is no point in trying to play music that is technically beyond you.

Advantages of joining an existing band

Joining an existing band can bring big advantages. Most established bands have all the back end business side of things taken care of. They already have:

  • A manager

  • Clients

  • Regular gigs

  • Music selected

This just means that you will not have much to worry about and can just enjoy playing.

Disadvantages of joining an existing band

One of the disadvantages of looking for an existing band is that there are may bands out there with little experience. This is good, if you are new to playing, as band practice would be a glorified jam session. Musicians with a lot more experience will have trouble finding a band of their calibre.

A second disadvantages of joining an existing band is that the music selection and personalities might not suit you. If you are not going to enjoy it, you will not do a good job and it might put you off playing.

When you start playing, be prepared to learn all their songs in a short period of time. An established band will have regular gigs and you will be expected to pick up the music quickly in time for the next gig.

Do not expected to be able to be creative and add your own style straight away. The band will have its own sound and style that you will be expected to play. Most bands will allow a gradual change in style as you start to express yourself more, but will avoid a radical change.

Forming your own band

This means that you are going to have to find musicians to join a new band. All the musicians need to be able to get along and play similar music in a similar style. You are also going to have to make many decisions so that you can find the right musicians:

  • Do you want to play professionally or for fun?

  • What style music do you intend to play?

  • How hard will the music be?

  • What are some examples of the music?

  • How often will the band practice?

  • How much will the band cost or expect to pay?

  • How often will the band play at gigs?

  • Who will look for all the gigs?

  • What are the roles for the people in the band?

  • How many musicians do you need?

  • Where will the band be based?

Advantages of forming your own band

The biggest advantage of forming your own band is that you get to make all the decisions and you should be in control. You will get to:

  • Pick the musicians you get along with

  • Select the music

  • Run things your way

Disadvantages of forming your own band

Setting up your own band is no easy task. It will be hard to find musicians, there will never be enough money, and you will need to do a lot of running around getting things sorted.

When you find some musicians that would like to join, you need to audition them. This will allow you to get an idea of their technical skill and see if they suit the band.

After all the setting up of your band, you have to remember that it is the others band as well. You still need to consult them on decisions and let them have input.

Where to find a band or band members

Ether way, you are still going to have to do some looking. The following is a list of places you can use to help find musicians or to find an existing band.

  • Classifieds

  • Post notices in the local music stores

  • Spread the word with the musicians you know

  • Internet


Psychological marketing with music

The use of music in marketing has a peculiar psychological aspect to it. On one hand the music in an advertisement rarely contains the main marketing message, but on the other hand advertisements can seem empty or incomplete without it. Is there any advertising psychology in the music or jingles used to advertise products?


One of the main reasons music is used when conveying marketing messages is that it makes the products name easier to remember. Most people at some stage have had a song in their head that they can not seem to forget. Every time their mind wanders, the familiar motif or chorus of the song returns.

The reason for this, it seems, is that the human mind in about half the population is more skilled at remembering a tune than a product name. This is what the advertisers would ultimately like; the song or jingle to stick in peoples memory to help them remember the product.

Have you ever remembered a product, just because you started humming it's jingle?

Feeling and impression

Music seems to be one of the best ways to communicate emotion, and feeling. Each type of song or jingle used in advertising has a particular feeling. The most common is an upbeat and lively feel, used to make your life seem like more of a continual party with the advertised product.

Another emotion that music and jingles can play on is sadness. When combined with emotive images or dialogue, it can provoke strong enough emotions to make a substantial number of viewers donate money to charities.

Particular music can also give an exotic, elegant or authentic feel to an advertisement.

  • Cuisine from a foreign country can advertise with music from that country to give it an authentic feel.

  • Jewellers and other luxury stores can use upmarket or classical music to make their advertised product seem old and sophisticated.

In some cases the music or jingle can make the advertised product seem older than it really is or make it feel like it has history and sophistication.


When targeting an advertisement, specific music can appeal to certain audience types. For example:

  • Irish music can have more appeal to an Irish subculture

  • Jingles with a salsa flavour can appeal to a Hispanic culture

  • Modern songs and jingles can appeal to younger audiences.

Attention and intrusion

Historically, music was used in radio advertising and television marketing psychology to enrich a dull spoken sales pitch. The music would attract listener's attention and the advertisement would be less of an intrusion. The problem is that the audience soon became accustom to music in advertising and it lost its power to attract attention.


Aleatoric music

Aleatoric music (also known as aleatory, indeterministic, or chance music) is music where some element of the composition is left to chance, or some primary element of a composed work's realization is left to the determination of its performer(s). The composer's creative input to the outcome of a piece is either greatly reduced or even removed completely. 'Creative input' includes melody, harmony, instrumentation, or even logical arrangement.

In aleatory music the players are encouraged to choose the sequence of movements, sections or individual chords and notes, or to improvise on a pattern or idea suggested by the composer--for example, in Ligeti's Aventures, on letters of the alphabet, and in Lutoslawski's Preludes and Fugue, on a series of lines, squares and triangles. Thus, the result differs from player to player and from performer to performer. Aleatory music is, in conception, similar to both Far Eastern art music and to jazz and rock, all of which involve improvisation, on an agreed basis, as a feature of the performance.

The term became known to European composers through lectures by acoustician Werner Meyer-Eppler at Darmstadt Summer School in the beginning of the 1950s. According to his definition, "aleatoric processes are such processes which have been fixed in their outline but the details of which are left to chance".

Among examples of aleatory music, Klavierstück XI (1956) by Karlheinz Stockhausen features 19 elements to be performed in changing sequences, certain orchestral works of Witold LutosÅ‚awski from after 1959 contain music where the orchestral ensemble is not precisely dictated, and in some works by Krzysztof Penderecki characteristic sequences are repeated quickly, producing a kind of oscillating sound.


XML Sitemaps: For speed indexing large sites

After reading a website claiming XML Sitemaps were the Most Overrated SEO Tactic Ever, I felt that XML sitemaps were getting a hard time. The article started off saying that the XML sitemaps never really solve any problem in the following paragraph.

XML Sitemaps Don’t Solve Problems

I’ve done SEO on sites as small as 4-5 pages. I’ve done SEO on sites with 15,000,000+ pages. I’ve never once recommended the site owner create an XML sitemap and submit it to the search engines. Sitemaps don’t really solve any problems where indexing and crawlability are concerned. Let’s use a typical 100-page site as an example:

The article carried on about using XML sitemaps on a 100 page site:

No Problems?

If you have a 100-page site, and the spiders are able to crawl all 100 pages, and all 100 pages are indexed, and life is good … maybe you’re thinking a sitemap is a good complement, or something to do “just to be safe.” Why? If life is that good, you don’t need an XML sitemap. Let the spiders keep doing what they’re doing; let them crawl through your pages, let them figure out which pages deserve more frequent crawling, and which don’t. Don’t get in their way, and don’t steer them off track with a sitemap.

I have to agree with the article that crawl-ability of pages is important. Though I have to disagree that XML sitemaps do not have a place in SEO. I felt that the article missed some vital information that would have described the situation better:

  • How often did Google crawl the XML sitemap?

  • How often was the XML sitemap updated?

  • Was every page in the XML sitemap?

To Google, site maps can be definitive. Meaning that the only urls that it lists are the ones in your site maps. This also means that a post will not exist to Google unless it is in your site map. Although Google will crawl your site as well, it will rely on the sitemap.

What really got me about the article though was that the author missed the point.

XML Sitemaps are for speed indexing

Google Webmaster Central says it takes on average 1096 milliseconds or 1 second on average to download an average page on my site.

For a 100 page site this will take 100 seconds or 1 Minute 40 Seconds. With the help of XML Sitemaps, Google can know about all new pages within 1 second of indexing (1 XML Sitemap file), but still need to index the new pages.

This does not make XML Sitemaps look very useful, but we notice the difference on large sites like the author mentioned.

For a 15,000,000 page site this will take 15,000,000 seconds or:

  • 250,000 minutes

  • 4167 hours

  • 174 days

At this rate and assuming that Google can only download one page at a time, it will take just under half a year to download all the pages. With the help of XML Sitemaps, Google can know about all new pages within 5 minutes of indexing (301 XML Sitemap files), but still need to index the new pages.

Any one of the 15,000,000 pages could link to a new page. When you have users creating pages constantly, you can not rely on Google to crawl every page on your site. It is just not possible to crawl that size site and have every new page listed in Google in under an hour. Expecting Google to look for new pages linked from any one of 15,000,000+ pages quickly is stupid. Use XML Sitemaps to ensure speed indexing.


Romantic love lasts just a year

Some couples may disagree, but romantic love lasts little more than a year, Italian scientists believe.

The University of Pavia found a brain chemical was likely to be responsible for the first flush of love.

Researchers said raised levels of a protein was linked to feelings of euphoria and dependence experienced at the start of a relationship.

But after studying people in long and short relationships and single people, they found the levels receded in time.

The team analysed alterations in proteins known as neurotrophins in the bloodstreams of men and women aged 18 to 31, the Psychoneuroendocrinology journal reported.

They looked at 58 people who had recently started a relationship and compared the protein levels in the same number of people in long-term relationships and single people.

In those who had just started a relationship, levels of a protein called nerve growth factors, which causes tell-tale signs such as sweaty palms and the butterflies, were significantly higher.

Of the 39 people who were still in the same new relationship after a year, the levels of NGF had been reduced to normal levels.

Report co-author Piergluigi Politi said the findings did not mean people were no longer in love, just that it was not such an "acute love".


"The love became more stable. Romantic love seemed to have ended."

And he added the report suggested the change in love was down to NGF.

"Our current knowledge of the neurobiology of romantic love remains scanty.

"But it seems from this study biochemical mechanisms could be involved in the mood changes that occur from the early stage of love to when the relationship becomes more established."

However, he said further research was needed.

Dr Lance Workman, head of psychology at Bath Spa University, said: "Research has suggested that romantic love fades after a few years and becomes companionate love and it seems certain biological factors play a role.

"But while we are a pair-bonding species, there is some doubt over whether this is within monogamous relationships or not.

"Different societies have different practices and trends."


How to love an introvert

It can be challenging to let your partner know you love them when the two of you have different basic personality types: misunderstandings can occur. Extroverts can feel introverts’ need for distance as rejection. Introverts can think extroverts are smothering or intrusive.

So here is a handy little checklist of five ways to love your favorite introvert. Oh, and for all of you who love extroverts, there’s one for you, too! Find out how to express your love to an introvert (or an extrovert) in a way that she or he will understand, here:

How to love an introvert

Show an awareness and loyalty that she will not interpret as scrutiny or intrusion.
Validate her need for distance without taking it as rejection.
Let her give the signal for closeness of any kind.
Express gratitude for and recognition of kindness, and a willingness to accommodate you.
Respect her need to be alone until she asks for time together.

How to love an extrovert

Take frequent notice of and an active interest in what she is doing.
Show that you are on her side and at her side.
Be frequently demonstrative--physically and verbally--of your love.
Make frequent mention and on special occasions a special mention of your recognition.
Join her and share in her interests in some way as often as possible

Where to meet women

To attract women takes exposure. Where ever you are, to get a woman to like you and to spend time with you will take time and work getting to know one another. That is why most places where people meet are where men and women frequent automatically because they don't havea choice. Women have no choice about going to work. The work place is the number one area where people meet often. Everyone has to work. Even the most beautiful women have to make a living somehow. They go to work and they have to talk to the people that are there. At work you will encounter women as you carry on with the tasks of the day. This brings us to the number one spot to meet women:

1. At Work

Statistics show that some 70 percent of married people got together at work. The key ingredients are time, getting to know each other and similar interests. Women search for men with similar talents to their own and none of the flaws in what is called compatibility. We all have flaws, but we try to limit those by meeting a person with different flaws of our own. When it comes to aptitudes and natural talents women look for men similar to themselves. This insured the dissolution of bad genes and concentration of good genes. At the same work place people tend to have similarities in their abilities, especially when is comes to the same lines of work. Combined with time and the opportunity to get to thoroughly know one another, the right people automatically click together. That is why it's so important to work at something you are good at and really enjoy.

2. Church

Church is supposed to be a spiritual place and not a dating service and yet it's a known fact that a lot of people meet and get married through church. The kind of church to join is one with similar background to yourself as well as your faith. The more similar people are the more chances there are for compatibility. Even in one denomination there are different locations. Join the one with people the most similar to yourself. The more you like the people there the more you will be eager to help out and as a result you will get noticed.

3. School

Studies show that people build special emotional bonds at an early age. The girls you have met in high school, especially near the age of sixteen usually will have a special memory of you. People were not meant to get married and have kids as late as they do it today's day and age. In the old times, girls used to get pregnant in their teens. Nature equipped girls with a special imprinting during those early ears. Keep in touch with a girl you knew in high school. She probably has deeper feelings for you than you knew.

4. Friends

Needless to say, every group has their own spots they like to hang out at. It's different for every group of friends, but the facts are that a lot of people meet through a friend or a friend of a friend. It could be a buddies ex or a friend of your ex girlfriends friend, whatever the case. Most people consider it immoral to date your friends ex girlfriends, but look at it this way, statistically most people end up doing it anyway. Just don't hit on your friends current girlfriend or somebody that he is currently dating. Chances are she is more interested in him, and in this case jeopardizing the relationship is more than it's worth.

The way to get access to your buddies girls is to be facilitating with you own female friends. This does two things. It makes you popular with the ladies because they want to meet guys just as much as we want them. Second, it gets your buddy to be less possessive. When he's involved with someone, she's not going to like him being jealous over someone else. This is when all of his female contacts become fair game.

5. Sports Teams

Gym memberships are increasing world wide. However, it's not in the gym or the wait room where couples tend to meet. Instead consider joining a team that gets together once or twice a week on a regular basis. Good sports are volleyball, soccer and frisbee. These are usually stand alone organizations you just have to find them. The idea is that team sports set the tone for interaction. Also, body smell such as from sweating during physical activity helps females determine genetic compatibility from pheromones and Androstenone smell. To recap, yes most successful marriages do start off in the work place or from the high school years. However, with the right ingredients of time, compatibility and interaction other places could be an opportunity for meeting women as well.

6. Grocery Stores

As with work, everyone has to go to the grocery store or supermarket. Again, this includes even the most beautiful women. One advantage of supermarkets is that single men and women, as well as single parents, must shop there. Also, visits to the supermarket are likely to be very frequent, as frequent as for example going to church services. It is thus possible to meet and get to know men or women by regularly visiting your local supermarket. In the UK, Sainsbury's stores are particularly good for meeting potential partners.

So can you meet a woman just about anywhere? Successful pickups have happened at bars, clubs, coffee shops, mall, elevator you name it. It's not a question of getting a date. To find the right woman takes time with her and getting to know her. Meanwhile, all those other places are great practice.


Mnemonic devices

Mnemonic devices should probably not be used for memorizing concepts because they are designed to sidestep the deep meaning of a given material. For this reason, these techniques are excellent for remembering lists and necessary facts.

2 keys to memory

Repetition and association are two essential components to any memory technique.


Mnemonic devices demand active participation and a constant repetition of the material to be memorized. This repetition is not passively repeating words, but instead it is meaningful practice which involves familiarizing yourself with a list, trying to memorize it, duplicating it, and then checking it yourself. This process acts as a holding pattern while links are found to retain the information permanently.


New knowledge is more effectively stored in the long term memory when it is associated with anything that is familiar. Mnemonic focus on association and with a little creativity, your associations will be so bizarre that you can't help but remember them.

Some mnemonic devices

There are many mnemonic devices from which to choose; some very simple, and some very complex. Here are some examples of each:


If you think about it, you can probably remember rhymes from clear back in grade school: nursery rhymes, spelling rhymes etc.


Thirty days has September, April, June, and November, all the rest have thirty one except February.


When the list must be memorized in order, make a sentence out of the initial letters of the words you are trying to memorize.


The twelve Cranial nerves: Olfactory, Optic, Oculormotor, Trochlear, Trigeminal, Abduceans, Facial, Auditory, Glosspharyngeal, Vagus, Accessory, Hypoglossal make "On Old Olympus Towering Tops A Foolish Austrian Grew Vines and Hops."


Make a word using the first letter from each word that needs to be remembered. This one only works when the list is fairly short and when the order of the words can be shifted.


The Moral Attributes of God: Eternal, Unchanging, Perfect, Infinite, Incomprehensible, Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent, can be combined to read "I3OU-PIE" or (I owe you a piece of pie).


When you have a lot of material to be memorized, break it down into small subgroups. These subgroups should be divided into meaningful parts. If the groups are complete ideas, you'll remember them better.


If you need to memorize a Bible verse like Hebrews 4:12, "For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart," try breaking it up into meaningful parts.

For the word of God is living and active
and sharper than any two-edged sword,
and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit of both joints and marrow
and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.


Advertising with humor

Many of the most memorable advertising campaigns around tend to be funny. Advertisers use this strategy to attract customers to their product. Audiences like to be entertained, but not pitched. People will pay more attention to a humorous commercial than a factual or serious one, opening themselves up to be influenced. The key to funny advertising is assuring the humour is appropriate to both product and customer. The balance between funny and obnoxious can often be delicate; and a marketer must be certain the positive effects outweigh the negative before an advertisement can be introduced.

The best products to sell using humour tend to be those that consumers have to think the least about. Products that are relatively inexpensive, and often consumable, can be represented without providing a lot of facts, and that's where there's room for humour. Candy, food, alcohol, tobacco and toys/entertainment related products have proven to benefit the most from humour in their campaigns. One of the most important things to keep in mind is relevance to the product. An example of an extremely successful humorous campaign is the series of "Yo Quiero Taco Bell" commercials. The star, a tiny talking Chihuahua who is passionate about his Taco Bell got people repeating the company's name across the country. The repetition of the company name and the actual content of the commercial reinforce the message in a relevant manner. Taco Bell saw a substantial rise in sales and their own mascot became a pop icon.

Another point to consider when using humor in advertising is that different things are funny to different people. A commercial that may leave one person gripping their sides from laughter may leave a bad taste in another's mouth. The target market must always be considered. What's funny in a client presentation may not be funny on an air plane, at a country club or in a hospital. An example of a recent humorous product introduction is Mike's Hard Lemonade. These commercials feature over exaggerated and comical violence with the underlining message that no one's day is hard enough to pass up a Mike's. It failed, ranking as one of the year's most hated campaigns by both men and woman according to 2002's Ad Track, a consumer survey. The series of commercials are aimed at 21-29 year old males and the repetition of comical violence (such as a construction worker being impaled on the job and a lumberjack cutting off his own foot) gets less and less funny every time it's viewed. Eventually the joke just wore out and the commercial became annoying and offensive.


Eye contact

Here is a fact, people don't make eye contact. They should and they do look at each other, but they look away when the other person looks back. Look at the commuters on a subway platform or in a subway carriage. They look at anything except each other. They use devices such as ads and books and papers so that they don't look at each other. Why? Because when we look at each other and make eye contact something very personal happens. It is as if we can see inside each other and see what they are thinking. It is the opening to a conversation. Looking at strangers is a personal introduction.

Good, I am glad we have that out of the way. Because if we accept that we need to look at strangers to introduce ourselves, why then do we find ourselves not able to look people we find attractive in the eye? Well the answer may lie in the fact that we are scared when looking that we will instantly see disapproval for our glances and will be rejected. Being rejected affects our self-confidence levels so by not looking we protect ourselves.

We can glance from afar, even stare and appreciate, as long as they are not looking back. We can check out legs, hair, breasts, chest, ass, anything we can see, but we will then store that image instantly so that we can appreciate without getting caught. The instant the look back, we look away, and allow any form of appreciation in return. This leads to the glancing and return-glances scenario that forms the basic ritual of demonstrating interest.

Usually, one person , let's say in a bar, sees someone they like and will check them out. Eye contact is made for the briefest instant and is followed by looking away. Glances will be made in either direction until eventually, if the feeling in both parties is mutual, the gaze will be held longer and this is then followed by a courtesy smile. Now, at this stage, approval being made via eye contact, it is time to do something about it. But in most cases, nothing happens. Why? Because the fear factor sets in and the man (usually the man) is put off by making a proper approach because she is in a group. A confident man will return the gaze and then move in.

The problem arises, that a man believes he has mistaken the glances and eye contact as accidental and will make mental excuses for this and then not make an approach. And the moment is lost. She may look at you once again as she moves on to another destination with friends. But unless you meet again in different circumstances you have lost because you showed yourself as having no wish to move in. Consequently you come across as a timid person. Fail.

So, men and women need to start knowing how to look at others and then know how to interpret eye contact correctly. First of all you need to begin by looking people in the eye and get used to it. Its no good looking oat the ground and then follow up with sly glances when they are not looking. Look at people and learn to smile at them. You may only be making new friends but who cares, get used to looking and being looked at. Being shy is not the way to a persons heart. Think of the expression "love at first sight" It's never going to happen if you don't get caught looking. As a man, should you look at a woman's breasts and get caught. Sure you should. Don't make it excessive, but if someone looks good, its nice to be appreciated, even if its just momentary and fleeting.

An old friend once told me that she found it difficult to look at men now she was single because an ex boyfriend had been so possessive that she had always looked at the ground when they were out. It took her years to learn to make eye contact with strangers again. So I can appreciate difficulties with eye contact. Shyness is another debilitating factor. Many of us are shy by degrees and making eye contact isn't always easy but we should start practicing. Many are the people who had admirers but never knew it, simply because they never looked.

Another strange phenomenon is the common anxiety in people that when people look at them, they think it is an aggressive stance, not a friendly introduction. Men are often accused at staring at each other followed by the aggressive opener "what are you looking at !" Men with low self-esteem can view women in a similar vein by thinking that if a woman is looking at them, there must be something wrong. Women can feel insecure in the same way by men making eye contact with them.

A very interesting scenario occurred in the summer of 1996 when I was in a bar in Manchester, England and a gay friend of mine could instantly tell me which of the barmen were gay. I wanted to know the secret. Well he said that if you meet a girl you like, you will hold her gaze for a second or two longer than if you were talking to a man. As gay men were looking at you in the same way you look at a woman, he said, then the gay barman will look at you in a similar way by holding your gaze. I have tried this many times since to prove his point and it really does appear to work. What we learn from this is that eye contact is the way to instant attraction indication.

Then of course we have the physiological aspects to eye contact. Pupil dilation and the following of the eyes. On a date which is going well watch the eyes of your date carefully. If she or he is attracted to you, their eyes will dilate (get bigger) and they will hold your gaze as long as possible. But in the instant attraction scenario with a stranger across a crowded room, remember that the quick occasional glances will indicate initial interest so act upon it.

In summary, get used to looking at people and make deliberate eye contact with people you like. Try it in a shop, store or anywhere where you meet strangers. Try and hold the gaze of someone with a nice smile and watch the reaction. You will be surprised. I keep coming back to the same key ingredient in dating. Confidence. Eye contact means confidence and the more you practise, the better you will get. Finally, always remember that not everyone you meet will be attracted to you, so expect some glances never to be returned. Making eye contact is fun.


Signs of a true smile

Embarrassed by the crow's feet at the corners of your eyes? Contemplating plastic surgery to remove those unsightly little creases? Think again. Your crow's feet could be your ticket to social acceptance.

Australian researchers have found that we look for the twitch of the crow's feet on the faces of others as a sign of friendliness.

The 19th century French anatomist Duchenne de Boulogne found that the subtle muscle contractions at the sides of the eyes were associated only with authentic smiles. He found that people cannot voluntarily produce the crow's feet creases when they are faking a smile. Thus the authentic smile has been dubbed the ``Duchenne smile".

The University of Sydney's BRAINnet was interested in the question of how important the Duchenne smile was to social communication. It asked 60 people to study the expressions of happy, sad and neutral faces on a computer monitor.

Using an infra-red eye gaze monitoring system, the researchers were able to log where the gaze of the volunteers fell on the pictures. They found the volunteers lingered on the crow's feet just long enough to value the creases as significant to determining whether the subject was genuinely happy.

The head of the university's cognitive neuroscience unit, Dr Lea Williams, said the crow's feet contraction was produced only when people experienced a genuine sense of enjoyment or happiness, suggesting it was evoked only when the brain networks associated with these experiences were activated.

``I would hope that this type of research helps us to put greater value on our facial wrinkles rather than necessarily and only viewing them as the negative signs of age," she said.

Brain imaging evidence suggested we had evolved specialised and hard-wired brain networks to deal with each basic emotion - happy, sad, surprise, fear, disgust and anger - and that there may therefore be an evolutionary basis for these emotions, she said.

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